Current Events Dementia Joe Dishonesty MSM Toadies

How is Biden still

fit to serve as President? I mean, if he is not fit to run, how is he fit to serve out his term? It just makes NO sense at all!

Nut what about Obama and scads of other Democrats who assured us that Biden was “sharp as a tack?” Morning Joe told us that this was “the best Biden ever.”

So they lied. Plain and simple–they lied. Lefties, isn’t that clear to you now? So why believe them with whatever they will say next? Yeah, they will boost Kamala now, but why on earth would you believe them when they are demonstrated liars?

Dementia Joe

You know,

it’s a serious issue! Look, if he’s too senile to run, for heaven’s sake he is too senile to be President NOW!

Dementia Joe

I think the

answer is, “Yes.” That’s why regular people need to be very watchful!

We’re learning something valuable. Censorship works better than gaslighting, but even that fails. Joe Biden’s “cognitive decline” has been ongoing since at least 2019. If you didn’t understand why Biden ran his 2020 campaign from his Wilmington rec room, now you know. COVID precaution was a convenient excuse. Biden wasn’t ever going to draw a crowd like Trump, so masking up and hanging out in front of his big screen was an easy dodge. But it was his deteriorating brain that kept him off the campaign trail.

Dementia Joe

Hey, it’s a

mistake ANYONE could make! Uh, RIGHT?

Dementia Joe

And now even

George Clooney jumps aboard

Et tu, George?

Dementia Joe

Brutal for Joe.

Amazingly brutal!

His motor symptoms are degenerating. He has Parkinsonisms. That is a fact. You know, he has [de]generation of the brain.”

This guy is a DEMOCRAT and a neurologist who treats Parkinson’s Disease patients. But you don’t have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing!

Then he landed a death blow on the Democrat Party: “They had four years. My own party had four years to find—you know, this was a wreck in slow motion. And they had four years to find—out of 350 million Americans—one person that could take [Biden’s] place. And here we are, the day before school, trying to do the homework and replace a guy who’s got a neurodegenerative disease.”

Buffoons Dementia Joe

Joe Biden

represents YOU as only HE can!

But he has to admit that Trump was right:

But it was sometimes hard to know what he was actually saying…

Dementia Joe

Yes, chaos


Joe is freakin’ GONE! There is just no way he can survive now. Maybe.

This admission comes on the heels of a report on Sunday that White House visitor logs showed that Biden’s primary physician repeatedly consulted with a Parkinson’s disease specialist at the White House earlier this year. 

… The White House is losing control over the narrative, and the mainstream media isn’t letting the issue of Biden’s health go any time soon.

Biden’s flacks only divulged it because it was coming out anyway! But it won’t save him. I give him one week, maybe two. Though I might be surprised.

In fact, I might well be surprised. Biden is actively and aggressively saying that he will not go softly into that good night! So maybe we are looking at the beginnings of an epic battle!

I hope so. Let them fight…

Dementia Joe

Oh wow!

Why did he skip over the black woman?

But Lefties will tell us that it’s an innocent mistake. Yeah, maybe. Probably. But I’m not entirely sure, given his history.

Age-related decline Dementia Joe

I find this to

be VERY interesting. Lewy body dementia is bordering on but slightly outside my realm of expertise. Still, this physician is pretty persuasive. And in light of the fact that a Parkinson’s Disease expert just visited the White House, I am suddenly quite concerned.

PD is a waxing and waning disease. Today can be awful, and tomorrow better. Treatment can make the awful somewhat better but doesn’t change the disease. It just changes how it looks. And it doesn’t change the fact that there is, at present, no treatment that will reverse the disease. Joe’s over the hill and gaining speed.

This may not be Alzheimer’s at all, but Lewy body Dementia, which is (as I understand it) more in the Parkinson’s disease realm. In any case, it won’t be getting better!

Biden shaking hands with unseen people is something we have ALL seen. Is Biden at times having transient hallucinations?

His Lewy Body Dementia variant of PD gives him visual hallucinations. We saw them demonstrated when he walked away from the assembled heads of state toward an unknown and invisible person at the G7 meeting. There are several other public events that are best explained by Joe responding to a visual hallucination.

Diagnostically, I really don’t know what is going on. But something sure is!