A Butt-Kicking Defensive Avoidance


Democrats are afraid of Kash Patel. And they should be!

The reality is that folks on the left are afraid Trump will subject them to the same treatment they meted out against him leading up to the 2024 election. They know Democrats weaponized the justice system at the federal and state levels to target him with prosecution efforts aimed at influencing the outcome of the election. Perhaps some of these people might need to be held accountable if they engage in illegal activities, an outcome the left will surely complain about in the media.

Defensive Avoidance Lefty Political Strategy

I’m telling you,

things are looking a little grim for Democrats. Will they be gone? Honestly, I doubt it. Yeah, maybe. But if they want to be more than a regional rump of a party, they will change before they hit rock bottom.

SPOILER: They won’t.

“Many of the Democrats who succeeded this cycle — our best over-performers in House races, for instance — are people who ran against the Democratic Party brand,” Lis Smith pointed out. “Trump tore down the blue wall in the industrial Midwest, but he also expanded his vote the most in our bluest and most urban areas.”

… The working class has become unmoored from the Democratic Party and is entirely up for grabs going forward. The scope of this disaster and the loss of massive supermajority support from blacks and Hispanics mean that, for the moment, the Democrats are little better than a regional and local party with dim prospects for nationwide success. 

And Democrats are in pathological denial. Their overweening pride keeps them defensive and unable to see the truth.

Democrats are having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that to about 2/3 of the country, many of their policies are toxic. And their arrogance in sermonizing on subjects like gender and sexual preference has many of their own voters streaming to the exits.

So I’m not worried that me telling them what the base problem is will result in them actually turning their ship around. It’s like telling a raging alcoholic to just stop drinking: Yes, that really IS the solution, but until that alcoholic has hit “rock bottom” all your words will go in one ear and out the other…

And I don’t think Democrats have hit rock bottom. Yet.

Defensive Avoidance

Yes, but she

doesn’t dare come out. Most of that is because she is a blithering idiot and doesn’t want people to see that!

Avoidance. It’s the Democrat way!

Deeply disturbing Defensive Avoidance Evil

How much will

Biden’s catastrophic debate performance actually hurt him? Unfortunately, I think that the foam-flecked Left is so divorced from good sense and right and wrong that it will make far less difference to them than we would hope. We are talking about gains on the margins ONLY.

Of course, on some level, we’ve long known that our lefty friends will vote for a radish if it has a “D” next to its name. Memory care patient Joe Biden’s election in 2020 and recovering stroke survivor Sen. John Fetterman’s (D-Pa.) in 2022 made this abundantly clear. But Democrats were still able to stagecraft the illusion that these men were somewhat competent. The debate on Thursday night ended that. We now know beyond question that competency is not a requirement for a Democrat candidate. Team D may as well AI-generate a “candidate” and use her to brand its actions.

As one Democrat partisan said:

It doesn’t matter if Biden’s debate performance wasn’t perfect. I’m not voting for a person, I’m voting for values:

  • A woman’s right to choose
  • Equality for people of color
  • LGBTQ rights
  • The right to vote 
  • Sensible gun laws
  • Protecting the environment
  • Future SCOTUS judges
  • The ideals and principles of the Democratic party

And THAT is what is most discouraging. Because that means that logic and data are not the right tools for this job. No, this is a form of religious conversion, conversion to the religion of Leftism, not the end point of a logical analysis. And we need to realize what it actually is.

Now that Biden has gone gone down in a flaming mishmash of incoherent gobbledygook:

But the point is that rank-and-file Democrat voters have admitted to themselves what we’ve known all along, and they are voting for the hive with eyes wide open now.

…The third leg of the campaign will be dependent on who the Democrat presidential candidate ultimately is. As mentioned above, Democrat voters do not care who it is; they are voting for their party, come hell or high water. Thus, the attacks on the Democrat candidate must be highly targeted to swing voters — disaffected Democrats, undecideds, and double-haters. As abrasive as Trump can be, his gift for summing up entire records in a nickname or catch-phrase can be invaluable here. 

Defensive Avoidance Political Strategy

It’s almost always

a mistake debating with a Leftist. It’s like teaching a hog to play the piano; It is very unlikely to bear fruit and it just irritates the hog. Many Leftists act like they are beholden to reason and logic, but, in fact, they are not. Leftism is their religion, and no facts, no reason will get through to them at all. They are impervious to such things. Usually, they will not even debate a point, as that would be leaving their “circle of safety.”

It’s called,”Epistemic Closure.” They already know, and there can be no more knowing!

BUT, they will be smug and condescending, so they’ve got THAT going for them…

Defensive Avoidance

Step one:

Biden refuses the Presidential Debates Commission.

Biden is not YET saying he will refuse any debate with Trump, but I strongly suspect that is coming–this is just the first step. Maybe team Biden will risk one meth-laced debate, but probably not even that. Still, Biden may be so behind in the polls that it is a kind of “last gasp” gambit on his part–shoving all his chips into the middle of the table, so to speak.

And the hope (for Biden’s camp) is that Biden can not crap his pants on stage and, with MSM cheerleaders and “ringer” moderators doing some very heavy lifting, seem almost cogent for that hour or so.

UPDATE: Huh. I honestly thought it would never happen. But maybe it will! The truth is, Biden has to do something to stop the bleeding. That is what may be behind this.

I really thought that Biden would never debate. But it appears now that I was wrong. Let’s see if it actually happens.

“I’m ready to go,” Trump said. “The dates that they proposed are fine. Anywhere. Anytime. Any place. Let’s see if Joe can make it to the stand-up podium.”

Defensive Avoidance Lawlessness

Yep. Denial ain’t

just a river in Egypt!

Democrats feast at a smorgasbord of denial when confronted with their failures. Various ways to pretend something isn’t happening are always in front of them. At first — and for the longest time — it was garden variety denial. The Biden administration dispatched all of its minions to assure everyone that there was no crisis at our southern border. 

…All any of that denial did was exacerbate the very real crisis. While the public could see the crush of humanity from news sources that weren’t in the tank for the Democrats, Team Biden had “The border is secure” playing on a loop throughout all of its friendly media. It’s a testament to their powers of prevarication that they could keep saying that with straight faces. 

… Once more, with feeling: Biden’s border catastrophe is both a humanitarian and national security crisis that can’t be swept under the rug. Every response to every “Gotcha!” question thrown at Republican candidates this year should begin with throwing the border insanity in their faces. 

Defensive Avoidance

So why do you

think stuff like this is happening?

This seems to have become the modus operandi for the left, even down to the general population: If you hear something you don’t like, just walk away. Do not engage in reason or persuasion, just refuse to engage. THAT’s the Democrat way.