Captain Obvious

Well, Obama wasn’t

born yesterday! I may not like him or agree with him much at all, but he knows a loser when he sees one!

Former President Barack Obama reportedly does not believe that Vice President Kamala Harris can beat former President Donald Trump in the general election and will hold on endorsing her.

… “Obama’s very upset because he knows she can’t win,” the source told the outlet. “Obama knows she’s just incompetent — the border czar who never visited the border, saying that all migrants should have health insurance. She cannot navigate the landmines that are ahead of her.”

Captain Obvious Criminal Negligence Evil

Well, she SHOULD

resign. At least. And perhaps she is an accomplice to attempted murder, but I certainly hope not. But it is gross negligence for sure.

After a contentious hearing in which Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle failed to answer some of the most basic questions surrounding the failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump on July 13, the House Oversight Committee called on Cheatle to resign.

And it’s bipartisan. It’s NOT just Republicans who have demanded her resignation! Her’s an excerpt from a letter to her:

Today, you failed to provide answers to basic questions regarding that stunning operational failure and to reassure the American people that the Secret Service has learned its lessons and begun to correct its systemic blunders and failures. In the middle of a presidential election, the Committee and the American people demand serious institutional accountability and transparency that you are not providing. We call on you to resign as Director as a first step to allowing new leadership to swiftly address this crisis and rebuild the trust of a truly concerned Congress and the American people. 

I mean, she is doing some VERY weird crap!

She looks guilty, given the evidence.

Captain Obvious

I think this guy

is overly optimistic, but he makes some very good points.

Kamala’s record is just horrible, and she is very obviously a “diversity hire.” But she is ambitious, and there’s no way Democrats can get rid of her. And she is stupid, as well. Just listen to her–it is obvious!

Kamala=Rented mule. And she will get beat like one. Oh, the MSM toadies will do their best to boost her and make her NOT look like a moron. But there’s only so much they can do. All the fawning, softball interviews in the world are not gonna make this leopard change her spots!

She has a long a record of incompetence. And while other Democrat hopefuls rag-dolled her in the Democrat primary debates (hi, Tulsi!), they also held off a little. Donald Trump will do no such thing!

Her words were later used to describe her own failings. Her worst moment probably came in 2010, when 600 drug-related cases were voided after her office failed to disclose key information about the mishandling of evidence to defence attorneys. She made things worse later that year by opposing a San Francisco initiative to legalise marijuana – 1,560 people were jailed for marijuana offences during her tenure as attorney general – then later supporting decriminalisation legislation.

… The list goes on. Harris has also been criticised for her handling of wrongful convictions, resisting DNA testing that may have exonerated suspects and failing to disclose crucial evidence that may have tipped the scales against the accused in sexual abuse cases.

… Remove race from the equation, and Harris is a terrible pick for VP. Add it to the mix and she is still a terrible pick, but one that is far more difficult to avoid without igniting a row over identity politics.

Kamala is just a terrible candidate.

Captain Obvious Ignoramuses

Cheatle should

have been fired the day after the Trump shooting. You fire incompetent people! Holy crap!

Strength and the intimidating appearance of a large, strong man are key requirements for a secret service agent or any serious bodyguard. There is a reason that bars don’t hire 5’ 4,” 140 lb. women as bouncers. Cheatle’s promulgation of these puny and unequal standards tells us one of two things: Either she does not have a clue what the standards and requirements should be for Secret Service agents on personal protective details, or she places a higher priority on DEI than on effective protection of a president or presidential candidate.

Just spit-balling, how many chin ups would you guess the woman on the left can do? I know what I’m betting…

Captain Obvious Current Events

A little peek

into the future…

Captain Obvious

I’m not sure

we’re there yet, but it’s pretty close.

“The presidential contest ended last night,” said another veteran Democratic consultant, who spoke with the network anonymously to offer an honest assessment of the party’s position in the wake of Saturday night’s tragic events, which also resulted in the death of one rally attendee and seriously wounded two others.

I’m not sure we’re in “Stick a fork in him–he’s done” territory yet, but almost.

“Now it’s time to focus on keeping the Senate and trying to pick up the House,” he added. “The only silver lining for Democrats is that we’re no longer talking about Joe Biden’s age today.”

Captain Obvious

NEVER forget!

Captain Obvious

The reaction

of most regular people to Joe Biden:

Captain Obvious

No one on

the Left wants to face the obvious truth. It’s not politically correct.

Consider, for example, a piquant and revealing news item from Sweden: crime rates go down in the summertime. Why? Because the “refugees” go on vacation.

Captain Obvious

It was pretty

dang obvious to anyone who was at all interested in knowing the truth rather than in being told soothing, anesthetic lies…

Joe’s dementia, that is.

Careful what you demand:
Isaiah 30:10 Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits:

We all knew. EVERY non-partisan-hack knew. We weren’t fooled by the “smooth” explanations. We knew.