Current Events

Is it true?

If so, it is almost game, set, and match. We’ll see…

Current Events

“False.” They keep

using that word. I do not think it means what they think it means…

Current Events

Well, I very much

hope so!

Current Events Humor


pretty much…

Current Events

So can Harris

close the gap? Republicans are a TON more stoked about Trump than Democrats are about Kamala. Maybe Democrat voter fraud will indeed close that gap…

Harris has raised $81 million in the 24 hours after Biden dropped out. She got another $70 million in pledges from rich donors. But those donations were like a dam breaking. The big money donors had stopped giving to Joe Biden and the grassroots fundraising had fallen off 20% in the aftermath of Biden’s disastrous debate performance.

But Kamala is simply an execrable campaigner! Just watch:

It’s horrifying, but I can’t look away!

Now that Senile Joe is out of the way, there WIL be a relief-fueled honeymoon for Harris. For a bit. But that relief you feel after a near miss–Joe was toast and everyone knew it–will not last forever…

Current Events

I agree.

I don’t think it makes much difference at all, from a political philosophy standpoint. Where it DOES make a difference is that now the fat-cat Democrat donors are again willing to give money now that Senile Joe is gone. So fundraising becomes very important for Trump!

THAT was going to happen no matter what, though. It’s not exactly a shocker!

But now Democrats just want to “unite.”

Current Events

Gee, this is

getting more and more like JFK.

And it turns out, JFK WAS murdered by his political enemies!

Current Events

He’s alive!

Not gonna lie: I was starting to wonder…

He’s only dead politically, I guess.

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I’m very glad to see it. She SHOULD have resigned immediately.

A DEI hire bites the dust. And yet there is still Kamala…

Current Events

Just spitballing

here, because I don’t actually know any better than you do, but I would bet a hundred bucks right now that Joe Biden is either dead or gravely incapacitated.

NO other explanation even comes close to making sense. it is likely that he is really bad off, but that he might recover. Hence all the secrecy.

We will know soon…