when Democrat heads explode. It means something good is happening. I mean, it’s a pretty reliable indicator that if Democrats like it, it is bad for the United States and the common man. Quite reliable.
That really got the Dems going. Gaza is their primary pet victim story these days. Democrats need the people in Gaza to be eternally miserable. People who aren’t miserable are of no use to the Dems, that’s why they’re always painting a gloom-and-doom picture of the world. Happiness is anathema to all of their political goals.
Always remember, Democrats don’t want you happy. They are, by nature and political philosophy, vampires that feed off the misery (and money) of regular people. Let’s not be fooled, here. YOU being happy is a mortal threat to their agenda.
Moral agency, choice, and freedom are anathema to Leftists. Oh sure, they gussy it up a bit with rainbows and unicorns, but OF COURSE force is the bedrock of all Leftism–it just garbs itself in “fair” to hide its ugly, gaping maw.
Because the ugly, gaping maw of Hell is just not a very attractive political stance. It doesn’t attract many votes. So Democrats hide it.