just is a national treasure! He tends to say things that we ALL think. It seems that we as a people are starting to shake off the shackles of Lefty despotism. The jack-booted heel of Lefty force has been somewhat lifted off our necks, and people are starting to clap back.
“This has been going on for a week,” Kennedy explained. “People have been screaming like they’re part of a prison riot. ‘Oh, my God, look at what Musk is doing. He’s looking at the spending.’ And I’ve listened to people talk about the process and debate whether it’s constitutional and discuss how many lawyers can dance on the head of a pen. But you know what? I haven’t heard one single person who’s upset with President Trump or Mr. Musk, talk about what he’s found.”
… Sen. Kennedy is absolutely right—Americans are fed up with their tax dollars being squandered on radical causes and foreign handouts. The American people are finally getting to see the extent of USAID’s reckless spending, and Democrats know that they won’t like what they see. From funding groups linked to terrorism to wasting millions on woke pet projects, USAID has operated with virtually no accountability for far too long.
Folks, get a clue, here! Don’t be mad about what Trump is revealing, be mad about what the deep state has been doing with YOUR money!
You’re shooting the messenger rather than addressing the message itself. This is just the frantic flopping of a fish caught on dry land.