Current Events

And here is

some more good news!

What this means is that there is a strong likelihood that he will be confirmed by the entire Senate.

SO much winning! And I am not tired of it yet!

Lefty Political Philosophy

What DOGE is doing

us astronomically popular! People are just sick of the corruption! Just think of how much lower YOUR Federal taxes would have been SO much lower!

And they’re not stopping. Yet, as we look at the culture, things are changing.

And that popularity puts Democrats in a HUGE bind! Business as usual is becoming more and more untenable. Democrats are going to have to stand as a defender of corruption and graft. And that certainly is not a good look for them.

The other option for Democrats is that they become far more conservative. But I don’t think that will happen, because they hold their lefty ideas with religious (nay, delusional) intensity. I think they are psychologically unable to admit they were wrong and therefore change.

So I expect them to double down. They have NOT yet hit “rock bottom.”

Evil Clown

There IS precedence

for the stupid Biden-appointed judge who said DOGE and even the duly-confirmed director Secretary of the Treasury can’t access the agency’s data.

Corruption Evil

It’s officially a

popular craze! Find stupid and greedy crap that the deep state did and then make it public. It’s the sensation that is sweeping the nation! Or at least elected Republicans…

In a video announcement shared to social media Wednesday evening, EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin revealed that approximately $20 billion in taxpayer funds have been discovered laundered into external financial institutions during the Biden administration.

See, Trump cracking down on this waste and fraud and dishonesty gave other people the green light to do so, as well. Leftists hardest hit, you know.

$20 BILLION. B-b-b-bee. My, that would sure buy a lot of tamales! I bet people in western North Carolina would sure like a tamale right now!

Current Events

RFK, Jr, has been


It’s good news.

Poetic Justice

Yes, Lefties

are panicking. And it’s glorious!

Deep in my heart of hearts, I feel bad for the progressives who are taking this white-knuckle ride through reality and are having trouble adjusting to the Age of Trump 2.0. I think they need someone to talk to, a safe space where they can express themselves and maybe color or play with some baby bunnies or something. 

The Dems have crapped in their beds and now they have to lie in it. And you know, I don’t feel bad for them. Not one little bit.

They have sought (and with Biden, obtained) evil against YOU and now they fear the business end of the lash. And they’re all the more scared because they know what they would do to Conservatives if the roles were reversed!

We all know.

So I don’t feel bad for them–not much, anyway. Yes, it’s hard for them to lose their jobs. It’s also hard for a burglar to go to jail and “lose” all that money he was going to steal. But I can’t find it in my heart to feel bad for him…


Oh yeah,

the Democrats are nuts!

It takes a heart of stone not to laugh!

Yes, friends, still crazy after all these years… and the encroaching dementia is not benign. Can this party be saved? I have my doubts. The intellectual corrosion is comprehensive; it is only matched by the self-righteous arrogance. But what’s the alternative? I’ve been through Dems in Disarray syndrome multiple times in the past: in 1972, in 1980, in 1988, in 2016…but, gotta say, this is the worst I’ve ever seen it. There is a vast cluelessness abroad in the party. Its prevailing vision of an America based on identity now resides in the outhouse.

Current Events

Yes, yes

we are.

Cocaine Mitch reminds me of this nursery rhyme:

There was a little girl, 
Who had a little curl, 
Right in the middle of her forehead. 
And when she was good, 
She was very, very good, 
And when she was bad she was horrid.

Mitch was very, very good when he kept Merrick Garland off the Supreme Court. But that really is the high water mark for him. And yes, that was very, very good. But otherwise he has been horrid.


Yes, it IS

rather odd, isn’t it? 🤷🏻

Captain Obvious

Yes, this is

NOT “conversion.” It is merely Disney sticking its finger up to see which way the wind is blowing. There is no real change. Not even close.