Barbaric! Despicable Evil


If this doesn’t scare and enrage you, nothing evil will!

ALWAYS remember! May they come in? Yes, BUT ONLY IF THEY HAVE A WARRANT!

Anti-scientific stance Barbaric! Epistemology


Just amazing! And not in a good way, either.

All the paper’s authors agreed to retract, save Lesné, who has been under investigation for manipulating data. 

What makes this retraction so significant is that it has driven research into Alzheimer’s treatments for nearly two decades, and treatment approaches based on its conclusions have failed to yield results. 

If the hypothesis that amyloid protein buildups cause Alzheimer’s symptoms is wrong, Lesné is responsible for perhaps billions of wasted research dollars and two decades of scientists following a false lead. 

And immeasurable human suffering. I mean, is my dad dead because of what she did?

MANY bedrock social psychology studies have recently been shown to be fraudulent–the foundational studies we all learned. Milgram. Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment. More currently, the “scientists” at the CDC and elsewhere who totally fabricated data in order to push a political agenda. And now this. Wow. 

Folks, we need reliable data upon which we can base decisions! And to find out that this fraud runs so amazingly deep is more than a bit discouraging. It means that we don’t actually know what we think we know. 

It is a crisis of epistemology. And it is head-spinning. 

I think we are seeing now how important morality is in Science. Because without morality, there actually is no knowledge

Banana Republic of Brandon Barbaric!

Yes, and in truth

it is amazingly frightening! The smirk is nothing but disturbing. The level of malevolence is just out of the park!

The truth flashed uncontrollably the other day at the White House. Any American who saw Biden’s long, weird smirk celebrating the criminal conviction of his rival–former President Donald Trump–won’t forget it. If you care about this country you won’t forget it.

… The media had an orgy over Trump’s conviction. It should have been X rated. The flesh eating harpies of “The View” wanted him sent to Riker’s Island to be assaulted by street criminals. They laughed as they confessed to being so excited they were leaking. The audience cheered and cooed.

It’s scary, and this means that any President could be brought up on whatever charges are at hand, whether it be a Lefty prosecutor or one one the right who feels a total justification given what the Left has done. And so starts a cycle of retribution…

“What’s going to stop a red state attorney general who wants to make a name for themselves to do what Alvin Bragg did, and invent these novel charges and move things from misdemeanors to up to felonies and use legal theories to concoct something, and get a red state attorney general to indict Joe Biden or Hunter Biden or anyone else?”

A warning from Harry Reid from the grave?

As the American political left celebrated the taking down of Trump, there were perhaps a few who could see the inevitable counter reformation to come. Those who understand human nature might see what’s coming. But most of the left didn’t want to take a look at the bed they had made for themselves. They praised themselves and prattled on and on about their precious rule of law, ignoring the fact that they had grabbed the tomahawks, leaving the opposition no other choice than to grab tomahawks for themselves.

The ONLY way out of this revenge cycle is to implement mutually-accepted rules. And THAT is exactly why the Founding Fathers relied on the rule of law! They knew! What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander–equality under the law. THAT is how you set things up!

Because if you are attacking someone and pull out a knife, don’t be surprised if the other guy pulls out a knife, too. Maybe an even bigger knife. Or a stun-gun. Or a .45. Or a shotgun…

BUT, as said by John Adams, Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

Anger Barbaric!

Yes, yes.

Let your hate flow through you

Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) has told voters to reconsider their support for Joe Biden in the upcoming 2024 presidential election, declaring, “You are an enabler, President Biden!” at the People’s Conference for Palestine in Detroit, Michigan – a key swing state with a large, traditionally Democrat-voting Muslim population.

Bad Faith Barbaric!

“Remember when

we fired you for not getting the clot shot? Well, never mind. Puh-leez come back!”

In an astonishing display of bureaucratic backpedaling, Kaiser Permanente, one of America’s largest healthcare providers, is now desperately inviting back the very doctors it unceremoniously dismissed for their refusal to comply with its COVID-19 vaccination policy.

