
Are you

shocked? I’m sure not

Yeah, it’s a mockery of justice!

Injustice Truth

Sometimes even

a big-time partisan speaks the truth! Well, as long as they are not running for something…

Backfire! Injustice

Let’s just say

I’m not surprised. No adult person likes a freeloader!

But according to a new AP/NORC poll, those numbers have more than flipped. Only 3 in 10 Americans now approve of Biden’s handling of student debt forgiveness while 4 in 10 oppose him.


Yes, I’m

hopeful that Justice will prevail. But usually the “nobility” Left can break laws with impunity…


Oh my!

This is likely to be a problem.

BEFORE the verdict: “’My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted! Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!!’”

Oh, so fair trial and all!

The post came a day before Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree. Trump had pleaded not guilty to all charges.

And note, Merchan is an inveterate, googley-eyed Trump-hater who grossly unfairly treated Trump at every turn. And yet even HE had to act on this! Probably because it was getting out anyway, and his actions are merely those of a rat jumping off a sinking ship…

Still, the fact that Merchan acted shows what a big deal this is!

Current Events Injustice

I think there is

little question but that Trump will be imprisoned.

And it will be a HUGE mistake by the Democrats. Huge. It has already started–by their blatantly unfair legal persecution they will make of him a sympathetic figure, and one that will majorly resonate with Black people in particular.

Then again, this was perhaps the only strategy that had a snowball’s chance in Hell of working. Trump is already kicking Biden’s butt in the polls, and they had to do something that could possibly stop the bleeding. They couldn’t just press on.

I don’t think this will do it, but we’ll see, eh?

Anger Current Events Injustice

Honestly, I’m

not at all surprised. Not one bit.

“The demand for anything and everything Trump has just exploded,” Mr. Kligman told The Epoch Times on Friday. “I mean, it is actually really nuts, and we’ve never seen anything close to what we are witnessing right now.”

… “To say it’s been busy would be an understatement. At this point, I could basically sell cow chips with the words ‘Trump 2024’ on them, and we would sell out.”

In case you are missing the cultural trend, understand that people are red-hot angry at the very obviously unfair treatment of Trump.

Trump retailers attribute the dramatic rise in demand for Trump-related memorabilia to a shared sense of injustice and a desire to defend a man they believe has been unfairly maligned by a system that isn’t only out to get the candidate but also his supporters.

Civil Rights Immorality Injustice

Well, we already knew

that the Trump conviction was legally bogus. THAT is far from news.

In 2010, in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310, the Supreme Court held 5 to 4 that the freedom of speech clause of the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting independent expenditures for political campaigns by closely allied corporations and groups like The Trump Organization. Under Citizens United, it was perfectly legal for The Trump Organization to pay Daniels $130,000 in hush money to conceal her alleged affair with Donald Trump.

… The U.S. Supreme Court needs to hear this case as soon as possible because of its impact on the 2024 presidential election between President Trump and President Biden. Voters need to know that the Constitution protected everything Trump is alleged to have done with respect to allegedly paying hush money to Stormy Daniels.

… The Roman Republic fell when politicians began criminalizing politics. I am gravely worried that we are seeing that pattern repeat itself in the present-day United States. It is quite simply wrong to criminalize political differences.

There is virtually no disagreement on that from scholars in the area. Or by people who are attached to logic and good sense! And then the jury instructions were a travesty that they would make… a stripper blush!

“I hate to do this, but I would be remiss if I didn’t,” Zelin said. “Whether you are driving in a Ford or a Ferrari, if someone gives you bad directions, you’re going to end up lost. And those jury instructions were just a complete, just take the Constitution, throw it out a window, burn it, shoot it, and hang it.”

EVERYONE knows that the case won’t survive appeal. Yeah, DUH! But survivability is NOT the goal of foam-flecked Lefty judge Marchand, here.

No, the point has two parts: a) Keep Trump from being able to campaign, and b) hang a conviction, however fleeting, on Trump during height of the campaign season.

So, Lefties, Mission Accomplished! Would that you had the moral sense to be ashamed–but you don’t. SCOTUS should hear this case starting tomorrow!

Captain Obvious Despotism Injustice

You know, Bill,

none of us do. MANY of us were aware of that at the very outset. Some people were a little slower on the uptake…

But things are just starting to dawn on Bill:

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case against 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump relied on claiming that Trump’s hush money payment “got him the election” and that’s unclear, and the case should have been brought at the federal level.



well said.

We ALL know that this is a show trial and totally bogus!