Mental Illness

BlueAnon is really

ugly. I mean, you would have to have a florid Delusional Disorder to honestly believe that anyone would deliberately convince an untrained 20-year-old doofus to stand 150 yards away from you and fire (with no practice trials, mind you), and only hit your external ear! So if he is a few millimeters off, you are dead. Oh, and the doofus will immediately be shot dead no matter HOW “good” his shot is.

Would YOU do it? Do I have any volunteers?

Cue the William Tell overture. Except William Tell times ten thousand! Honestly, who is stupid enough to believe this crap?

Mental Illness

Ruh-roh, Shaggy!


Teens who use cannabis face 11 times the odds for a psychotic episode compared to teens who abstain from the drug, new Canadian research contends.

…”We found a very strong association between cannabis use and risk of psychotic disorder in adolescence. Surprisingly, we didn’t find evidence of association in young adulthood,” said lead author André McDonald, who led the study as part of his PhD work at the University of Toronto.

Look, smoking pot is not the risk-free thing I hear people talk about!

Medicine Mental Illness

Well, would

you looky there!

The medical group “cannot condone the social affirmation, medical intervention, or surgical mutilation of children and adolescents identifying as transgender or gender nonconforming.”

… “The most recent longitudinal study from Finland that followed over 2,000 adolescents seeking care in their gender clinics found that when psychiatric treatment needs were controlled for, gender identity with or without so-called ‘gender affirming’ interventions did not increase or decrease suicide risk compared to population controls,” Anderson said, citing the study.

I’m telling you, this will be looked upon in VERY few years as one of the worst medical mistakes ever. We are already starting to see MAJOR cracks in the dam.

And I have a question: Who wants to be the last kid sexually mutilated in this fad?

Mental Illness

The Man of La Mancha:

Mike Pence. Mike Pence plays the role of Don Quixote. I’m not yet sure who will play Sancho Panza, but probably the cruise-loving RINOs as a group.

Yeah, Pence is freakin’ delusional!