
And THAT is

totally accurate.

It’s not that Leftists can’t learn. They’re not stupid in the sense that they don’t understand that the people they’re voting for are blithering idiots. It’s that human nature prevents them from accepting the fact that they’ve been wrong so that they can change. They are emotionally invested in the liberal project that they grew up in, and to vote against it now would require introspection and an admission that everything they believed in was baloney. Most of them can’t do that. Most of them won’t do that. And nothing’s going to change.… 

The thing you must understand about the rich Californians who vote for Democrats – and not only vote for them but actively campaign for them and donate to them – is that this kind of leftism isn’t just a belief system. It’s their religion. Well, more accurately, it’s a substitute for religion. 

Yes, Leftism IS a religion, and it is held with religious intensity.


The Methodists

have left the building.

Look, in my lifetime they were never a particularly vibrant bunch. They were famously the “Marvin Milquetoast” of religions, and have been that same insipid “light beige” for a long time. They have long stood for nothing and therefore offended no one.

But now they are catering to the alphabet crowd, and they will soon sink almost completely away. They will become the next “Boy Scouts.” My guess is that within 10 years they will be gone. Maybe five…

Think about it: Anyone seeking a serious religious experience will just guffaw at them. Anyone who is Leftist almost for sure is not religious anyway, and the ONLY issue for them is whether they want to be part of this particular social club.

In addition to a pervasive pablum-esque doctrine, there is no organized effort to attract converts. Part of that is that with Methodism there is really nothing to convert TO. Yes, there are a few pretty buildings–a few–but that is about it.

Do you even know a devout Methodist? I can’t name a single person I know who is a devout Methodist. And casual Methodists would be invisible, anyway.

I know devout Baptists. I know devout Evangelicals and Mormons and Catholics and Jews and Muslims. But I can’t think of any devout Methodists–it seems like a contradiction in terms. Can you?

Elections Religion

Oh, I certainly hope so,

but I will believe it when I see it.

New data from Emerson shows Trump leading in every battleground state, ticking up slightly in the days since the Saturday attack. However, Biden only trails within the margin of error in most states, even as Trump has widened the battleground map.

It’s good, but not nearly as good as I expected.

None of this is good news for Joe Biden. But at least so far, it’s not catastrophic polling either. Biden’s support may have eroded since the debate, but it hasn’t cratered, and in most places he’s still in or close to virtual ties with Trump. That it itself is surprising, considering (a) the absolute exposure of his cognitive decline at the June 27 debate and (b) the full-court press by fellow Democrats to push him into withdrawing ever since. If Biden’s only losing a couple of points in the polls while fellow Democrats demand his exit, that suggests a lot more resilience than many of us figured.

I think it shows the unreason of the, “Vote blue no matter who” crowd. For a lot of people, it just doesn’t matter at all that Joe is a senile, evil clown. They are NOT voting for a person. No, they are engaging in a religious rite! Leftism IS their religion!


It’s Sunday,

so this seems like a good thing to post.

More recent evidence strongly shows that atheistic explanations of the universe and life on earth make no (or only very superficial) logical sense. Given what we have seen lately, there has been a defensive “flight into Theism” by many “scientific” types because purely atheistic and materialist explanations just don’t stand up very well at all. And it’s FAR from lame “God in the box” sorts of explanations.

So the “limited, modified hang-out” position for many of these thwarted materialists is to say that Theism is indeed good for society, sure, but it is not actually TRUE. So it is all instrumental, but not at all related to actual Truth. Hmmm… BUT:

Christianity is not just a useful lifeboat for stranded intellectuals. If it isn’t literally true, it isn’t valuable.

I think there is little doubt that among the “science” crowd, there has been a major revolt against materialist ideology. But that revolt only produces a dissatisfaction with materialism, not a general conversion to Theism. THAT is a known limitation of logical argument: It can produce doubt or know-nothingism, but not conversion in and of itself.


The God hole

In the past, thinkers have talked about a personality void left behind as a result of not believing in God. And this happens even though we as a society have entered an “age of reason” where there is little to no official religiosity at all.

That “God Hole” gets filled with all sorts of modern cults like political party affiliation or “Global Warming” and such.The psychological “hole” remains, and WILL get filled with something.

In other words, the impulse toward religiosity is totally unchanged. This is what was once known by psychologists as “slot movement”–there is no actual change, just movement along the same “slot” to the opposite position. The “slot” has not changed a bit. The change is quite superficial.

As G. K. Chesterson reportedly said, “When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”

Yes, because the “slot” remains–there has been no fundamental change.


And that is


But here’s the problem: There is perhaps a third of Democrats for whom NO amount of evidence will ever change their minds. So yes, IF it were proved they would abandon Biden, BUT IT CAN NEVER BE PROVED!

In other words, there is a proportion of “dead-ender” Democrats who simply can’t be convinced by data or evidence and will “vote blue no matter who.”

So yes, it’s great that nearly 2/3 of Democrats say they would vote against Biden if he were proved to be “dirty.” But realize that for a significant proportion of those it is a false dawn, because they could never be convinced of it!

They hold to their tribe with religious intensity! Because, in fact, it IS a religion for many of them.


The data are

pretty dang clear:

And yet it’s a Lefty article of faith that guns are the root cause of assault and we would be better off without them! Why are they such science deniers?

The answer?: I think that this is a religion and Lefties are actually not at all tied to the facts when the facts are against them. Oh yes, they will (very vaguely) cite facts when it is to their benefit, but the facts are mere tools for them to selectively apply according to their stance. Facts are merely a cudgel in the service of their pre-established political beliefs.

They don’t believe it because they see it, they ONLY see what they already believe. And that is something we ALL need to guard against. It’s just that Lefties are particularly avoidant of that truth. Why? Well, that’s a subject for another day. But let me just say that theirs is an avoidant, psychologically defensive stance.

Gun Control Religion

Just so you KNOW

what happened:

Lefties, quit being so factually blinkered and scientifically illiterate! At some point you gotta drop your primitive, superstitious, intellectually blinkered folklore and get with modern thinking! Leave your backward old religious idols behind and join modernity…

Pay attention to the facts, for Pete’s sake! We’re more intellectually advanced than this!

Current Events Religion

The Biden mindless

followers have all the emotional intensity of the “old-time tent revival” crowd. And it is NOT Biden himself who is the “kingpin.” He actually does not have that kind of religious, Jim Jones-like charisma. He truly is just a stand-in.

No, what we are seeing is the frenzied spasticity of those who are “converted” to a charismatic entity–the Democrat party. THAT is their dearly-held Manichean heresy, where ALL is a battle over good and evil and you dang well battle for “good” (by any means, fair or foul) or the Devil (Trump) will win.

They are the new political “burnt over district” denizens, and they show the very same religious fervor, except in this case for a party (Democrat) god rather than a more orthodox God. But it is an identical religious attachment.

So don’t be at all fooled–this is a religious, nay, apocalyptic religious experience for them, complete with an an orthodoxy, heretics, sins, indulgences, and Lefty evangelists stirring their followers up against the old “devil” Trump!

Fools Religion


pretty much…

If you have failed to grasp the religious nature of “Global Warming,” you are an idiot!