"Global Warming" nonsense "Green" religion Moron

I’m in for that!

As the Blogfather says, that could be a great pay-per-view. Heck, I’d pay for that!

The Climate Church dullards are an international embarrassment whose only real skill is the ability to move goal posts in order to help them sell their latest load of ideological horse dung. It is a movement devoid of any intellectual rigor because they constantly just make up the rules as they go. Whenever it is pointed out that they were wrong about something, they get blank stares and immediately go into “The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” mode. They basically live in a memory hole. 

"Global Warming" nonsense "Green" religion

Darn that

Global Warming!

Democrats need to pull their heads out of their butts and start following the science!

"Green" religion


let’s hope! I mean, these guys are freakin’ NUTS!

Given the damage being done to Europe’s industrial base, the political tide is unsurprisingly turning against the greens. The gilets jaunes demonstrations in France in the late 2010s have been followed by large-scale farmers protests in the Netherlands, Poland and Germany. This year, voters gave the greens a ballot-box kicking at the European Parliament elections. Even as the technocracy sticks to its green religion, voters are headed in the opposite direction.

The article is far too long. The author must have taken a cue from the NY Times. Still, it is a good article.

"Green" religion

Well, this is

what you get when you push the “green energy” folly. It’s entirely predictable.

The state of Iowa is suing a Washington-state company and its executives for allegedly dumping tons of old wind-turbine blades around Iowa, in violation of the state’s solid-waste laws.

My understanding is that the blades are not recyclable. I am very certain that solar panels are not–they last 15 years or so and then are dumped in a landfill, where they can seep out toxic chemicals.

Let’s face it: Wind and solar energy are not just sucky and inefficient, they are also environmental nightmares! But these “fat cats” are happy to rape the environment in order to make a buck! Disgusting…

"Global Warming" nonsense "Green" religion

Folks, don’t be

a fool. The weather and climate have ALWAYS been changing! And they always will be… 

"Green" religion Captain Obvious

Yes, solar power

is simply not viable without government subsidies.

In 2023, state policymakers changed California’s rooftop solar subsidy programs and weakened the incentive for companies to push rooftop solar by reducing payments to homeowners who sell back excess power the panels generate, according to CalMatters. Those changes negatively affected SunPower’s business, culminating in its bankruptcy filing, according to Bloomberg.

Bottom line: Solar sucks. It is simply not viable on its own. Plus, it is an environmental nightmare!

"Global Warming" nonsense "Green" religion

Global Warming

is a HUGE menace! I mean, we’re all gonna die!

"Green" religion Chumps

Well yeah.

because solar sucks! And it is dangerous! No. Just no!

"Green" religion

More Lefty logic:

"Green" religion DUH!

What, you’re

just now figuring that out?

Today’s climate activists resemble nothing so much as a religious movement, with carbon the new devil’s spawn.

No crap, Sherlock!

Oh, and “carbon offsets” as the new paid-for “indulgences.” And Al Gore as the Pope of Global Warming! And …

Yeah, it’s really culty.

I thought even particularly stupid people knew THAT! Yeah, and water is wet! It’s not exactly a new thing.