Buffoons Political philosophy

The GOP is

not gonna treat her with kid gloves. Nor should they!

It also distracts from Harris’s horrible policy record going back more than 20 years ago to her political start in the Bay Area. If there’s one thing the Harris-[BLANK] campaign doesn’t want to talk about, it’s policy — not hers, not Joe’s. Three-plus years of Bidenomics and foreign policy fails need to be hung around her neck like the fetid, decaying albatross they are. All else is distraction and almost certain to backfire with a voting group that can be swayed on policy.

Let’s NOT get caught up in her tawdry past–that is the way to a loss. Let’s focus on her recent crappy policies, her manifest incompetence, and her grating personality.

Political philosophy

You know, I

find the knee-jerk moral equivalence among most Democrat partisans (and even some writers on the Conservative side) to be meaningless, superficial, and horribly facile. It is intellectually lame–it can’t bear the philosophical weight that is so reflexively put upon it.

Usually, it is an excuse for not really thinking at all, just shrugging and exclaiming, “A pox on both your houses!”

It gives the illusion of being”fair” or “middle of the road,” but it really is just intellectual slumming. It is the patina of legitimacy slapped on an intellectual abdication of truth-seeking. It is avoidance cloaked the robes of fairness.

It’s like Squidward slapping on a bulbous nose on a masterpiece and saying, “There, now it’s art!”

Political philosophy

The issue is that

the Left has no idea how sick of them most people are! Because they avoid reality by not defending their positions–preferring the warm, fetid embrace of the Lefty fever swamp to the rough-and-tumble of the real world.

A great example is Mitt Romney. I don’t think Romney at all understands that he himself is overwhelmingly responsible for the rise of Trump. Romney (following the despicable John McCain) was SUCH a squishy milquetoast loser that Republicans wisely vowed never to go that route again. I mean, Romney was winning after the first debate, but he was too much of a Lefty wimp to drive that dagger in to the hilt. So he lost. He IS a loser!

So Republicans went for an unknown. They rejected all the “typical “ candidates who were in the GOP Primaries. Why? Because Trump is wasn’t a Romney-esque loser. And it turned out that he was a very good President. 

So Romney, just shut up! We are just done with RINOs turds like you. We have outgrown you…

Moral Agency Political philosophy

Understand, the

Left is the party of violence.


All these were Conservatives physically attacked by Leftists.

Now name some (within the last 50 years, please) of Leftists physically attacked by a Conservative. Go ahead, I’ll wait…

Understand well, Leftism IS the political philosophy of violence! If a group is violent, it is a VERY safe bet that they are Leftist! Look around–BLM and ANTIFA are merely recent “flavors” of this same ol’ crap sandwich.

At heart, Leftism is about force, violence, and lack of moral agency. “Saving” everyone by removing the ability to choose. Conservatives, OTOH, tend to value free choice and personal liberty. They value conversion over coercion.

Now YOU have to decide what YOU believe!

Political philosophy Straddle

This November

you have a choice. You can choose Gestapo-like despotism, the raging squalor and FORCE of Leftism.

Or you can choose a rising economic tide and a strong tendency toward freedom. The choice is now getting to be quite clear.

The contrast between the two approaches simply could not be in higher relief. The two approaches are NOT roughly equal–it makes a big difference how you vote. And any historical empiricist knows that there is a HUGE difference between the two approaches.

Me? I choose moral agency and as much freedom as possible. YOU need to decide what YOU value. But the divide between the two governing philosophies has rapidly become a yawning chasm. And you can no longer do a RINO (or outright Leftist) “straddle” of the gap. You are going to have to jump to one side or the other.

Choose wisely, grasshopper…

Political philosophy

Look, things

are changing.

This ain’t your father’s Democrat party! And YOU didn’t leave them. THEY left YOU!

The scientific data are quite clear: Democrats have become much more extreme over the last 20 years!

Political philosophy

Yes, yes.

It’s good to see. Say it with me: “It’s not just the United States that is rejecting Leftism and Globalism.”

Far-right parties rattled the traditional powers in the European Union and made major gains in parliamentary elections Sunday, dealing an especially humiliating defeat to French President Emmanuel Macron.

Far Right? Uh, no. That is an execrable dodge. But the ARE right so far…

Leftugees Political philosophy

In some ways, a

“National Divorce” has already happened. Or is already happening. People are streaming out of Democrat states like CA, IL, Oregon, and NY, fleeing to “free” states like Texas, Florida, the Dakotas, Tennessee, Idaho, and Utah.

And it is scary for residents of those states. VERY scary. Because we don’t know how these “Leftugees” will affect the states. The fear is that they will again soil their own nests with Lefty policies.

Yet moving is NOT easy. You have to be pretty dang motivated to do so. You have to really want something different. You have to have a mindset of change.

And so far, the data show the Conservatives in Lefty states are much, much more motivated to leave and seek a better life than Leftists are–they want to remain in the warm, sticky embrace of the Lefty fever swamps.

In FL, the Leftugees are, on the whole, actually more Conservative than the residents! So yes, it’s scary for the residents. But Florida is no longer a toss-up state–it is solidly red. So just how the migration will actually change things in target states is really not at all clear right now.

Because once people have been forced to drink out of the bitter cup of Leftism, they are often not eager to again stain their lips…

Political philosophy


pretty much! But actually, it’s also their foreign policy that really sucks!

I think virtually ALL Conservatives are down with general Libertarian principles. And libertarian economics has LONG been a guiding Conservative way of thinking. Count me (and other thinking people) in!

But actually being in the absurd Libertarian party? No thanks. THAT is pretty much just about smoking pot and being a hermit. And THAT is why they chronically get 3% of the vote! It’s the Shaggy from Scooby-doo party…

Let’s just say that they cater a TON of food at their meetings. Because everyone has the munchies!

Political philosophy

Honestly, the

threat to Democrats is the utter failure of Leftism itself. Even SF voted out their Lefty DA!

Look, Leftism just doesn’t work. And voters are catching on. This is NOT just a repudiation of a senile Joe Biden. The failure cannot be laid at the feet of a bad candidate or leader. It is really a rejection of lame-O Leftism itself. It is NOT a “cult of Trump,” it is a return to solid and wise conservative policies.

Democrats have ample reason to “freak out” about their incoherent and doddering leader. But they would also be well-served to realise that voters do not like to live in a failed state. After all, the deep blue bastions now lag behind the red states in nearly every conceivable category. 

Now I have no delusions that, for example, CA will vote for Trump. But if they vote for the hard Lefty RFK, Jr. that is almost as good…