Captain Obvious Criminal Negligence Evil

Well, she SHOULD

resign. At least. And perhaps she is an accomplice to attempted murder, but I certainly hope not. But it is gross negligence for sure.

After a contentious hearing in which Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle failed to answer some of the most basic questions surrounding the failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump on July 13, the House Oversight Committee called on Cheatle to resign.

And it’s bipartisan. It’s NOT just Republicans who have demanded her resignation! Her’s an excerpt from a letter to her:

Today, you failed to provide answers to basic questions regarding that stunning operational failure and to reassure the American people that the Secret Service has learned its lessons and begun to correct its systemic blunders and failures. In the middle of a presidential election, the Committee and the American people demand serious institutional accountability and transparency that you are not providing. We call on you to resign as Director as a first step to allowing new leadership to swiftly address this crisis and rebuild the trust of a truly concerned Congress and the American people. 

I mean, she is doing some VERY weird crap!

She looks guilty, given the evidence.

Evil Foolishness

Oh no.

Please, no.

This was bound to happen sooner or later. The Dems want to ditch Papa Dementia, but all they have to replace him are a disreputable gaggle of hacks, quacks, lilliputians and psychopaths. And yet they do have a seasoned, experienced candidate, a far-left ideologue with boundless ambition and a burning hatred for Donald Trump. That’s right, she’s perfect: are you ready, and is the world ready, for Hillary 2024?

She is dusting off her broomstick…

But look, I really don’t think it will happen. Not that she would nt love to give it a go, but because she is such an execrable excuse for a human being that Trump would win in a landslide.

An idealized Hillary might poll reasonably well. A real Hillary makes most people’s stomach turn. No, this is a non-starter. It is pure Lefty fantasy!

Epic fail Evil Incompetence

The Secret Service


On Saturday, after strenuously denying they had ever turned down any requests for additional security from the Trump campaign, the Secret Service admitted they had, in fact, short-changed the security of the ex-president on several occasions.

Huh. And there should be Hell to pay!

Agents charged with protecting the former president requested magnetometers and more agents to screen attendees at sporting events and other large public gatherings Trump attended, as well as additional snipers and specialty teams at other outdoor events, said the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive security discussions. The requests, which have not been previously reported, were sometimes denied by senior officials at the agency, who cited various reasons, including a lack of resources at an agency that has long struggled with staffing shortages, they said.

… But Director Cheatle and Secretary Mayorkas flinch at the very thought of answering questions about their decisions. We are going to see Cheatle and Mayorkas this week, bobbing and weaving, trying to save their own sorry a**es after the most comprehensive failure in presidential security since 1981. It sickens me that a once great agency should have been taken so low by such incompetent swine as Cheatle and Mayorkas.


Just so you

realize how close it was:

I’m astounded and grateful he’s alive. Lefties hardest hit…

Evil Immorality

Yes, so

do I. Lefty moral midgets are responsible for the Trump assassination attempt! They have fomented this irrational hatred for years.

Shame on them! This was reportedly a BLM dude. Well of course he was… So shame on YOU if you were a participant. Do better!

Current Events Evil

You know, the world

really changed between yesterday’s Trump assassination attempt and now. Good golly!


The Left has

to be held accountable!

Evil Incompetence

Yes, yes

it was! The head of the Secret Service needs to resign tonight. Or be fired tomorrow morning…

I don’t know if this was a manifestation of unspeakable evil or merely gross incompetence. But it was at least one of those! And she should be fired NOW!

Anger Evil

And you are

so evil and stupid that you believe it?

Current Events Evil

You know, Lefties,

you can’t spend a decade publicly fantasizing about someone killing Trump and expect that no one will try and kill Trump…

This is YOUR fault, Lefties!

UPDATE: Please CNN, stop being evil!

An image that will live forever!