… The tone of the letter is almost apologetic, a stark contrast to the rigid mandates enforced during the pandemic’s peak. It reads: “We understand that your employment may have ended at Kaiser Permanente because of your non-compliance with the Vaccine Policy.”

I personally quit a job at a hospital because they were Hell-bent on everyone getting the jab. And this even though I had an obvious autoimmune disorder!

I was just lucky blessed that I had other options and I could leave. The bastards! So I told them, basically, to kiss my butt! Most people, however, didn’t have that option.

There, but for the grace of God, go I…

Banana Republic of Brandon Barbaric!

THIS is how

you know there is an election this year!

These guys are scumbags. I highly doubt that there will be a fair election. I hope so, but it’s hard to imagine that there is anything that the Biden crime group won’t do.

Barbaric! Evil Immorality

Yes. Yes

they are! And it’s breathtakingly horrific. Scary, actually. REALLY scary!

But now Kelly has revealed how much dirtier the whole thing may have been: The FBI was apparently authorized to use deadly force for the raid. [emphasis added]

It truly boggles the mind, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to see how a Biden voter can delude himself into considering himself moral. I mean, how do you so it?

I don’t know how much clearer this could be, to be entirely truthful. So how can one support it and retain a shred of morality?

Ya see, Jimbo, the bad people are already using the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to target political enemies. Attorney General Merrick Garland may officially be the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, but he’s really just a petty thug who’s heading up a goon squad that does the bidding of an angry, senile old man. 


I really don’t blame

the GOP from being pretty mad. This seems like an obvious set-up.

The current “free speech zone” for the convention is in … Lafayette Park, a mere quarter of a mile from the convention venue. By comparison, the Democrats in Chicago have set up a free speech zone about three miles from the United Center where the convention will be held.


The park’s location sets up a gauntlet that convention delegates will have to walk through to get to the venue. While most [GOP] convention goers will arrive on buses, restricting the movement of delegates and guests because of security concerns is unacceptable, say Republicans.

Is their aim for someone to get hurt? Because this is how someone ends up getting hurt!

Republicans should hire their own security people and tell the Secret Service to go to hell.

Yes, yes they should!

Bad Faith Barbaric! Captain Obvious

Look, I’ve been

telling you this forever!

The recovered-memory movement is a good example of this. In the 1980s and 1990s, the therapeutic community in the US pioneered a technique that supposedly allowed adults to dredge up repressed memories of child abuse, sometimes even from when they were babies.

… Like most of the other hysterias, this one died in a quiet way. Studies emerged showing that these poor, suggestible patients had memories of abuse basically implanted in them by their therapists. No apologies were made and there was no effort to ensure that this sort of therapy never happened again. Little by little, people simply moved on to the next mania.

True, but I really don’t think it was “studies” that put an end to the execrable “Recovered Memory” fad. It was that therapists were getting successfully sued, and malpractice insurance companies started howling!

It ended up that anyone who continued to do this crap would have to do so without liability protection. Malpractice insurance carriers were battered, bruised, and bleeding and frantically heading for the exits! So therapists stopped doing it and pretended that they never did.

I remember well. I was there.

And I suspect it is (and will be) the same with the “trans” butchers surgeons and their lackeys. Even now, people are starting to sue for BIG damages. Surgeons and hospitals are being faced with large malpractice judgments against them. And they don’t like it. The disfiguring “fad” is NOT over, but I can see the end from here!

And who wants to be the last teen sexually mutilated for this goofy cause?

Banana Republic of Brandon Barbaric!

Democrats, are

you proud of what you’ve done?

A billboard in Times Square went up on Thursday highlighting how the Biden administration’s failure to secure the border is affecting communities across America.

The billboard reads, “Hey Joe! If cops aren’t safe because of your open borders, nobody is,” and shows video of NYPD officers getting assaulted by a group of illegal immigrants last month.