Polls PWNED!

Both brutal

and beautiful! But beware of Democrat voter fraud! And remember, get out and vote! Bank your vote if it makes sense for you. Because if it isn’t close, they can’t steal it!

But is these numbers among Independents hold, Kamala is toast!

Politics Polls

Is it, though?

I mean, I dearly hope so. Kamala is a terrible candidate, and Democrats have to wear her around their necks like a stinky dead albatross! But I don’t think the honeymoon is over quite yet. It will be soon, but it will last more than a couple days!

Probably. The patina of newness has not yet worn off One thing we KNOW from the Democrat primary is that Kamala really doesn’t wear well. She needs a TON of early voting, because people are very likely to be heartily sick of her by the time November comes around!

.As this top-of-the-ticket move solidifies, and it becomes clearer and clearer that Democrats are now stuck with Harris—just as they were previously stuck with Biden—it begs the question: Did they make a critical mistake? The early evidence would suggest that, yes, they did.

… Initial polling suggests Harris trails Trump nationally by anywhere from 2 percent to double digits. Just as was the case with Biden as the nominee for Democrats, these numbers are horrific for Democrats’ electoral college prospects. 




attempt polls are just starting to come out…

Current Events Polls

It is good.

Very good.

But of course the actual election is a series of state decisions…

Still, I’m glad to see this. It is hopeful. And THAT hope is exactly what Democrats want to extinguish. You know, “Abandon hope, ye who enter here” and all that.

Former President Donald Trump is up double-digits on President Joe Biden in a national matchup, a Rasmussen Reports survey, released Friday, found.



It’s June

Former President Donald Trump has made gains in Minnesota and is now in a dead heat with President Joe Biden, according to a new poll.

OK, but this needs to be the norm rather than an outlier before I get all that optimistic. But it is very interesting!

Run through the tape, not to the tape!


Yeah, 18 points

is a very big lead.

Why this is telling:

And Trump taking Wisconsin would be catastrophic for Biden. It would be almost game, set, and match.

But stay hungry, my friends…


It’s a big deal.

Let’s see if it holds

The latest battleground poll reveals that President Trump is still leading Joe Biden in the crucial swing state of Michigan, with exactly five months to go before the November election.


I’ve been waiting

for this. But it’s just starting…

It’s a small sample of 400 voters, so we’ll have to see more polls as they come out. But this is consistent with the prior predictions. And not only does it give Trump a bump in the polling, the voters get it, as the pollster revealed. 


Here is my prediction:

Trump will make large gains in the polls. The polls that entirely post-conviction will show Trump jumps.

That’s my prediction. Now let’s see how it unfolds.


The Democrat

panic is almost palpable. Because that is pretty much the whole tamale for Biden. Not so much for Trump–he could lose PA and still win. But Biden? No, not really.

While the Keystone State remains very much in the toss-up column, it is slowly trending toward former President Donald Trump, who leads President Joe Biden by 2.3 points in the RealClearPolitics average of polls in the state. Trump’s lead was bolstered last week by a poll from Cook Political Report that showed him up by 3 points. 

… A New York Times-Siena College-Philadelphia Inquirer poll released last week, for example, found that support for “Scranton Joe” has fallen from 62% to 47% since 2020 among young voters in Pennsylvania. Likewise, support among black and Hispanic voters for Biden in the state has dropped from 71% to 57% over the same period in the state.