
I’m very glad

the attempt on his life failed.

Backfire! Bad Faith

Aaaaand more

from the Lefty attempt to bring down Joe Biden.

And I think they are entirely likely to succeed…

So the White House “feeds” interviewers what questions to ask. I think you know very well why…


Biden accidentally

boosts Trump:

Of course, none of that would actually happen, but a good portion of people would look at those thing and say, “Huh, those are pretty good ideas!”

Backfire! Current Events

So why are

Lefties in such a dither about Trump being re-elected?


Oh my!

That is just brutal. And stinkin’ hilarious! Jerry Seinfeld from the top rope!

… he dealt with a “From the river to the sea” heckler for a few minutes. Seinfeld observed: “You’re really influencing everyone here. We’re all on your side now, because you’ve made your point so well, and in the right venue. You’ve come to the right place for a political conversation.”

Backfire! Hypocrisy Poetic Justice

Just remember, Lefties.

In horror movies the monster always comes back to kill its creator. It is a common trope for a very good reason!

And to be frank, Lefties, you richly deserve it. YOU did this, and it is very unlikely that you change until YOU suffer. Immensely. You have supported evil in many forms, all for “tribal” gains. And it is revolting. But it may well rebound on you. I hope so, because I don’t think you are capable of learning any other way.

You supported every act of violence, censorship, social coercion, government repression, and outright insurrection so long as it was seen as beneficial to advancing your agenda and, more importantly, as long as it never affected you personally.

… You are who Lenin accurately referred to as “useful idiots.” But I’m not so sure that you still support what democracy “looks like,” now that it “looks like” it has reached your front yard. When they scream that they want to burn the entire country to the ground, they mean exactly that. The monster that you constructed, animated, fed, riled up, and let roam free to dispatch your political enemies is now peering through your bay window, staring at you with a ravenous look in its eyes that evinces neither “solidarity” nor “inclusion” with you.

You have consistently rejected (and even fought against) morality and good sense. I fear that it’s only when the monster begins eating your face that you will start to reconsider.

Backfire! Hypocrisy Poetic Justice

No freakin’ WONDER

they’re afraid!

And multiple precedents have been set–and not necessarily to the Left’s advantage once Republicans take power…

Backfire! Injustice

Let’s just say

I’m not surprised. No adult person likes a freeloader!

But according to a new AP/NORC poll, those numbers have more than flipped. Only 3 in 10 Americans now approve of Biden’s handling of student debt forgiveness while 4 in 10 oppose him.


Yeah, I’m not

at all surprised.

Two 2024 voter tracking polls taken after former President Donald Trump was convicted of 34 counts last week showed that the Republican has maintained an edge over President Joe Biden, demonstrating it is going to take more than a court case to shake up the election.

Anger Backfire! Current Events

Yup! That

is undoubtedly true.

One of Trump’s pollsters, John McLaughlin, told Secrets, “President Trump is right. Joe Biden and his supporters have corrupted our legal system and used it to try to defeat their leading political opponent. President Trump’s real crime was leading Joe Biden in the polls.” [emphasis added]

… “It’s now up to the American people to reject the Biden corruption and vote to elect President Trump. If Joe Biden can do this to President Trump, he can railroad any American. This has to end,” the pollster said.

But you KNOW it’s true: This only happening because Trump is clobbering Biden in the polls. If the numbers showed a very weak Trump, there would be no prosecutions!