Freedom Lefty Political Philosophy

Yes, I LIKE it

when Democrat heads explode. It means something good is happening. I mean, it’s a pretty reliable indicator that if Democrats like it, it is bad for the United States and the common man. Quite reliable.

That really got the Dems going. Gaza is their primary pet victim story these days. Democrats need the people in Gaza to be eternally miserable. People who aren’t miserable are of no use to the Dems, that’s why they’re always painting a gloom-and-doom picture of the world. Happiness is anathema to all of their political goals. 

Always remember, Democrats don’t want you happy. They are, by nature and political philosophy, vampires that feed off the misery (and money) of regular people. Let’s not be fooled, here. YOU being happy is a mortal threat to their agenda.

Moral agency, choice, and freedom are anathema to Leftists. Oh sure, they gussy it up a bit with rainbows and unicorns, but OF COURSE force is the bedrock of all Leftism–it just garbs itself in “fair” to hide its ugly, gaping maw.

Because the ugly, gaping maw of Hell is just not a very attractive political stance. It doesn’t attract many votes. So Democrats hide it.


Oh please,

let it be true!

Culture Freedom

Well, it IS a

significant step forward.

I think Toyota’s reversion to sanity is especially significant, since it is not only a huge company, but also, unlike John Deere, Tractor Supply, and Jack Daniel’s, Toyota’s customer base is not conservative. It is universal. So Toyota’s awakening is a significant step forward.

I think (and hope) that the LGBT+ cultural fever is breaking. I think the drag queen story hour crap with its obvious grooming was just a bridge too far for most people, regardless of their sexual preferences!

I think I speak for most people when I say this: “I don’t give a crap WHAT you do in your own personal life, just get it out of my face! But when you groom and indoctrinate kids, that is beyond the pale, and I will oppose it.”

No, I won’t have that. Do whatever you want, but leave me the heck out of it!

Now, in terms of state-approved gay marriage, I am against it. But then again, I am against state-approved marriage for heterosexual couples, as well.

I think that government should butt the heck out of marriage. Everyone would pay taxes based on his or her income. Then, if you want to marry in a church, go talk to the authorities of that church. Want to marry in the local cathedral? Go talk to the priest!

And if you live with someone for enough time, a “common law” marriage is legally in effect. Just like it is NOW. Honestly, virtually nothing but tax filing category would change. And that is not all that defensible in any case!

Deeply disturbing Freedom

Perhaps the

biggest thing Biden’s debate debacle has exposed is the deep state treachery that has become so powerful.

For those people who rely upon Deep State programmers to tell them what to believe, seeing Biden disintegrate on the debate stage must have been stunning.  Mainstream news corporations have been covering up Biden’s mental infirmities for so long that too many Americans watched Biden struggle to form sentences for the first time.

… The presidential debate simply confirmed that Dumb and Dumber [Biden and Harris] are not running the government; those two can’t even answer basic questions without discombobulating.

… However, just as pilots take flak when nearest to their intended targets, citizens endure the greatest hardships when the ruling Establishment most fears a loss of control. President Trump is a man with singular fortitude and an uncanny ability to get under the Deep State’s serpentine skin. However much anxiety he causes those who really run the U.S. government, though, it is his hundred million supporters who scare them to death. Remember that.  Legitimate, stable governments do not need to quash dissent, censor speech, or imprison political enemies. Failing systems do. And the more they do so, the more vulnerable they reveal themselves to be.


There IS no

humor in Leftism, comrade!

Jerry Seinfeld took aim at the “extreme left” and political correctness, which he said have ruined television comedy.

Yyyyup! Blazing Saddles would certainly not be made today! What a shame… Because even if I never see it, I want to live in a world where there is the freedom to make such a movie! It’s called, “choice,” and choice is anathema to the Left. Tale as old a time…


It very much

seems that we have to do something about the FBI.

Just ten years ago, talk of eliminating the FBI was not a subject for serious political debate.  But after excusing Hillary for violation of the Espionage Act, an attempted coup, social media censorship, entrapment schemes, targeting of citizens as domestic threats, James Comey’s memory loss under oath, and Christopher Wray’s avoidance of congressional oversight, over half of Americans consider the bureau to be Joe Biden’s personal Gestapo (per Rasmussen Reports).  With that level of public distrust, the need to take serious corrective action has become a legitimate subject of debate.

It’s a tall mountain to climb. But I think it is a mark of rigid, hidebound “Best of all Possible Worlds” Panglossian ignorance to say that it will never happen.


Well, THAT is

good news.


Wyoming schools

tell Biden to kiss off!

This goes FAR beyond guns. The issue is just who has the right to tell local schools what to do.

But “Biden” is running a con as old as time:

Back when the Vikings were busy pillaging English villages, the English raised a special tax called the Danegeld — as in “Danish gold.” The Vikings would show up, and either they’d collect the Danegeld or get on with the serious business of raping and pillaging. The locals could put up a fight but it was usually easier to pay up. Once the Danegeld was paid, however, the Vikings knew which villages were easy marks — and they’d be back for more.

Hence the old expression, “Once you pay the Danegeld, you’ll never be rid of the Dane.”

… But the “free” money always comes with strings attached. Worse, the strings only increase over time. And even worse than that is the implicit threat that the money will stop. That’s what Biden’s Department of Education is doing to archery and hunting programs: do as we say or you don’t get the money.

… The modern American formula of the old English expression is, “Once you take the Danegeld, you’ll never be rid of the Dane.”

Freedom Illegal Immigration

Keep up the

good work, Governor.


Yes, yes

he did:

And America is far from perfect, but…

h/t Powerline