DUH! Stooooopid!

Look, only partisan

hacks and stupid people think Kamala is qualified to be President.

Only 39 percent of registered independents say Vice President Kamala Harris is “qualified” to be president, an Economist/YouGov poll recently found.

Most of those in that 39% are just Democrat hacks. The others are Intellectually Disabled.

Perhaps most surprisingly, only 84 percent of registered Democrats said Harris was qualified, while nine percent said she was not qualified. Seven percent were not sure.

Bad Faith Dishonesty Incompetence

Oh yes, she was

the “border czar.”

It is pure, almost unbelievable gaslighting to say otherwise! Oh, and she was horrible at it! Totally. Incompetent.

Current Events

Is it true?

If so, it is almost game, set, and match. We’ll see…

Anti-Semitism Lefty Political Philosophy

My recommendation

Is that American Jews wake up and realize that Democrats are NOT your friends. At all.

Mainstream Conservatives are not Jew-haters. But mainstream Democrats ARE!

Jews, choose wisely, here!

And honestly I can’t imagine any moral person not being disgusted and absolutely horrified at these images! Where is YOUR morality?

Current Events

“False.” They keep

using that word. I do not think it means what they think it means…

Polls PWNED!

Both brutal

and beautiful! But beware of Democrat voter fraud! And remember, get out and vote! Bank your vote if it makes sense for you. Because if it isn’t close, they can’t steal it!

But is these numbers among Independents hold, Kamala is toast!

Election Fraud

Yes, we are

all very concerned. Because it is crystal clear that if Democrats can cheat, they will cheat.

I guess the only silver lining is that Leftism stinks so bad that Lefty national candidates would never even sniff victory without fraud–their policies make most regular people rear like a shying stallion.

The proof that Leftism is amazingly unpopular is in the Democrat necessity for voter fraud. In that way it is self-limiting, though I doubt we will like how those limits will be enforced…


You need to

think twice before voting for Kamala!


So just who

is the orange man, now?

Biden honestly looks like a corpse painted orange! It just looks SO weird!

Lefty Political Strategy Liars MSM Palace Guard

Understand well,

the suck-up MSM partisans are frantically trying to “memory hole” Kamala’s past. And the first order of business is to “scrub” her failure as “border czar.”

Nice try, Axios! We’re not stupid, you know…

Yeah, it’s happening all over. The Democrat strategy is to hide just how extreme Kamala has been. That’s in line with virtually ALL Leftists, who famously pretend they are more conservative than they actually are.

We’re sick of the deception, and I’m not gonna pretend we’re not. I really don’t mind disagreement. But I abhor deception.