Lefty Political Strategy Liars MSM Palace Guard

Understand well,

the suck-up MSM partisans are frantically trying to “memory hole” Kamala’s past. And the first order of business is to “scrub” her failure as “border czar.”

Nice try, Axios! We’re not stupid, you know…

Yeah, it’s happening all over. The Democrat strategy is to hide just how extreme Kamala has been. That’s in line with virtually ALL Leftists, who famously pretend they are more conservative than they actually are.

We’re sick of the deception, and I’m not gonna pretend we’re not. I really don’t mind disagreement. But I abhor deception.

Current Events MSM Palace Guard

The MSM is

frantically trying to spin Biden’s “Big Boy” press conference.

But it was bad. Not as bad as his debate performance, but still not good. Just barely good enough to keep him in the race (and I like that), but he is very obviously weak.

I know the MSM is trying to gaslight people on this, but they lie.

Media Flying Monkeys MSM Palace Guard

Oh wow!

It’s pretty disgusting, if you believe in a free press! And a “reporter” got fired over it.

As we previously reported, both segments were pre-recorded. Further, both radio hosts, WURD’s Andrea Lawful-Sanders and Civic Media’s Earl Ingram, admitted after the fact that the Biden campaign submitted questions to them in advance of the interviews, most of which were used in the back-and-forth exchanges. 

The fallout from those revelations was news from Philadelphia-based WURD that they had “parted ways” with Lawful-Sanders, adding that “WURD Radio is not a mouthpiece for the Biden or any other Administration.”

Deception Evil MSM Palace Guard

Just your friendly

MSM at work!

It’s true–no matter how much you hate the MSM, you don’t hate them enough!

Media Flying Monkeys MSM Palace Guard

Yes, it absolutely


You should be angry that the MSM deliberately lied to you and duped you! No wonder few trust them anymore…

MSM Palace Guard

Don’t forget:

If Biden can remain upright and not obviously soil his britches, the MSM toadies will trumpet about how he absolutely killed it. THAT is how low the bar is for him.

And anything that Trump says that the MSM toadies and harpies disagree with (no matter how true) will be the source of endless rants.

Yeah, this is obviously NOT a level playing field!

Justice MSM Palace Guard

The millstone of

Justice is often very slow. But it grinds exceedingly fine

Federal prosecutors on Hunter Biden’s illegal gun purchase case will now be using a wealth of information taken from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop in the First Son’s upcoming trial – and over the objections of Hunter’s attorneys, Special Prosecutor David Weiss told Judge Maryellen Norieka that the laptop is authentic and he can prove it. Hunter Biden’s past may be — finally — about to catch up with him. [emphasis added]

… If the prosecutors can establish the veracity of the information on the laptop, the information presented is pretty damning. Using the defendant’s own words against him would be a strong case against the First Son and his alleged illegal purchase; not only that, but any information on the laptop, if similarly verified, will be valuable in a host of other investigations, such as the Biden family’s business dealings in China and Ukraine.

It looks like this will really blow up. And if it does, I don’t see how the mewling sycophant MSM covers it up any longer. And this, along with Ashley’s diary, is why the DNC is so desperate to get rid of Joe Biden. He is just totally toxic.

But they really have no other choices that are not electorally even worse. So Senile Joe it is. You can just feel the excitement, eh?…

Media Flying Monkeys MSM Palace Guard

Your MSM

at work.

MSM Palace Guard

A “Kinsley

Gaffe:” When a politician accidentally tells the truth. And that’s exactly what happened here. Yes, the MSM Palace Guard tried hard to fix things, and even changed the transcript. But we all know what really happened.

However, when he did so, he accidentally asked: ‘How many times does he have to prove we can’t be trusted?’ 

ABC News tried to cover for the president, replacing the word ‘we’ with ‘he’ in describing the speech, though he was clearly heard saying ‘we.’ 

It was a Kinsley Gaffe.

Culture MSM Palace Guard

IS there a

cultural reckoning going on? I sure hope so. It is LONG past due…

We have been hearing a lot about a “vibe shift” in American culture recently. The phrase has been around for a while. It gained new currency after the commentator Santiago Pliego wrote an essay about the phenomenon, and Tucker Carlson had him on his show to talk about it.

… I, too, discern cracks in the Narrative. I seem to see the Overton Window being forced open here and there.  But I also sense an aroma of panic among the dispensers and enforcers of the Narrative. You can feel it in the arrogant incredulousness of Nicolle Wallace attempting to digest the novel idea that maybe, just possibly, her snotty but ill-informed idea of what happened on January 6, 2021, is completely wrong.

But remember: a cornered rat is a dangerous rat. I have a buddy who is a Veterinarian surgeon. He talked about how dangerous a sweet dog who has been injured is. That dog will bite you when you intervene.

Now if a sweet dog who is injured will bite you, what will a malicious MSM do once they are injured?

My point is this: as evidence of a “vibe shift” grows more numerous and more substantive, so too will the vibe-stiffening reaction among the guardians of the status quo.