
You know, it

really IS shocking! How could so many people believe something so obviously and outlandishly false?

I mean, I know there is this weird, psychopathological Trump hatred that is pushed by the MSM. But how could so many fall for it? That’s CRAZY!

I suspect that it is the “In for penny, in for a pound” phenomenon. Because once these people have gone on a journey two-thirds of the way to Kookville, they are just not likely to get off in the middle of nowhere before reaching the destination.

Generally, if you can get people to take step one, it will be relatively easy to get them to take steps 2, 3, and 4. They very often feel that they can never go back. So you initially get them with an “easy” first step, and then add layer upon layer until they are well and truly bound.

And there is a STRONG and damning pride–they can’t just back down now without calling into question their whole program of personal beliefs and behaviors! So they just stay on the bus, because they really are not willing to be at all introspective or to change–that conflicts with their inherent narcissism.


Now we see the

BlueAnon freaks doing their kooky thing. They are letting their pathologically paranoid freak flags fly!

Let me be as clear as possible with my reaction. It’s absolutely insane to believe Donald Trump or anyone else staged this shooting.

Yeah, that crosses the border from “Oddtown” into the heart of
Kookville.” I mean, you have to be a certifiable loon to be taken in by this.

And yet:

Polling data from Morning Consult shows 34% of registered Democrats believe it’s “definitely credible” or “probably credible” that the shooting was staged, according to The Washington Free Beacon. Another 18% of Democrats don’t know/aren’t sure whether the shooting was real.

Hey Democrats, leave your wacky conspiracy rantings at the door!

Does anyone with a functioning brain believe Trump or anyone else on the planet is okay with someone attempting that shot? Furthermore, Crooks was lit up by a counter-sniper. In this unhinged theory, did he agree to get killed in order to stage a shooting?

Plus, innocent people were killed and wounded. The theory would require people to believe Donald Trump was fine with bullets being fired into a crowd of his supporters. It makes no sense at all.

I mean, how kooky is THAT?

See, in the psychological world there is a BIG difference between a simple delusion and a bizarre delusion. Me thinking that everyone is jealous of me might well be a delusion, but it is not necessarily a bizarre delusion.

People with delusional disorder often experience non-bizarre delusions. Non-bizarre delusions involve situations that could possibly occur in real life, such as being followed, deceived or loved from a distance. These delusions usually involve the misinterpretation of perceptions or experiences. In reality, these situations are either untrue or are highly exaggerated.

… People with delusional disorder often continue to socialize and function well, apart from the subject of their delusion. Generally, they don’t behave in an odd or unusual manner. This is unlike people with other psychotic disorders, who might also have delusions as a symptom.

But bizarre delusions are a qualitatively different animal.

If I am convinced that I am God or that the CIA (a subsidiary of the Illuminati) is tracking me to prevent me from telling he world what is really going on, that is a different animal.

And believing that Trump faked the assassination attempt and let someone shoot at his head and clipping his ear from 150 yards edges, not just a little, into the bizarre delusion realm.


Hardly a

shocker, eh?

Results show that white liberal women aged 18-29 were the most likely to have been diagnosed with a mental health condition with 56.3% of respondents answering ‘yes’ in response to the question. This dropped to 27.3% when 18-29-year-old conservative women were questioned.

A big part of this is locus of control. Conservative thought teaches that YOU are in control of YOUR life and that you rise or fall based substantially on your own behavior. Of course the actions of others can and will impact you, and government is there to help ensure a level playing field. But YOU still have quite a bit to say about what actually happens!

Leftism, OTOH, preaches that you are a helpless victim and need a benevolent government to put its thumb on the scale for YOU. YOU are helpless without “Big Daddy” government stepping in to help you! In short, the locus of control is well beyond your grasp.

And guess what? An external locus of control is highly associated with mental illness while an internal locus of control is highly associated with psychological well-being.

So yeah, it’s hardly a shocker that young women with an external (Lefty) locus of control are more mentally ill than most anyone else. Anyone knowledgable in this area would predict that!

One thing we military types learned at SERE school (POW training) is that you find something to control, no matter how small. And you can often control what you think.

Victor Frankl said pretty much the same thing in his book Man’s Search For Meaning. Jews in concentration camps with an internal locus of control survived a lot more and lived lot better than those with an external one. And it took real EFFORT.

Captain Obvious Psychopathology

The NYT has

long been wrong. Only a great fool doles out their hard-earned cash just to listen to their deranged rantings! The NYT is primarily selling ego boosts. People who subscribe do so primarily in order to glory in how much smarter they are than the benighted proles all around them!

To be a Democrat is almost always to feel oneself to be intellectually and morally superior. And for $X a month, YOU can think of yourself as an intellectual elite, too!

Despotism Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps Psychopathology

Look, it was all

just a mistake at first, but then became a damnable lie.

The thing is, though, most of the time our writers weren’t wrong. It is now indisputable that shutdowns inflicted deep harm on children and destabilized the economy. It is also highly unlikely that, after it was clear Covid variants would continue to spread, keeping businesses closed for months saved lives.

Hey, I’d like to see a few apologies, here. Can the COVIDarians just admit that they were wrong?

