Anti-Semitism Lefty Political Philosophy

My recommendation

Is that American Jews wake up and realize that Democrats are NOT your friends. At all.

Mainstream Conservatives are not Jew-haters. But mainstream Democrats ARE!

Jews, choose wisely, here!

And honestly I can’t imagine any moral person not being disgusted and absolutely horrified at these images! Where is YOUR morality?

Anti-Semitism Evil

Jewish people,

it’s time to wake up. “Never Again” means NOW! And I gotta tell you, I never thought I’d see things like this happen.

You know, “Never Again” and all that. I believed it. I was a naïf.

Why the silence? Because it wasn’t a black church; it was a Jewish synagogue. The violent agitators weren’t the KKK; they were the same pro-Palestinian terrorists who created the illegal encampment at UCLA.

… After they were finally dispersed, these violent demonstrators (the same individuals who previously terrorized the UCLA campus) started going through Pico-Robertson, physically attacking any Jew they found, including young families with children. Can you even conceive of Bass and the LAPD remaining stoic if white supremacists were attacking a Black church and neighborhood? 

And who is next on the menu? Baptists? Jehovah’s Witnesses? Mormons? Abortion foes? Conservatives? Because if it is OK to do this to Jews, you can bet your sweet booty that some other groups will follow!

But the time of Jews cowering from bullies is over. Never again really is now. Over 80% of observant Jewish families now own firearms, and more and more secular Jews are following suit. A volunteer organization called Magen Am (Shield of the People) has been training Jews in firearms and self-defense, and it was this group that stopped the riot from getting too far out of hand. These volunteers came in full riot gear and with licensed firearms to protect Jewish gatherings, and at a moment’s notice, they came to the synagogue. And this defense group is growing exponentially.

… Jews are finally understanding that the root of many of the antisemitic acts is the policies and attitudes of the Democratic Party. They are leaving the Democratic party in droves as even the most liberal Jews are awakening to the Jew hatred that is permeating our culture from the political left. It may have taken a lot, but they are finally starting to realize that this antisemitism is institutional in the Democratic party. 

Don’t think that you are immune because you’re not Jewish. You’re just on page two of the menu…

And Jews, as the old song says, “Arm yourself because no one else here will save you!”

It has been said that Jews are “the canary in the coal mine.” Whether it was Iran 50 years ago, Germany in the last century, or Spain 500 years ago, history has shown that when Jew hatred becomes prevalent in a nation, the nation will soon destroy itself from the inside out. Jews may be the first persecuted, but they are never the last. As Americans, we all need to stop this hatred. Now. Not just because it is ethically wrong, but for the preservation of our nation.

Anti-Semitism Change Choosing

Jewish people,

haven’t you had enough? Why on earth would you side with those who hate you and are determined to kill you?

Tradition is one thing, but don’t go quietly, like a lamb to the slaughter!

How much more are Jews in New York City expected to take?

… It’s gotten so bad that even Comptroller Brad Lander and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, both normally good friends to Jew-haters, feigned alarm at the open antisemitism they helped to foster.

At long last, haven’t you just had enough?

Anti-Semitism Evil

I’m not sure

you realize how pervasive anti-Semitism really is on the Left. I honestly don’t understand why a person of Jewish descent would in any way be associated with the barbarian Left. And I don’t understand why any moral non-Jew would, either.

In the last 48 hours, there have been two horrific anti-Semitic incidents in New York City.

Folks, WAKE UP!

And Jewish people, do you really mean it when you say, “never again?” Really? Because “Never Again” is now! The Left is NOT your friend…


Joe Biden’s

anti-semitism is certainly nothing new…

Anti-Semitism Culture

The problem is that

there are so many JIGOs (Jews In Genetics Only)!

These folks are indeed genetically Jewish, but they really are not Jewish in any other sense. They may even be anti-Semitic. And it wouldn’t be the first time–see NAZI Germany…

At best they are the occasional cultural Jew.


Don’t worry,

this is JUST happening in Europe. It can’t happen here, Right?


Never again

is now.

Talk is cheap; Let’s see who you actually are!

Anti-Semitism Politics

Yup! This is

happening. Yeah, well Democrats SHOULD worry, since this is what they’re doing! The Columbia protestors hilariously got what they deserved. Now the Democrats will hopefully get what’s coming to them!

Democratic [sic] lawmakers are growing concerned over potential electoral repercussions that the recent anti-Israel protests on college campuses across the country could have on their 2024 chances, Axios reported.

And that is what worries them. They have to let their native Jew-hater freak flag fly to keep the Arab vote, yet they are also worried about how that will appear to Jews and normal people!

“The longer they continue, and the worse that they get, the worse it’s going to be for the election overall,” another House Democrat told Axios, adding that the protests are “bringing out [the public’s] most conservative side.”

… The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and the Democratic National Committee did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s requests for comment.

No. No, of course they didn’t…

Anti-Semitism Change

The truth is,

it would be wise, indeed, for Jewish students and parents to flee the racism of Lefty NYC and the Ivy League.

It’s manifestly not safe to be an Ivy League Jew. A prominent Columbia rabbi “strongly” advised Jewish students to go home and not come back: It’s become clear “Columbia University’s Public Safety and the NYPD cannot guarantee Jewish students’ safety in the face of extreme antisemitism and anarchy,” Rabbi Elie Buechler told students this week over WhatsApp.

…Back in 1938, Nazis blocked the entrance to the University of Vienna to keep out Jews. Something eerily similar is happening at our nation’s allegedly elite universities. 

(As Jim Treacher says, “A keffiyeh on an American college campus is just a hipster swastika.”)

… And amenities aside, most important, you won’t be surrounded by people who hate Jews, people who are enabled, if not encouraged, by university administrations dependent on the full-tuition revenues of hate-filled foreign students and their governments.