
Dogs can be

pretty dang smart!

Current Events Humor


pretty much…


The memes are


(h/t ASK)

Current Events Humor

Uhm, yes.

Why wouldn’t you? You were materially damaged by someone lying. That said, I seriously doubt he can make it stick, and it is almost for sure not worth the effort. Of course. This is about PR, not legalities. DUH!

This may be one of the stranger items to come out of an already hectic and bizarre news cycle this weekend. The GOP in general and specifically the Trump campaign have flushed countless millions of dollars into campaigning against Joe Biden, who continued to insist that he would be running for a second term. After he finally announced yesterday that he would be leaving the race, the entire picture changed. This led Donald Trump to take to his Truth Social media platform and posit a question. Should the GOP seek reimbursement for fraud after spending all of that money focusing on someone who clearly was not going to be serving a second term? 

Unexpected or “black swan” is one thing. Maliciously withholding information is quite another.

Now OF COURSE he wasn’t serious when Trump said it, but there IS a grain of truth, there–like in all good satire. The term “reparations” is the tip-off that this is an incisive joke. And Lefties famously have no sense of humor (“Yawohl!”), so they will be very concrete about this!

Current Events Humor

DNC manuscript


I dunno. Biden has been pretty adamant that he won’t go. And he seems to have burned his own ships behind him in his open and public criticism of the Democrat Holy Trinity of Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer.


Oh my!

It’s pretty dang funny!

Washington sources report that the White House received “a real downer of a prognosis” yesterday after Dr. Pillary Schminton informed President Biden that the only known cure for COVID is euthanasia.

Bizarre Humor

I gotta admit

This one is my favorite!

But there are just so many good ones!

Humor Orange Man Bad!

I guess imitation

is the sincerest form of flattery? Now we can ALL say, orange man bad!

Yeah, who’s the Orange Man now, huh?

The fun here just never ends!


Modern problems:


I think I speak

for everyone when I express relief that they are finally righting the ship. This should have been done years ago!

In a move intended to show its ongoing commitment to diversity and righting any wrongs of the past, The Walt Disney Company announced it had posthumously fired Walt Disney for being a white male.

But now that justice has been done, we all can finally sleep at night.

Yes, it’s satire. Or is it?