Lefty Political Strategy Liars MSM Palace Guard

Understand well,

the suck-up MSM partisans are frantically trying to “memory hole” Kamala’s past. And the first order of business is to “scrub” her failure as “border czar.”

Nice try, Axios! We’re not stupid, you know…

Yeah, it’s happening all over. The Democrat strategy is to hide just how extreme Kamala has been. That’s in line with virtually ALL Leftists, who famously pretend they are more conservative than they actually are.

We’re sick of the deception, and I’m not gonna pretend we’re not. I really don’t mind disagreement. But I abhor deception.

Lefty Political Strategy

The push to

get rid of Joe Biden is again gaining steam. He successfully fought off the last attempt to kick him to the curb, but will he survive this one? I really don’t know.

The big-wigs want to make it seem that he has already agreed to go. That is why the COVID stuff came out, right on the heels of Biden saying he would drop out if it was on medical advice. But maybe not…

In any case, the sand is shifting under Joe’s feet, and I think he is not likely long for this political world.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who is running for Senate this year, became the latest Democratic lawmaker to call for Biden to step down as the party’s nominee. The number is now approaching two dozen, which might be manageable if Biden clearly had the support of the rank and file. 

But an Associated Press poll found that two-thirds of Democrats want Biden to withdraw from the race and allow someone else to take his place at the top of the ticket. Less than a third of Democrats were confident in Biden’s ability to serve a second term. 

Look, I don’t want Senile Joe to leave. I think he is both decrepit and incompetent–just who I want Trump running against.

But you know, maybe he is gone. If he leaves, Kamala will get a little bit of a “honeymoon,” that is for sure. And the MSM and others will breathe a HUGE sigh of relief. Democrats are just hoping they can stretch that to the election!

They need Joe to hang on as long as possible, to keep Kamala from going past her “sell by” date. They just can’t afford to have that sense of relief evaporate too quickly!

Lefty Political Strategy

You know,

it’s pretty dang obvious to even the dullest among us!

No sooner did President Biden say in an interview released on Wednesday that he would re-evaluate whether to stay in the presidential race if a doctor told him directly that he had a medical condition that made that necessary than we learned that President Biden had Covid. 

Folks, you DO understand that this is a strategic move, don’t you?

A new Associated Press poll shows Democrats want Biden out. The DNC has pushed the virtual roll call nomination date back. Donors have let it be known that it’s time for Biden to go. A rough Pelosian beast slouches toward Biden to give him a shove.

Lawfare Lefty Political Strategy

I think we all

know it, don’t we?

Here’s the money quote: “I’m telling you, that case would have never been brought. And if his name was (sic) not Donald Trump and if he wasn’t (sic) running for President. I’m the former AG in New York. I’m telling you, that case would have never been brought. And that’s what’s offensive to people. And it should be. Because if there’s anything left, it’s belief in the justice system.

See, the issue is that the Left has nothing else to run on. Their policies have been a freakin’ disaster. They have chronically bungled energy, the economy, and foreign policy. They have opened the Southern border, creating misery, death, and insecurity in millions.

The bottom line is that life in general (as you chow down on your $15 Happy Meal) is far worse under “Biden.” SO, the only option Democrats have are to further demonize and legally pester Donald Trump. It’s the only tools they have left in the toolbox, folks.

So they spool up hate, fear, and nuisance suits since they really have nothing else to run on. Sadly, many people will be fooled by this ruse…

Lefty Political Strategy

It’s good news.

But let’s not think for a moment that “DEI” (Didn’t Earn It) is actually done. It has just been renamed. It’s good and all, but it really is just a strategic retreat for this nonsense!

Still, it IS a retreat…

Lefty Political Strategy

Gee, ya think?

I would shocked if that plan were not already well underway. (tentatively) Guys, it’s hardly a secret! Still…

The issue is that from my vantage point, I don’t see how they CAN. Kamala is a non-starter, and she wouldn’t go along with being replaced, anyway. And it would really look bad to force her.

