Illegal Immigration

MOST Americans

want to curb immigration.

In a blunt assessment of the president’s policies, Gallup said Friday, “For the first time in nearly two decades, a majority of Americans want immigration levels to the U.S. reduced rather than kept at their present level or increased.”

The issue is that Biden has encouraged illegal immigration. and most Americans realize that it was a stupid, stupid move.

Biden has tried to deal with the crisis but only on the edges, and it is likely to hurt his reelection chances in states on the border and those being hit with massive influxes of illegal immigrants, including Illinois and New York.

I think most people are happy to have legal immigration. The issue is that people are sick to death of illegal immigration! I would bet that 90% of people are totally fine with legal immigration. But I bet 90% of people are against illegal immigration!

Illegal Immigration

Oh! Now THAT

can’t be welcome news for Slow Joe!

More Latino voters trust former President Donald Trump on immigration issues over President Joe Biden, according to a new poll in key swing states.

… The divide is even greater with non-Hispanic voters, with 49% of respondents trusting the former Republican president and the GOP on immigration compared to only 34% for Biden and the Democrats, the poll found.

And here’s something that should give partisan Lefty hacks an upset tummy:

Fifty-three percent of Hispanic adults approve of “a new national program to deport all undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. illegally,” according to a CBS/YouGov poll conducted earlier this month.

Illegal Immigration

Look, we ALL

have had enough! I think this was a gross miscalculation on Team Biden’s part.

In 2024, Trump is poised for a breakthrough with Hispanic voters. Working-class Hispanics and blacks are flocking to the Republican candidate in unprecedented numbers. 

… Perhaps not surprisingly then, a majority of Hispanics are now in favor of the mass deportation of illegal immigrants, according to a YouGov poll conducted this month.

Just chaw on THAT for a moment, Democrats! You may be shooting yourselves in the foot.

Are there problems with mass deportations? Oh yes. But don’t forget that it has been done in this country before. When people get torqued enough…

Deception False Flag Illegal Immigration

No, it’s working

just as intended.

But here’s the big question: Are YOU fooled? Because that is what this is all about!

“It’s all smoke and mirrors,” National Border Patrol Council President for the San Diego border sector Manny Bayon told The Post.

Yyyup! That’s exactly what it is!

…It also says the number doesn’t apply to migrants who are “permitted to enter … due to operational considerations at the time of the entry,” which potentially excludes all the 4,900 individuals released in the San Diego sector.

Don’t be fooled, folks. YOU are getting worked!

Your ONLY recourse is to vote this evil dude out along with ALL his mindless minions with a “D” after their name come November…

Epic fail Fools Illegal Immigration

The NY Times

backpedals furiously.

Democrats saw what happened in Europe last week, and they can read the polls. The Biden administration’s policy of mass illegal immigration is hugely unpopular, and after nearly four feckless years, the Democrats are finally going to pay a price. So this morning’s New York Times email suggests that it is time to change course.

Yes, “Biden” has seen how disastrously unpopular his throwing the doors open to illegal immigration is, and suddenly he saying that he will limit it.

But he is lying. Again. Yet again. He has ONLY pretendedly “seen the light” because he has felt the heat. But again, he is just lying in a lame attempt to fool the rubes.

Puh-leez! Don’t be a sucker, a gull, a slack-jawed fool…

Illegal Immigration

You KNOW that’s

pretty much what it is. Even hardcore Lefties know it!

“Real Time” host Bill Maher ripped President Biden over his massive pivot on illegal immigration, calling the decision to take executive action an election “Hail Mary” that will not work out. 

“If Biden loses this election, it’s going to be because of two things: He’s old… and immigration,” Maher told his panel guests on Friday. “I mean, just on a political level, I don’t think they could have handled it worse.” 

Bad Faith Illegal Immigration

Yeah, let’s not

be confused about whether Biden is taking care of the southern border. He’s not. He’s just trying to pull the wool over your eyes.

It won’t work, you know…

THIS is what cheesy, grudging, half-hearted deathbed repentance looks like!

Illegal Immigration

No. No it

wasn’t. Even a moron squish like Mitt Romney sees THAT!

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) said that Biden’s disastrous handling of the border would probably lose him the election while admitting the border was not a problem under President Donald Trump.

Illegal Immigration Political tactics

DON’T be fooled!

They are just feeling the heat and so now they are seeing the light

But it is just a political tactic. They just hope that they can fool you in November. They are as reliable as… Joe Manchin.

Democrats see an opening to score goodwill with voters on a policy that’s top of mind in polls, but that has been a political nightmare for the party due to a surge of illegal southern border crossings under President Joe Biden.

… “The reality is that they’re exposed. They don’t want to fix the border. They [just] don’t want to have to vote on this again,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), the lead Democratic negotiator on border issues, told the Washington Examiner.

… “They haven’t engaged with any Republicans,” Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), who’s often involved in bipartisan talks, told the Washington Examiner. “It looks like another messaging effort, political effort.”

Illegal Immigration

Yeah, maybe

the hemorrhage of illegal immigrants is a bigger deal than “Biden” supposed!

Axios has released a new poll showing American attitudes toward illegal immigration and the question of mass deportations. The results are a disaster for Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. 

We aren’t talking about a polling question regarding reform for asylum rules. On that, you might expect some separation on the left. I would have never expected almost half of Democrats to be in favor of mass deportations, though. That is the supposed “radical” position when it comes to illegal immigration. After seeing that much movement to what would be considered the harshest measure against illegal immigration, I can only imagine how toxic the issue must be to the Democratic Party overall when you consider all its aspects.

There’s simply no good news for the White House in this poll. It goes on to show that Biden is personally blamed for the border crisis at a higher rate than any other politician or factor.

…. Biden doesn’t have many options to counter this shift in public opinion. He could take solid steps toward mitigating the crisis by reinstating Trump-era policies, but that would require betraying his far-left base, which includes the White House handlers who pull the strings. That’s not going to happen, and the timeline is so compressed at this point that it might not make a difference anyway. Democrats have painted themselves into a corner on illegal immigration.