
The God hole

In the past, thinkers have talked about a personality void left behind as a result of not believing in God. And this happens even though we as a society have entered an “age of reason” where there is little to no official religiosity at all.

That “God Hole” gets filled with all sorts of modern cults like political party affiliation or “Global Warming” and such.The psychological “hole” remains, and WILL get filled with something.

In other words, the impulse toward religiosity is totally unchanged. This is what was once known by psychologists as “slot movement”–there is no actual change, just movement along the same “slot” to the opposite position. The “slot” has not changed a bit. The change is quite superficial.

As G. K. Chesterson reportedly said, “When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”

Yes, because the “slot” remains–there has been no fundamental change.