Bad Faith Dishonesty Incompetence

Oh yes, she was

the “border czar.”

It is pure, almost unbelievable gaslighting to say otherwise! Oh, and she was horrible at it! Totally. Incompetent.

DUH! Incompetence

If Cheatle

had any decency, she would resign. If “Biden” had any decency, he would have fired her last week.

“I am calling on Director Cheatle to resign immediately following last weekend’s shooting of a Presidential candidate in Western Pennsylvania,” Boyle said in a statement. “The evidence coming to light has shown unacceptable operational failures. I have no confidence in the leadership of the United States Secret Service if Director Cheatle chooses to remain in her position.”

Epic fail Evil Incompetence

The Secret Service


On Saturday, after strenuously denying they had ever turned down any requests for additional security from the Trump campaign, the Secret Service admitted they had, in fact, short-changed the security of the ex-president on several occasions.

Huh. And there should be Hell to pay!

Agents charged with protecting the former president requested magnetometers and more agents to screen attendees at sporting events and other large public gatherings Trump attended, as well as additional snipers and specialty teams at other outdoor events, said the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive security discussions. The requests, which have not been previously reported, were sometimes denied by senior officials at the agency, who cited various reasons, including a lack of resources at an agency that has long struggled with staffing shortages, they said.

… But Director Cheatle and Secretary Mayorkas flinch at the very thought of answering questions about their decisions. We are going to see Cheatle and Mayorkas this week, bobbing and weaving, trying to save their own sorry a**es after the most comprehensive failure in presidential security since 1981. It sickens me that a once great agency should have been taken so low by such incompetent swine as Cheatle and Mayorkas.

Current Events Incompetence

Look, being

in the Secret Service is a pretty cushy job most of the time. And they have donuts!

Cheatle’s explanation was absolutely ridiculous, and will rightly live in infamy for many years. It was such a patently self-serving bunch of hooey! Totally obvious. Only a HUGE idiot believed her–even total fools knew she was full of crap!

How on earth was the Secret Service so incompetent that they missed what ordinary Joes noticed, even after it was pointed out to them? I really don’t want to think the worst of these folks. But when “Bubba” puts down his beer, belches loudly, and then goes and does does a better job than you…

And how was there no accountability–Cheatle was not fired! And that is just galling. WHAT?

The failed assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump, one of the worst security fiascoes in American history, reflects a core truth that fuels the MAGA movement and makes the case for reelecting its leader to the Oval Office: Our leading institutions are so corrupted and incompetent that the purported experts who run them cannot or will not execute their most basic functions. [emphasis added]

… Counter-snipers at one point saw the shooter scanning for them to identify their position, with the Secret Service briefing lawmakers that the shooter was spotted with a rangefinder 40 minutes before the shooting. Twenty minutes before the assassination attempt and 10 minutes before Trump took the stage, Secret Service saw the shooter on the roof of the building from where he would fire. This was a building authorities reportedly occupied but did not secure.

I don’t flippin’ care about diversity in security forces. What I want is competence.

But we have a pretty good idea what actually happened:

Look, I don’t know if it was garden-variety incompetence, criminal negligence, or deliberate action. But it was certainly one of those!


Oh really?

known wolf,” eh?

It is a disgrace that Kim Cheatle, the Secret Service head honcho, has not been fired. She is grossly incompetent! And we ALL know it!

This is the latest in a series of developments since the nearly successful assassination attempt that raises questions about the lax security and warnings law enforcement had in what was undoubtedly a preventable shooting that took the life of a hero firefighter, Corey Comperatore, who shielded his family from the gunfire.


I really don’t

get the gross Secret Service incompetence.

Evil Incompetence

Yes, yes

it was! The head of the Secret Service needs to resign tonight. Or be fired tomorrow morning…

I don’t know if this was a manifestation of unspeakable evil or merely gross incompetence. But it was at least one of those! And she should be fired NOW!


Yeah, THAT has

sure been a success!

Yes, there should be hearings! 320 million utterly wasted. What incompetence! And yet, no one is fired?

This November, Joe Biden should certainly be fired, if only for this!

Humor Incompetence

Guys, it’s

just BRUTAL!

And now that Comedy Central has gone there, does that mean it’s now officially open season on Kamala’s weirdness?


Oh my!

This is a nightmare!

More than 1,000 U.S. troops are effectively being held “hostage” in Niger with medical supplies running low — stuck between the military junta-controlled government’s demands for them to leave and the Biden administration’s refusal to let them go home after the end of their deployments, according to a report prepared by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and obtained exclusively by Breitbart News.

THIS is what sheer incompetence looks like! Unreal. Those poor soldiers and their poor parents…

THIS is why you don’t elect an incompetent buffoon. This is why you act like an executive and not like some mindless drone who is wide-eyed awestruck and swayed by chintzy baubles and cheap outraged preached by charlatans and cheesy, big-haired TV Democrat preachers!