Stooooopid! The Loony Left


the way.

“So, he [Musk] has a long record of supporting the Jewish people, number one,” he continued. “Number two, anybody who is asserting this thing he did on the stage the other day was a Sieg Heil, which I just heard you say, you know, lawyer up maybe, because absolute ridiculous thing to say.”

Wow! And of course the other panelist freaks out…

America has long recognized that such buzzwords are simply ways to smear ideological opponents rather than deal with their arguments.

Yup. Pretty much. Typically, the Left doesn’t argue a position, it just sneeringly calls names. Make ’em pay!

Malignant Leftism The Loony Left

DEI is dead.

Sure, it’s still limping around for a short time, but it is intellectually a dead man, limping.

President Donald Trump “took aim” at the federal government’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs on Tuesday, with an Office of Personnel Management memorandum ordering “employees to be placed on leave no later than Wednesday and for DEI offices to be closed down,” according to a Washington Post report.

… Trump and Ezell aren’t messing around. The memo orders agency heads to ask employees “if they know of any efforts to disguise these programs by using coded or imprecise language,” and all DEI materials must be removed from the web, social media, etc.

Sure something really bad will replace it, that you can be sure of. Out of the asp’s hole comes a cockatrice…

The Loony Left

Those of us

who are NOT rigid Lefty ideologues don’t really get your wacky “reasoning.” But hey, you be you!

Voters around the nation were immeasurably grieved to hear that the candidate who overspent her campaign account by millions of dollars will now never get the opportunity to fix the American economy.

Democrat Flop-Sweat The Loony Left

You know,

sometimes I just can’t decide who to root for.

"Green" religion The Loony Left

Hey, if the

shoe fits, buddy

And the fact that the nutcase glued his feet to concrete might have had something to do with the determination he might need professional intervention.

Yeah, maybe…

But perhaps a hard Ice Hockey body-check would have freed him! We’ve already seen these wackos have their glued hands ripped off. Sometimes the road surface has been removed around the hand and then they are sent on their way. All good!

I’m tired of these zealots. I’m just NOT into extreme religious zealotry. And that’s what this is. We have seen that same thing with the ascetics in history. And there’s simply no good reason to be nice about this. It does them no good and also does the rest of us no good. Let them become an extreme religious ascetic, a modern-day St. Simeon The Stylite.

They deliberately do it to themselves in a fit of religious zealotry in order to take advantage of you because of your niceness! So let them face the consequences of their actions. Don’t let them turn your niceness into a weapon against you!

Hypocrisy Psychopathology The Loony Left

Yeah, self-awareness

is NOT a strong suit with these guys! They are just not very good at introspection–it is inherently threatening to their sense of self.

But you gotta admit, the crap-eating hypocrisy is nothing but (unintentional) comedy gold!

Hypocrisy PWNED! The Loony Left

Honestly, I think

this should happen over and over and over. Let’s rub their Lefty noses in it!

Hey, they are the ones who made this stupid “rule.” Fine. Let’s make them live up to it!

An Indiana Republican politician caused woke leftists to lose their minds when he reintroduced himself as a “woman of color” and “a lesbian” because he is attracted to women.

When criticized by some trans harpy he said:

Do you think you have the password to the forbidden world of coming out? When you decided to become a woman did people tell you that it was unbecoming?

Sorry pal but you don’t get to be the decider of who is acceptable and who isn’t. I was hoping that you and I could be friends now that we are both ladies who used to be men. I’ll give you some more time.

…You don’t get to question me. You do not get to require proof from me. You were part of the movement that helped establish these rules and set the bar, OK? You don’t get to come later when someone else joins the club that you don’t want in … You don’t get to question how I identify. [emphasis added]

I mean, who are YOU to dictate my identity? Maybe I look like a white male, but deep down inside I feel like a black female. Sure, I want YOU to be in on the ruse and treat me in almost every way as a white male, but very often I feel like a black female.

Sure, sexual identity is malleable, and that might change from moment to moment. But that in no way changes the fact that I might have a different sexual identity than you think. You need to ask my pronouns MULTIPLE times during the day. You never really know how I am feeling at the moment.

Oh, and I (at times) am a Lesbian, since I am attracted to females. Deal with the reality of ME, pal!

The whole radical trans movement will become even more obvious to the general public if more people follow Webb. And that is precisely what they are afraid of.

Bad Faith Current Events The Loony Left


Maybe DeSantis will take it all. I’d be A-OK with that…

I would almost for sure choose DeSantis over Trump. I’m a fan.

It’s not that Trump wasn’t robbed–he was. It’s not that Trump didn’t do a good job and he certainly would do so again. It is that Trump is a magnet for drooling, foam-flecked opposition. And WHEN Lefty Freakers™ start going after DeSantis (which they most certainly will–and it has already started), there is no longer even a skiff of doubt of their mendacity and bad faith. It pulls the curtain on their partisan machinations.

Dole = Literally Hitler: check
Bush = Literally Hitler: check
McCain = Literally Hitler: check
Romney = Literally Hitler: check
Trump = Literally Hitler: check
DeSantis = In process. Coming very soon! (spoiler: He will also be “Literally Hitler”)

Get the pattern? DUH!

I mean, Bush, McCain, and Romney were ALL huge RINO squishes. But the Left gravely informed us that they were all “Literally Hitler.”

Look, it makes NO differences who or what you actually are…