Multiple Sclerosis


would sure be nice.

I ain’t getting any younger, here!

Multiple Sclerosis Piss-poor judgment


They backed down It never should have happened in the first place!

I’m glad they backed down. But that doesn’t change the fact that as a person with MS, I’m ashamed of them!

And they should be ashamed of themselves. They need to very publicly fire whoever is responsible for this! And maybe the CEO for running such a crap organization that would do this in the first place! It was SUCH a scaly thing to do!

Multiple Sclerosis

Well, it’s


That said, there have been a TON of “hopeful” treatments that have ultimately crapped out. So hopeful, yes.

But let’s just say that I’m not betting the farm just yet. A cure is always coming, it just never actually arrives…

My wife (the Mendelian Spousal Unit or MSU) says that we should take some of the breast cancer “awareness” money and put it into MS. We’re pretty much ALL well aware of breast cancer…

Multiple Sclerosis

Don’t get me

wrong, I’m happy for this limited progress. But of course, I am a bit impatient. The clock is ticking for me…

Multiple Sclerosis

Oh, it’s

nice and all. But what about men? Don’t get me wrong–this is very good news. But only one of the two sexes can directly benefit from this.

Multiple Sclerosis

Pretty dang


Multiple Sclerosis

Pretty dang

interesting stuff. Could you eventually get a vaccine for MS?