Poetic Justice

Al Sharpton

is NOT happy with Senile Joe!

I wonder how Joe feels about being on the business end of the “racist!” epithets…

Gee, what a dirty shame!

Poetic Justice

Now THAT’s

what you call irony! Woman who chronically sets thugs free got… assaulted by a thug. Yes, “Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs.”

And the poetic justice is just sweet! Hoisted on her own petard…

Evil Clown Poetic Justice

Well, well, well!

Sometimes the chickens come home to roost!

A recent survey found that 3 in 10 college students or recent graduates had job offers rescinded as a result of their “pro-Palestine” activism.

Ain’t NO ONE got time for dealing with THESE cancers! Employers should rightfully avoid them like the plague. “Palestinian” activism: Nature’s way of saying, “Do not touch.”

Backfire! Hypocrisy Poetic Justice

Just remember, Lefties.

In horror movies the monster always comes back to kill its creator. It is a common trope for a very good reason!

And to be frank, Lefties, you richly deserve it. YOU did this, and it is very unlikely that you change until YOU suffer. Immensely. You have supported evil in many forms, all for “tribal” gains. And it is revolting. But it may well rebound on you. I hope so, because I don’t think you are capable of learning any other way.

You supported every act of violence, censorship, social coercion, government repression, and outright insurrection so long as it was seen as beneficial to advancing your agenda and, more importantly, as long as it never affected you personally.

… You are who Lenin accurately referred to as “useful idiots.” But I’m not so sure that you still support what democracy “looks like,” now that it “looks like” it has reached your front yard. When they scream that they want to burn the entire country to the ground, they mean exactly that. The monster that you constructed, animated, fed, riled up, and let roam free to dispatch your political enemies is now peering through your bay window, staring at you with a ravenous look in its eyes that evinces neither “solidarity” nor “inclusion” with you.

You have consistently rejected (and even fought against) morality and good sense. I fear that it’s only when the monster begins eating your face that you will start to reconsider.

Backfire! Hypocrisy Poetic Justice

No freakin’ WONDER

they’re afraid!

And multiple precedents have been set–and not necessarily to the Left’s advantage once Republicans take power…

Poetic Justice

I guess sometimes

you get bitten by your own vicious dog. You know, like in The Hound of the Baskervilles.

Huge pro-Palestine protest surrounds White House, smoke bombs set off, progressives demand ‘butcher’ Biden be arrested for war crimes. Protesters asked Biden: “How many kids have you killed today?”

… The crowd chanted: “Hey Joe Biden, you’re a sellout! Pack your bags and get the hell out! Biden you’re a liar! We demand a ceasefire! How many kids have you killed today?”

Well, keep a vicious dog, and such things happen…

Current Events Poetic Justice

Kind of a bummer

when you stop being coddled and there are actual consequences to your actions, eh?

Law enforcement broke through a barricade early this morning and arrested activists who refused orders to vacate the University of New Mexico student union.

Gee, won’t THAT look good on a resumé! Assuming that they can graduate somewhere. But there are plenty of universities that will be happy to take their money!

But yeah, bummer!

The truth is, almost all normal people are disgusted by these evil-clown antics and are more than happy to see them get the butt-whipping they so richly deserve.

Poetic Justice

Sometimes justice

is just so elegant!

Current Events Poetic Justice

Kamala: “Oh no

you don’t!”

There is a mighty tussle right now. It is clear that the DNC wants to kick Biden to the curb. But Kamala is serving notice here that she won’t go softly into that good night. 

So what will Democrats do? I don’t know. Keeping Biden would be suicide. Yet running Kamala would be horrible!

Rock, meet hard place…

And understand well that Democrats are in this position because of their foolish and slavish adherence to identity politic

Poetic Justice

Joe Biden’s

new nickname (given to him by the Left): Genocide Joe.

Here we see the Left being bitten by their own rabid dog!

Former Obama apparatchik Van Jones was on CNN Thursday, applying heavy pressure to Old Joe Biden to get him to end the U.S. alliance with Israel and abandon the Jewish state to the tender mercies of Hamas and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Today’s youth, said Jones, and remember, the children are our future and all that, have a cutting new nickname for the sinister old kleptocrat in the Oval Office: Genocide Joe. And if Old Joe doesn’t throw Israel to the wolves, and pronto, that nickname is going to stick. What Jones didn’t say, however, was the most important point of all: Israel is not committing a genocide at all, and this claim is a product of leftist and jihadi propaganda, to which young people today are disturbingly susceptible.