Then again, who IS an option? Non-Black is a non-starter. Non-woman is almost one (so see ya, Gavin!). Michelle Obama has repeatedly said no, so is there another viable option who has adequate name recognition? I just don’t see one (Stacy Abrams clears throat loudly). 

So replacing senile Joe sounds simple enough. But it’s not…

Bad Faith Lefty Political Strategy

Who wants

a President Harris? Anyone?

Well, if the Left gets its way that is exactly what you’re going to get after the election and Slow Joe resigns! Already, Senile Joe is really not doing well.

You know, it would be kind of a relief if all the videos of Joe Biden looking like a catatonic extra from “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” were actually the “cheap fakes” that his water carriers are calling them. It might be nice if the nation’s chief executive could string together three sentences during internationally televised events without having an episode. 

Or, it could happen earlier than that.

There are still two months to go before the DNC in Chicago. The odds of Biden going into perma-glitch mode before then are increasing every day. There is a very real possibility he will soon do something that even his media lapdogs can’t cover for. If that happens, enter President Harris. 

The thing about that very real prospect is that it doesn’t make anyone happy. It’s no secret that most Democrats are no more fond of Madame Vice President than Republicans are. I’m fairly certain that’s behind the feverish attempt to create the “cheap fakes” false narrative. White House Press Secretary and primary argument against DEI Karine Jean-Pierre was busy pushing that again yesterday. 

Lefty Political Strategy

You know why Joe

Biden is even still around? THIS is why.

Just three in five Democrat voters said they would vote for the vice president, with only 25 percent of independent voters saying they would cast their ballot for her. 

Fifty-one percent of voters believe Harris would make for a lousy president and believed she should be replaced as Biden’s right hand. Only 39 percent said she should not be replaced as the vice presidential nominee. 

Lefty Political Strategy


they know!

Do not expect the radical left to survey the wreckage of socialism and communism in history and accept that statism impoverishes people and erodes their freedoms. There will never be admissions by our elite that progressivism exists mainly for the acquisition of power by the utopian and virtue-signaling few, who ensure that they are never subject to the baleful implementation of their ideological agendas on the rest of us.

Oh they know, all right, but as long as enough people refuse to see that the emperor is not wearing any clothes, they will not change strategies!

But most importantly, the left is not running on its record of the last three-and-a-half years but instead studiously ignoring it, at least temporarily through November. Suddenly, we aren’t hearing so much about cancelling pipelines and freezing federal oil leases, or so much demonization of the “greedy” oil companies. Instead, Biden is further draining the strategic petroleum reserve and begging OPEC in general and the no-longer-demonized Saudi Arabia in particular to pump oil as fast as possible.

Choosing Dementia Joe Lefty Political Strategy

See, I honestly

don’t know what Democrats are going to do. I mean, it’s getting to where it’s just not possible to hide Biden’s mental decline anymore. It started with really bad policies, went to crapping on the Pope’s chair, to his recent pants-crapping episode at the D-Day commemoration.

He’s slip-sliding away. And we all see it.

I strongly doubt that Biden will ever debate Trump, regardless of whatever ridiculous “rules” he demands. He just can’t. And there’s no obvious replacement for the election. Heck, it seems that there is no possible replacement–one that has a snowball’s chance in Hell of winning!

They recount, in detail, several meetings over the past year where Biden has been forgetful, confused, and out of it. The president, Linskey and Hughes report, “appears slower now, someone who has both good moments and bad ones.”

Boy, if THAT is not a sterling recommendation, nothing is! <sarc>

Now, with his personal condition becoming more noticeable and the Trump trial failing to move the polls massively in his direction, Biden has one more opportunity to reset the race. The debate scheduled for June 27 has become more important than I had thought. A triumphant performance might revive Biden’s candidacy. But a flop could end his presidency.

[SPOILER]: Biden will never debate Trump.

Here is the Democrat strategy: Get Biden re-elected and then have him resign, handing things over to Kamala. So understand well, a vote for Joe Biden is really a vote for Kamala Harris.