Media Flying Monkeys MSM Palace Guard

You know,

it’s a very good question, and one that I would sure like to know!

I mean, it is patently obvious that Joe Biden was not calling the shots. So just who WAS?

Carl Cannon presents the big question this raises: “Has Biden been running the country, or have these other people? If so, who? And by what right do they have to do that? What your column explores is the role of the media in, instead of exposing this, sort of covering it up. Is that too strong a term?”

… “Some older people are capable; some aren’t. It’s a case-by-case thing. But when you look at what they did when Trump maybe stumbled down a step once, and you compare it to how they covered up for Biden, it’s glaringly obvious. The contrast is so apparent.” 

Captain Obvious MSM Palace Guard

Oh! So NOW

she finally admits it! We ALL saw it. We’re not stupid, you know…

CBS News legal correspondent Jan Crawford admitted that President Joe Biden’s obvious cognitive decline over the last four years was “underreported” by the media.

Dishonesty Media Flying Monkeys MSM Palace Guard

Word to the wise:

NEVER do a broadcast interview without YOU recording it yourself!

Because CBS, ABC, and NBC LIE! Dollars to doughnuts, they will edit it to make you look like a total ignoramus!

Luckily, Johnson’s staff had a camera running on their end so they could prove what CBS News chose to cut out. 

It wasn’t luck, it was wisdom.


Here’s the edited version:

BRENNAN: So that’s a different accounting than this two percent that you say was distributed. 

JOHNSON: Yeah, so they’ve obligated some funds, but they’ve only distributed two percent.

Here’s what was cut out:

BRENNAN: So that’s a different accounting than this two percent that you say was distributed. 

JOHNSON: Yeah, so they’ve obligated some funds, but they’ve only distributed two percent, and when I was there on the ground, and you should go, bring the cameras and talk to those people there, and they’ll tell you, don’t take politicians’ words for this or the administration’s word, talk to people there on the ground. They have not been provided the resources almost two weeks out from the storm that they desperately needed. 

When I was there, 13 days post the storm hitting that state, people were still being rescued. They’re stuck in the higher elevations and the mountains because the roads are down and all the rest. They need every available resource and all hands on deck, the rescue and recovery efforts still going on, and then we address the rest of it.

Why do you refuse to admit that the MSM lies to you? I don’t get it. It’s really quite clear. You have to bring your own camera because they lie. DUH!

And again, here is another example out of the very same interview:

Here’s the edited version: 

JOHNSON: Everybody should want the law to be followed.

BRENNAN: You know that it is against the law for non-citizens to vote in federal elections. That’s established law. 

JOHNSON: Of course, it is, but here’s the problem. There’s a number of states that are not requiring proof of citizenship when illegals or non-citizens register to vote. We know that’s happening.

Here’s what was cut out:

JOHNSON: Of course, it is, but here’s the problem. There’s a number of states that are not requiring proof of citizenship when illegals or non-citizens register to vote. We know that’s happening. We know that’s happening. Look, Glenn Youngkin in Virginia, I was going to say, he issued an executive order to clean up their voting rolls heading into their elections less than 30 days out, a couple of days ago. The Obama, I mean the Biden administration DOJ, the Biden-Harris administration sued the governor in the Commonwealth of Virginia to try to prevent them from cleaning up their voter rolls. See, that kind of thing creates a lot of doubts in the minds of the American people. Why would they do that? We want, everybody should want the law to be followed.

It’s pretty dang obvious what is going on, here.

Again, it’s clear what CBS News was doing here. The fact that the Biden-Harris DOJ is suing Virginia for cleaning up its voting rolls to ensure non-citizens aren’t voting is not defensible. Further, stating that makes Brennan look bad because she was quick to use the Democrat talking point that non-citizen voting is already illegal.

Hypocrisy MSM Palace Guard

Biden and Harris’

Katrina. Though the MSM won’t talk about it because they are hypocrites and hired goons…

Lefty empty-headed shills MSM Palace Guard

It’s pretty obvious

to even the most casual observer: Kamala is an empty vessel.

She simply gives no policy substance at all. She forcibly reminds everyone of a 4th-grader who has to stand up in front of the class and give a report on a book she has never read. Sure, she has heard people talk about the book, and caught a few minutes of the movie version as she was flipping through channels, but she has never actually studied the book!

She’s an empty vessel. She is “not Trump,” and that’s pretty much all she has.

There just is nothing there but raw ambition, a consuming lust for power and dominion. Aided by a dishonest and conniving MSM.

Elliott pointed out that the portion where Harris struggled to provide a coherent answer was completely cut from the televised version.

Instead of airing the original response, ABC 6 reportedly spliced in a different part of the interview.

In the recorded broadcast, Taff’s question about lowering costs is still heard, but Harris’ actual response is replaced with a later, more polished segment.

Not at all attractive…

Media Flying Monkeys MSM Palace Guard

Wow! Talk about

an MSM palace guard! Folks, it’s a stealth campaign. DUH!

It’s really unbelievable! Karl should be ashamed of himself–his lackey, suck-up, ignorant shilling is plain for any halfway-informed person to see!

What platform is Harris running on? Who knows? But she was a far-left Attorney General of California, she was the most far-left member of the Senate, and for the last four years she has been part of the left-wing Biden/Harris administration. She has consistently taken left-wing positions throughout her career in public life.

It doesn’t take a genius to know how she would govern…

Captain Obvious Media Flying Monkeys MSM Palace Guard

Oh, that is

just random error, right?

Don’t be a freakin’ moron…

MSM Palace Guard


is the ultimate “palace guard” and is trying to trick you into thinking Kamala is popular.

Don’t be fooled. This is just part of their “operation demoralize” meant to make YOU discouraged and passive. Don’t you fall for it!

Things are really not as they would have you believe.

But please, don’t be fooled!

Media Flying Monkeys MSM Palace Guard

Just amazing

how that works, eh? You just never know when there will be “technical difficulties.”

Folks, it’s just revolting!

Lefty Political Strategy Liars MSM Palace Guard

Understand well,

the suck-up MSM partisans are frantically trying to “memory hole” Kamala’s past. And the first order of business is to “scrub” her failure as “border czar.”

Nice try, Axios! We’re not stupid, you know…

Yeah, it’s happening all over. The Democrat strategy is to hide just how extreme Kamala has been. That’s in line with virtually ALL Leftists, who famously pretend they are more conservative than they actually are.

We’re sick of the deception, and I’m not gonna pretend we’re not. I really don’t mind disagreement. But I abhor deception.