Fauci also admitted to lying about the threshold for herd immunity because “polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine.” Worse, when three scientists — Martin Kulldorff of Harvard, Sunetra Gupta of Oxford, and Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford — released the “Great Barrington Declaration,” questioning the efficacy of lockdowns and warning, among other things, about the damaging “physical and mental health impacts” of closing schools, Fauci colluded with others to suppress the document, plotting a “quick and devastating published takedown.”

Read the declaration. They were right. He was wrong.

Admit it, COVIDarians, YOU WERE WRONG! It won’t hurt you to admit, you know. And a failure to admit is almost a sure sign that there is something psychopathologically defensive going on, here! The more time that passes without an apology, the more psychopathological this looks–and the more it looks like garden-variety despotism…

I mean, we ALL make mistakes at times. But when a person makes a mistake and yet rigidly clings to it even when there is indisputable proof that it was wrong, one HAS to wonder what else is going on!


Yeah, a biological

female saying that she has an imaginary penis isn’t kooky or nothin‘! No wonder the Lefties hid it for so long!

I mean, you wouldn’t want people to see the flashing red light link between transgenderism and violent kookism, right? They might think that this person being a kook was part and parcel of the transgenderism! And we can’t have that, now can we?

Dementia Joe Dishonesty Psychopathology

Suuuure Joe…

Now let’s get you home and get you that pudding cup!

Biden continues to claim that he turned down the offer after finding out that NFL Heisman Trophy winners Joe Bellino and Staubach were playing on the U.S. Naval Academy football team then.

… Along with claiming he was appointed to the Naval Academy, Biden has claimed that he used to drive an 18-wheeler, that he was arrested during the civil rights movement, and that he was the first member of his family to attend college.

Honestly, what’s WRONG with this guy? Something very obviously is!

The truth is that he has been a liar for his entire adult life, and now he is far too demented to know what is true and what is self-aggrandizing wish-fulfillment.


Isn’t Romney gone

YET? I can’t wait!

There is his smug, self-righteous demeanor, especially toward Trump, and that really bugs. This is a guy who has an extraordinarily high opinion of himself.

And the intensity of his Trump-hatred is, to me, a HUGE give-away. It’s a Javert-like intensity! Delusional intensity! And when there is SUCH a mismatch between known events and emotional reaction, you can just bet that there is a deep-seated (often psychopathological) process in play that you are probably not seeing! That reaction is a HUGE “tell.”

“You may disagree with this, but had I been President Biden, when the Justice Department brought on indictments, I would have immediately pardoned him. I’d have pardoned President Trump. Why? Well, because it makes me, President Biden, the big guy and the person I pardoned a little guy. [emphasis added]

Romney just can’t tolerate being one-upped, most especially by Trump. He is obsessed about being “the big guy.” There may also be other reasons (can you say, “Romney son-in-law in Ukraine?”), but Romney’s behavior certainly smells of narcissistic insult. Trump rejected Romney as Secretary Of State, and Romney has been in hysterical pursuit of Trump ever since.

And he would have been a terrible pick for Trump. Romney is loyal to himself and his family, and that is really it. He would have turned on Trump in a heartbeat. Romney is NOT a loyal guy (except to himself and a very small circle of family)!

Romney just can’t imagine Trump not being gratefully overjoyed at getting him “on the team.” HIM!

And when Trump declined, a spurned Romney savagely turned on him and sought revenge for the narcissistic insult. Yep! THAT’s what we are seeing…

Mitt W. Romney, will you please go NOW?

Buffoons Psychopathology

Well, that is

inarguably true. I honestly don’t understand how any Conservative could pull the lever for him after knowing who he is and what he stands for! I assume they just don’t know…

A top Democrat pollster said this week that the support presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has from Republicans will collapse if Republicans learn his real views on the issues.

Yeah, pretty much…

Speaking on the support that RFK Jr. enjoys from some on the political right, Penn said: “I think that it will drop in half if Republicans learn the views, right now they don’t know these things.”

As Penn spoke, Hannity’s show listed RFK’s most extreme left-wing positions, including: “Supports push to clean energy and zero emissions, supports eliminating fracking, endorsed Bernie’s climate plan, supports divesting from fossil fuels, supports carbon tax, supports Paris Climate Accords, called the NRA a ‘terror group,’ supports affirmative action, supports reparations, supports amnesty for non-violent drug offenders, wants to ‘transform the police,’ called Louis Farrakhan a ‘truly great partner,’ supports raising minimum wage to $15/hour, supports labor unions, supports raising taxes, endorsed Al Gore in 2000, endorsed John Kerry in 2004, claimed 2004 election was stolen, donated to Obama, endorsed Hillary Clinton for Senate in 2000, endorsed Hillary Clinton for president in 2007, repeatedly praised Bernie Sanders, a ‘sin’ for people to not address global warming, blamed America for causing 9/11, supports ESG,” and “called Fidel Castro ‘incredibly charming.’”

Sorry, there’s just some dog food I won’t eat…

Dishonesty Psychopathology

Lefties, don’t you

get a bit tired of Joe Biden’s goofy and obvious lies? Lefties, aren’t you even just a little bit embarrassed? Aren’t you tired of trying to defend him?

Yeah, he has always been a congenital liar. It’s just that now he is senile, as well!