
You need to

think twice before voting for Kamala!

Buffoons Political philosophy

The GOP is

not gonna treat her with kid gloves. Nor should they!

It also distracts from Harris’s horrible policy record going back more than 20 years ago to her political start in the Bay Area. If there’s one thing the Harris-[BLANK] campaign doesn’t want to talk about, it’s policy — not hers, not Joe’s. Three-plus years of Bidenomics and foreign policy fails need to be hung around her neck like the fetid, decaying albatross they are. All else is distraction and almost certain to backfire with a voting group that can be swayed on policy.

Let’s NOT get caught up in her tawdry past–that is the way to a loss. Let’s focus on her recent crappy policies, her manifest incompetence, and her grating personality.

Buffoons Current Events

Even you,

pencil-neck-boy? Is there no honor among thieves? Yeah, he must be seeing something pretty dang bad in the internal polling!

Internal polling must be showing a disaster is coming for the Democrats because Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif) is now publicly urging President Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential election. Schiff cites concerns within the Democratic base about Biden’s ability to defeat former President Donald Trump.

…“I think if he is our nominee, I think we lose,” Schiff said. “And we may very, very well lose the Senate and lose our chance to take back the House.”


Holy kee-rap!

It just gets worse and worse!

WHO made the decision to divert the resources to Jill Biden’s event?

We’d ALL like to know!

Buffoons Current Events

Oh my!

Joe’s rally in Michigan was truly MASSIVE!

Uhm, this guy got 81 million votes? Riiiight…

I mean, REALLY?

But Democrats have chosen well; They have chosen to demonize Trump rather than focus in on Joe Biden. It’s a strategy that got the election within the margin of fraud in 2020. Will it do so again? It might. Stay tuned…

And honest people need to stay vigilant!

Buffoons Dementia Joe

Joe Biden

represents YOU as only HE can!

But he has to admit that Trump was right:

But it was sometimes hard to know what he was actually saying…


Yeah, we freakin’

TOLD you!

Buffoons Captain Obvious

It seems that

Joe Biden’s appeal is, in the immortal words of the character Ian Faith in Spinal Tap, getting quite a bit more, uh, selective.

That said (and it warms my heart) Joe has doubled down and insists that he is staying in. Yeah, I pretty much don’t believe that, but I sure want it to be true…

In any case, I sure love to see this conflict with the Democrats!

Bizarre Buffoons

Kinda “funny”

how things change, eh?

Oh, and theBiden campaign has a new advertising theme!


Sure, Joe.

We ALL know it’s just about what you want at the moment!

“Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can — as simply and straightforward as I can: I am running … no one’s pushing me out. I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end and we’re going to win,” Biden said on the call.

You can almost hear Joe shout, “It’s not a toomah!” 

Minutes after Biden and Zients wrapped their calls, The New York Times and Siena College published their much anticipated post-debate survey, which found that Trump now leads Biden 49 percent to 43 percent among likely voters nationally — a 3-point shift from before the debate