Change Justice Morality

It’s a HUGE

win! And the correct call, too.

How you know it’s good: And Lefties hate it. THAT is a pretty good moral barometer! If Lefties really hate it, it is probably a good and moral thing…

In arguing that Trump — or any other president — could pursue his opponents legally, Democrats appeared to concede that Biden had been doing so illegally, at least according to the Supreme Court, which also ruled last week that prosecutors had abused a federal statute to pursue some participants in the Capitol riot of January 6, 2021.

Smith’s case is dead. Dead, dead, dead.


With this kind

of data, Biden is GONE. No way are Democrats “Ridin’ with Biden” in 2024. I never thought Democrats would try and replace Senile Joe. Now I think there is a 75% that they do.

BUT, they have a problem: WHO? And how do you solve a problem like Kamala, anyway? And this data has to be in before Biden’s horrendous debate performance! So what will it look like now?

Change Politics

Yes, certain

once-reliable groups are turning against Joe Biden. Slowly, but unmistakably. It’s June…

And once you vote for the other side even a single time, it is FAR easier to consider doing so again. And if Uncle Fred or Aunt Mary did it last time, suddenly the whole applecart of social expectations is overturned!

So it’s not just about THIS election. No, the cultural ground is shifting a bit…

The latest news about a once-reliable demographic for Biden and the Dems must have them shotgunning Pepto-Bismol these days. Well, most of the Dems; Biden’s days are spent wondering if Corn Pop will be coming over after school to have some Ovaltine. 

… As inflation continues to spike and the cost of living becomes ever more unaffordable, many women, including black and Hispanic women, are remembering that they were doing much better under Trump than they are under Sleepy Joe Biden. New data from The New York Times and Siena College polls shows Biden, who led Trump by 13 points in the 2020 election, with only a four-point lead among women voters.


Man, I sure

hope it happens! It won’t, but it would be GLORIOUS!

The Teamsters, one of the largest unions in the U.S., made a rare donation to the RNC after their president, Sean O’Brien, met with Trump. O’Brien also requested speaking slots at both the Republican and Democratic conventions, signaling potential bipartisan engagement.

But even if it doesn’t this is a HUGE shot across Leftism’s bow! And it fundamentally gives permission for union members to vote against their union’s direction.

I don’t see the Teamsters endorsing Trump. But the fact that their leadership is publicly feigning tells you they know their members are behind the 45th president.


Unions start to

turn toward Trump. Democrats freak.

“Democrats have to recognize that this affiliation [with union leadership] … is not translating into electoral support,” Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota, who challenged Biden in the 2024 presidential race, told Axios. “[Democrats] should be listening and finding ways to engage more with rank-and-file labor.”



Sheer panic.

The topline number for Biden is likely to rise as the undecided come home, but that’s not what’s newsworthy about this poll. What’s most relevant is the shift, and in Michigan, black voters have moved toward Trump by six points. 

Uhm, it is June…

Change Choosing

Yes, Black people

are tired of being abused by the Democrats. MANY have decided it’s time to try something different.

After all, what do they have to lose?

Change Culture

Yes, that is

the worry. I’m not sure that is the demographic reality. Not usually, anyway.

Anti-Semitism Change Choosing

Jewish people,

haven’t you had enough? Why on earth would you side with those who hate you and are determined to kill you?

Tradition is one thing, but don’t go quietly, like a lamb to the slaughter!

How much more are Jews in New York City expected to take?

… It’s gotten so bad that even Comptroller Brad Lander and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, both normally good friends to Jew-haters, feigned alarm at the open antisemitism they helped to foster.

At long last, haven’t you just had enough?

Change Democrat Flop-Sweat

Is it time yet?

I honestly don’t know. Maybe. But there just ARE no other good options. And that means for Joe it’s “Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead!”

I mean you gotta wonder how long things like this can go on! Yet it is still happening.

I hope old Joe is very careful, because the only half-decent other option for the DNC is for him to die before the election, thus handing things to Kamala. And the DNC has no problems murdering people (See: Seth Rich). Joe has nothing to fear from Conservatives–the threat is from the Left!

Great option? No. It is a “Hail Mary.” But they can hope that the social norm of not speaking ill of the dead would manifest in sympathy toward Kamala.

Hey, criticize all you want, but what other option is there?

Pollster Nate Silver warned Monday that President Biden’s approval ratings are so low, it may be time for him to reconsider seeking re-election in November. 

“Biden just hit a new all-time low in approval (37.4%),” the data analyst and founder of FiveThirtyEight wrote on X, referencing his organization’s latest average of the president’s job approval numbers. 

“Dropping out would be a big risk,” Silver argued. “But there’s some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk.”

“Are we there yet? I don’t know,” the polling guru acknowledged. “But it’s more than fair to ask.”

NOTE: To be honest, I think that 37.4% approval overestimates Biden’s real approval by about 5%. Silver is notoriously hard Left, and I think he is massaging the data to make it look better for Biden than it actually is.

OK, but if Joe Biden drops out, then WHO? Kamala is a total loser. Gavin Newsom is a non-starter, so who? And it’s not like either Kamala or Gavin would just go softly into that good night!

But who else even has the name recognition? Michelle Obama does, but she has repeatedly said that she is not interested, and I about 90% believe her.

So who? I’m just not sure “get a newbie and depend on election fraud” is really a workable strategy! And that brings us full circle: Prop up Joe for a bit longer.