Politics Polls

Is it, though?

I mean, I dearly hope so. Kamala is a terrible candidate, and Democrats have to wear her around their necks like a stinky dead albatross! But I don’t think the honeymoon is over quite yet. It will be soon, but it will last more than a couple days!

Probably. The patina of newness has not yet worn off One thing we KNOW from the Democrat primary is that Kamala really doesn’t wear well. She needs a TON of early voting, because people are very likely to be heartily sick of her by the time November comes around!

.As this top-of-the-ticket move solidifies, and it becomes clearer and clearer that Democrats are now stuck with Harris—just as they were previously stuck with Biden—it begs the question: Did they make a critical mistake? The early evidence would suggest that, yes, they did.

… Initial polling suggests Harris trails Trump nationally by anywhere from 2 percent to double digits. Just as was the case with Biden as the nominee for Democrats, these numbers are horrific for Democrats’ electoral college prospects. 


Age-related decline Politics

You wanna know

the worst thing abut Biden quitting? I have a ton of really great memes that are now useless. Yeah, that pretty much stinks. I’m sure I will amass a TON for Kamala. It has already started, and I am seeing them. I mean, it’s pretty dang easy. I must just say, it is a target-rich environment.

Still, it is a real wrench to lose all the ones I had. But we’re getting to the end.


And this fear

is exactly why Biden gets pressure to step down

Because he brings down the party as a whole. THAT is a major problem for Democrats!

“Regardless of where one stands on the question of President Biden’s political future, the intra-party mixed messaging strikes me as deeply self-destructive,” he said. “Those publicly calling on President Biden to withdraw should ask themselves a simple question: what if the President becomes the Democratic nominee? The drip, drip, drip of public statements of no confidence only serve to weaken a President who has been weakened not only by the debate but also by the debate about the debate.”

Change Politics

Yes, certain

once-reliable groups are turning against Joe Biden. Slowly, but unmistakably. It’s June…

And once you vote for the other side even a single time, it is FAR easier to consider doing so again. And if Uncle Fred or Aunt Mary did it last time, suddenly the whole applecart of social expectations is overturned!

So it’s not just about THIS election. No, the cultural ground is shifting a bit…

The latest news about a once-reliable demographic for Biden and the Dems must have them shotgunning Pepto-Bismol these days. Well, most of the Dems; Biden’s days are spent wondering if Corn Pop will be coming over after school to have some Ovaltine. 

… As inflation continues to spike and the cost of living becomes ever more unaffordable, many women, including black and Hispanic women, are remembering that they were doing much better under Trump than they are under Sleepy Joe Biden. New data from The New York Times and Siena College polls shows Biden, who led Trump by 13 points in the 2020 election, with only a four-point lead among women voters.

Current Events Politics

So is it

back on?

“I used to meet with him when he was vice president. I’d go to his house,” McCarthy said in an interview. “He’s not the same person.”

No, no he isn’t. Not even close. The fact that he is running again is just horrific. It is elder abuse…


I agree that

it is beyond baffling.

“You guys were literally given everything! How do you even do that?” said a spokesangel for the Almighty. “You have perfect weather, beautiful coastline, great surfing, skiing in the mountains, fish tacos, rolling vineyards, the list goes on. How on earth did you manage to take the most beautiful stretch of land on God’s earth and turn it into a huge dump?”

Next time you hear someone say, “Just Politics,” remember California. There is literally nothing in this world more important than politics. The happiness or misery of virtually every human being is firmly rooted in politics!

Sources say Democrats in California took issue with the idea that they were to blame, claiming instead that everyone else was to blame and definitely not them or anything. “Yeah, it’s like global warming and stuff,” said Governor Gavin Newsom to a crowd of homeless meth heads on Pier 39. “And not enough taxes. If we had more taxes, all the things would be better.”

If you care about people, you care about politics!

Here’s an example! Copper thieves make it so you can’t have stoplights.

Oh California, how far you have fallen!

Anti-Semitism Politics

Yup! This is

happening. Yeah, well Democrats SHOULD worry, since this is what they’re doing! The Columbia protestors hilariously got what they deserved. Now the Democrats will hopefully get what’s coming to them!

Democratic [sic] lawmakers are growing concerned over potential electoral repercussions that the recent anti-Israel protests on college campuses across the country could have on their 2024 chances, Axios reported.

And that is what worries them. They have to let their native Jew-hater freak flag fly to keep the Arab vote, yet they are also worried about how that will appear to Jews and normal people!

“The longer they continue, and the worse that they get, the worse it’s going to be for the election overall,” another House Democrat told Axios, adding that the protests are “bringing out [the public’s] most conservative side.”

… The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and the Democratic National Committee did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s requests for comment.

No. No, of course they didn’t…


It’s not dispositive,

but it certainly is not good news for “Biden” (we are legion).

Only 21 percent of voters “strongly” approved of President Joe Biden, while 49 percent “strongly” disapproved, a recent Rasmussen poll found, raising reelection concerns for the president.

Overall, the poll found a 20 point differential between voters who approved of Biden and those who did not:

  • 39 percent approved
  • 59 percent disapproved

There is very

good reason for the Left to panic.

The reason behind the president’s solicitation was simple: Biden’s support among Hispanics — particularly young Latino men — is lukewarm. And in some cases, polls show he is losing support among the key Democratic voting bloc. At the same time, Trump appears to be gaining support from Hispanics.

… Another problem for Biden: If Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gets on the ballot in states like Nevada and Arizona, as political observers predict, he could see further erosion in his support. 

Elections Politics


head for the exits! And for good reason…