A Butt-Kicking

The interview

really did not go well for Joe.

Asked how he would feel if Trump is re-elected in January, Biden said he’d be okay with it “as long as I gave it my all and I did the goodest” [not a typo]. 

Don’t buy the MSM “Old Jedi Mind Trick” and think that the interview went well for Biden. It didn’t.

A few general observations: Biden had a fixed expression on his face for most of the interview, with the exception of a few inappropriately timed smiles. He held a pen in his left hand, clearly there to cue him to something. He repeated the same talking points several times. It looked as though the debate took place in front of a green screen, and they appeared to be conversing in a classroom, sitting in tiny chairs (perhaps to help the diminutive interviewer appear larger).

…After watching the 23-minute interview, it was obvious that Stephanopoulos was sent out to stab Caesar to death on [pre-recorded] television. There’s no other way to spin it. After the interview, ABC political hacks piled on. Rather than reassuring skittish Democrat operatives (let alone the public) that Biden is fine, it reinforced the narrative that he is too old and feeble to remain as the nominee.

A Butt-Kicking

Will the third

time be a charm? I mean, maybe it’s time to stop pushing this crap!

A third judge has ruled against a new interpretation of Title IX set forth by President Joe Biden’s Education Department that adds gender identity as a protected class.

A Butt-Kicking Wisdom

Yeah, MOST of

us miss him.

“I want to leave Afghanistan,” Trump is supposed to have said at a high-level meeting with the Taliban. “But it’s going to be a conditions-based withdrawal.” Hunt recalled Trump saying, “If you harm a hair on a single American, I’m going to kill you.”

After the translator did his bit — and Hunt indicated that the translator was shocked by Trump’s statement and hesitated before passing it along — Trump pulled a picture of the Taliban leader’s home out of his pocket, handed it to him, and then left.

THAT, my friends, is a BOSS move!

A Butt-Kicking


pretty much.

Tonight’s presidential debate ended abruptly when Donald Trump was served with papers notifying him that he had been indicted for the murder of an elderly man on CNN.

I seriously doubt that there will be another Trump-Biden debate! This was genius on Trump’s part. He knowingly walked into their ambush and beat them over the head with their own traps!


It’s absolutely NOT over! Democrats WILL cheat (and probably for a candidate other than Biden). So great battle, but we haven’t won the war yet!

A Butt-Kicking Buffoons Civil Rights Fools Media Flying Monkeys

Wow! Tucker

is brutally funny!

Oh, you gotta watch this! Like most people, he is offended by stupidity…

A Butt-Kicking

Will this end

in yet another exoneration? Smith is very clearly not eligible for that role!

The federal judge presiding over former President Donald Trump‘s Florida classified documents case will allow legal scholars to participate in oral arguments for and against the constitutionality of Jack Smith‘s appointment as special counsel.

A Butt-Kicking Current Events

Senator Kennedy

(the living one) is an absolute gem! Watch how a polite southern gentleman kicks him some butt!

A Butt-Kicking

Things are

getting serious. People are pretty dang sick of Joe Biden.

Former President Donald Trump has secured another $50.5 million in funds for his 2024 reelection bid, almost doubling his opponent’s record-breaking haul of $26 million.

A Butt-Kicking

Reality is

setting in–and Democrats are soiling their britches.

Frustration with President Joe Biden’s standing ahead of the 2024 election is beginning to boil over, as the president himself has begun to second guess some strategic decisions, NBC News reported from a series of interviews with lawmakers and administration officials.

With just about eight months until the 2024 election, Biden is trailing former President Donald Trump in nearly every hypothetical matchup across key swing states. The president is reportedly growing more concerned about his reelection effort and other Democrats are beginning to grow frustrated with Biden’s performance, according to several interviews conducted by NBC News.

… As the president reportedly grows frustrated with his reelection effort, Biden is taking his anger out on his staff, sources told NBC News.

Look, I don’t care how you wrap it up in bright, shiny, Pollyanna-ish wrapping paper–Joe Biden is getting his butt kicked…

A Butt-Kicking Justice

And Elon Musk

is bankrolling her in her suit against Disney and Lucasfilm.