
Biden is not

a “hero” for dropping out.

Biden’s dropping out wasn’t brave, selfless, or patriotic. His fellow Democrats bullied him into submission and forced him to drop out in the most undignified way possible. I’m not saying that because I feel sorry for him; I’m saying it because it’s the truth. Biden did not want to do this, and in the end, he still took the coward’s way out by releasing a statement via X.

Despotism Moron

Isn’t it rich?

Isn’t it queer? Losing their timing this late in their careers? (apologies to Stephen Sondheim)


An inspired

move! I mean, who doesn’t love them a supercilious, scathing lecture?

Get over yourselves.” That is the intemperate advice from two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton who has scolded voters complaining about the likely prospect of a Donald Trump versus Joe Biden rematch in the 2024 presidential election campaign.


C’mon you dolt!

The bill of rights is supposed to hamstring the government! You are a SCOTUS judge and don’t even know this? I’m not even a lawyer and I understand that!

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson said Monday that she was concerned that the First Amendment was “hamstringing the government in significant ways, in the most important time periods.”

Sheesh, judge! Try to at least pretend that you weren’t just a lame-o diversity hire!

Evil Lame Moron

Just make crap


Hey John, you are a glorified organ-grinder monkey, so know your place! So shut up and dance monkey, dance!

No one freakin’ cares what you “think.”

To me the most interesting thing about Mellencamp’s exchange with Maher was not his insane assertion that modern America remains a hellhole for Blacks; by now one has come to expect insane takes from racialists who fetishize invented oppression and marinate in it.

No, it was his admission after Maher called him out on the stupidity of what he was saying. Mellencamp admitted that he just pulled the number 1%-2% out of his [butt]. He simply made it up, and that is just fine with him.

… If one side refuses to talk, refuses to acknowledge progress, and is determined to not only win but humiliate the other side then the inevitable result is at best a constant state of anger, and at worst open warfare.

One of the most evil things was the Left convincing its people to not even engage with contrary viewpoints.


It’s pretty much

incontrovertible truth


Honestly, what is

WRONG with this guy? Is he really so uneducated?

Holy crap!

Humor Moron

It’s science,

dontcha know!

Beer scientists at Budweiser headquarters are reportedly hard at work researching how many cans of Bud Light it would take for Dylan Mulvaney to pass as a woman.

… Dr. Morganstein reportedly passed out twenty beers later, still believing Dylan Mulvaney was a man. However, he did note that his female colleagues were at least three points more attractive.

It wouldn’t be so brutal if it weren’t so true!

Economy Moron

Bumblin’ Biden

gets some bad news.

Moron Psychopathology

The malevolent and

psychopathological narcissism with these people is simply astounding! Get these Bozos out of here! <sheesh!>

What’s WRONG with them? I’m just sure that lady has an apartment full of cats to get back to…