Criminal Negligence Despicable Disgusting!

So, the building

where the shooter was is only about 130-150 yards away from where Trump was speaking. Think one end-of-the-end-zone to the other.

Holy crap that’s an easy shot! I can’t believe he missed it!

But how on earth did the Secret Service not secure that building? THAT is at least criminal negligence! And apparently, at least one person reported the gunman to the Secret Service before the shooting! What?!

I’m not yet on board with those who say it was part of the assassination attempt, but you know, that is NOT a crazy theory!

I mean, the incompetence (or deliberate negligence) is nothing short of stunning! And Kim Cheatle (head of Secret Service) should be fired immediately! At least fired, if not prosecuted.

But Lefties have made assassination attempts on Donald Trump, Rand Paul, and Steve Scalise recently. ALL are disgusting Lefty violence. Before that it was Ronald Reagan. See the pattern, here?

And the Left has LONG engaged in “assassination porn.” I remember it being prominent as far back as Bush II. Conservatives, OTOH, are not into assassination porn. But Lefties sure are!


Hey CNN,

you evil buffoons, he didn’t just fall! Any damns I had to give about you are totally gone! You have covered yourself in shame! And I am ashamed of YOU.

You absolute turd!

Bad Faith Despicable

Honestly, how

can you not support voter integrity and still consider yourself a decent person? I really don’t get it.

Bad Faith Despicable

YOUR tax dollars

at… work?

I’m sure she needs it for the war and all…

Captain Obvious Despicable

Yep, Biden had

the questions in advance. It didn’t help.

Buffoons Despicable

Do you even

wonder why people hate these narcissistic turds? What they need is a very stiff jail sentence!

Barbaric! Despicable Evil


If this doesn’t scare and enrage you, nothing evil will!

ALWAYS remember! May they come in? Yes, BUT ONLY IF THEY HAVE A WARRANT!


HAMAS wackos,

do you think that things like this wins you friends and support for your cause? Because it doesn’t!

In a video posted by someone who goes by the online name “Crackhead Barney,” Tarantino is seen eating quietly alone at a restaurant when someone approaches.

Despicable Dishonesty Evil

Pretty bad news

for Liz Cheney and her lies.

It is beyond question that they lied. Now, what ELSE did they lie about?

Despicable Evil Clown

This guy is

an evil, malevolent piece of crap!

Former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci told a House committee that he’s unware of studies that supported social distancing rules that were in turn used by many American colleges and universities during the coronavirus pandemic.

Bur hey, I’m just sure that following the arrows on the floor at Walmart saved a ton of lives…