Media Flying Monkeys

Gee, what did

the NYT edit in their choice of photo, and why?

Here is the original:

It’s from a slightly different angle from the Post one and they cropped it and edited it to remove almost all of the flag.

Dishonesty Media Flying Monkeys

The REAL problem

is not just Biden, but the now-obvious dishonesty of the MSM! And it may bring the whole house of cards a-tumblin down!

What the regime media is going to find is its already limited credibility even more hamstrung, and that’s great because the regime media has been a potent weapon in the Democrat arsenal. …The leftist messaging was hidden behind a haze of objectivity and delivered by nice ladies and men who pretended not to have an agenda when they totally had an agenda.

Media Flying Monkeys MSM Palace Guard

Oh wow!

It’s pretty disgusting, if you believe in a free press! And a “reporter” got fired over it.

As we previously reported, both segments were pre-recorded. Further, both radio hosts, WURD’s Andrea Lawful-Sanders and Civic Media’s Earl Ingram, admitted after the fact that the Biden campaign submitted questions to them in advance of the interviews, most of which were used in the back-and-forth exchanges. 

The fallout from those revelations was news from Philadelphia-based WURD that they had “parted ways” with Lawful-Sanders, adding that “WURD Radio is not a mouthpiece for the Biden or any other Administration.”

Media Flying Monkeys

I think it is now

quite clear that the MSM is starting to turn on Joe Biden.

A little. It really is self-preservation–they need that escape hatch open! That is particularly so since it appears that Trump is making significant progress!

But let’s NOT be fooled–the MSM didn’t suddenly “get religion.” No, they already HAD their fanatic religion of Leftism, and that has not changed one bit. They are just doing a strategic retreat.

REALLY Carl? And yet you, who pretends to be a journalist, said nothing all this time?

I guess what is offensively aggravating is that the MSM has studiously broadcast the DNC lies when they should have been fearless and independent truth-tellers. But they were not guard dogs, they were yappy Democrat lap-dogs! They were a snarling Chihuahua.

And now they are rats jumping off a sinking ship. See, they want us to forget what we have seen, what they really are. Well, I see them for what they are…

And as of yet, there is just no evidence of real change. IF such change actually comes, I suspect that it will take a new generation of reporters and editors.

Media Flying Monkeys MSM Palace Guard

Yes, it absolutely


You should be angry that the MSM deliberately lied to you and duped you! No wonder few trust them anymore…

A Butt-Kicking Buffoons Civil Rights Fools Media Flying Monkeys

Wow! Tucker

is brutally funny!

Oh, you gotta watch this! Like most people, he is offended by stupidity…

Media Flying Monkeys

This is CNN!

You can’t just state the facts!

Hunt knew that Leavitt was right, and she simply couldn’t handle the truth. The truth is that Tapper, like pretty much everyone at CNN, is anti-Trump. CNN’s personalities don’t care about facts or journalist standards. They threw that all out years ago. We saw it badly when the media, Tapper included, treated the Russian collusion narrative as legitimate and even claimed the Russiagate dossier was corroborated.

Current Events Media Flying Monkeys MSM Toadies

You KNOW it’s

bad when the MSN toadies have to start telling the truth a little!

The most liberal-friendly media — MSNBC — is now openly revealing the unspoken truth: Biden’s campaign is in trouble after the massive fundraising numbers by the Trump campaign in the month of May. 

Bad Faith Media Flying Monkeys

It is true, and

it is more than a bit disturbing. “Blackout drunk on their own kool-aid.” Yes, yes they are.

People often insist that the MSM hacks who lie for a living in service of the Democratic National Committee are fully aware that they’re belching up propaganda manure. I would say that’s usually true. It is a very different story when it comes to President LOLEightyonemillion, however. 

Trump Derangement Syndrome is real and permanently warps the minds of those it affects. After creating a Joe Biden who never existed out of whole cloth in 2020, and then having to constantly reinforce it in the face of overwhelming evidence that they’re full of it, they’ve cracked. They now actually believe their own fiction. As we discussed in yesterday’s Briefing, the flying monkeys have taken great offense to the article in the Wall Street Journal that said Biden is losing it. 

The MSM is selling an anti-Trump drug, and they have failed to learn the first lesson of drug dealing: Don’t chow down on your own inventory.

Evil Clown Media Flying Monkeys

Cue the world’s

smallest violin.

MSNBC hosts Andrea Mitchell and Chris Jansing appeared concerned Thursday that jurors won’t convict 2024 presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and “take away” his “chance to be president.”