DUH! Fighting Back

Senator Kennedy

just is a national treasure! He tends to say things that we ALL think. It seems that we as a people are starting to shake off the shackles of Lefty despotism. The jack-booted heel of Lefty force has been somewhat lifted off our necks, and people are starting to clap back.

“This has been going on for a week,” Kennedy explained. “People have been screaming like they’re part of a prison riot. ‘Oh, my God, look at what Musk is doing. He’s looking at the spending.’ And I’ve listened to people talk about the process and debate whether it’s constitutional and discuss how many lawyers can dance on the head of a pen. But you know what? I haven’t heard one single person who’s upset with President Trump or Mr. Musk, talk about what he’s found.”

… Sen. Kennedy is absolutely right—Americans are fed up with their tax dollars being squandered on radical causes and foreign handouts. The American people are finally getting to see the extent of USAID’s reckless spending, and Democrats know that they won’t like what they see. From funding groups linked to terrorism to wasting millions on woke pet projects, USAID has operated with virtually no accountability for far too long.  

Folks, get a clue, here! Don’t be mad about what Trump is revealing, be mad about what the deep state has been doing with YOUR money!

You’re shooting the messenger rather than addressing the message itself. This is just the frantic flopping of a fish caught on dry land.


The blaringly

obvious truth is that good enforcement works. Again, that should be a surprise to no one. You put your hand on a hot stove once, and you are FAR more likely to adjust your behavior in the future. Carrots and sticks, my friend. DUH!

I honestly don’t know why Lefties so often deny the obvious. Consequences always guide behaviors! Why on earth would you think otherwise?

“The crossings on the border are down 93%. That’s a bigger decrease than under the first Trump administration,” Homan said Sunday on Fox News. “President Trump is the game changer. No one has had the success he’s had on securing the border.”


Well, John,

welcome to the world conservatives live in every dang day!

Democratic Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman said Monday that he is “tired of the venom” in the American political climate after “The View” co-host Ana Navarro criticized his visit with President Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago.

Welcome to the party, pal!


Not a shocker

to ANY thinking person, is it?

DUH! Lefty Squalor

Well, young people

have VERY good reason to be optimistic about Trump!

Ages 18-29 are at 67% optimistic to 33% pessimistic. Yeah, DUH!

Biden and his Lefty minions have shown without a doubt that they are attacking the nuclear family:

  1. It’s too expensive to date in (or out of) college, just “Hang out.” You can’t afford to marry. So maybe start dating once you are out of college and are professionally established. And if you are a woman, your “window” to have kids is pretty much closed by then.
  2. Women would be more “fulfilled” as a more-or-less celibate office drone than as a wife and mother, anyway.
  3. The student loans are HUGE! It will take you a long, long time (if ever) to pay off your $80,000 in student loan debt–and remember, you also have to live during that time!
  4. There are few jobs, so you can’t support a family, anyway. There are occasionally contractor jobs, but that’s about it.
  5. And even if you DO marry, you need two incomes just to keep your heads above water. Taxes are onerous. So who can afford kids? Maybe one.
  6. It’s all about me, anyway–kids are SO inconvenient!
  7. The world is not safe; It is going to Hell in a hand basket. So why even bring kids into this soiled world? So they can be cannon fodder in some “Chickenhawk” RINO war halfway around the world?

Democrat policies (especially the economic ones) TOTALLY hose down the 18-29 year-old crowd. No wonder they are more optimistic with Trump! Of course they are!


Funny how private

citizen “helpers” are always on the scene and helping WAAAAY before FEMA. Gee, I wonder if there is a lesson, there…

Captain Obvious Dishonesty DUH!

Oh, you don’t say!

So it turns out that, contrary to police denials, the NO terrorist was NOT working alone.

Gee, what a shocker.

The explosive used turns out to be so unusual that it has never been used in terror attacks in the West before now, and it’s not at all clear how Jabbar either received it or manufactured it himself.

Oh, and his rental domicile burned down–AFTER his death. Hmmm…

Sure, there are lots of ways to set a fire after you die, if you expect that to happen in a narrow time frame. But why bother? Criminals will sometimes torch vehicles to remove evidence that might be used against them once police are on the case. If you plan to die in a terror attack, though, why bother torching your rental? Why bother hiding the evidence, unless it implicates others? [emphasis added]

…But these actions show a rational purpose of some kind, including the use of an apparently rare explosive that seems far beyond Jabbar’s ken, sane or insane. And all of that suggests that Jabbar had help from someone and wanted to keep investigators from connecting those dots. 

This kind of crap makes police investigators look shady as heck!


Huh. How could

you tell just by looking that she is a vegan?

Dude, the very picture of health!


Huh. ‘Net neutrality

was struck down.



You can lead a Lefty to truth, but you can’t make him think…


Sorry, the “Far Right”

(i.e. those of us who are normals) are NOT the problem

But do hard Lefties do these things. Yep. DUH!