Bad Faith Barbaric!

Huh. Now isn’t

that interesting?

Leading experts in Japan are sounding the alarm after uncovering evidence of a staggering surge in heart failure among citizens who received Covid mRNA “vaccines.”

Japan’s top scientists discovered that the risk of heart failure surges by up to 4,900% after a person receives a Covid mRNA injection.

I was lucky. I was able to keep working without getting the mRNA shot. Others were not so lucky…

The research team, led by Professor Keisuke Takada, found that the risk of myocarditis is 20-50 times greater after receiving the shot.

… Among those who received the shots, a staggering 880,999 safety incidents were reported.

And for NOTHING! The shots neither prevented infection nor stopped transmission. They weren’t a vaccine. At most, they were a putative therapeutic. And in that case, the legal indemnification was for a vaccine. And if it wasn’t a vaccine and that fact was maliciously covered up, there is no legal immunity…

You wonder why people don’t trust medical experts? THIS is why.

Barbaric! Bat-crap crazy!

But these masks

are not just primitive talismans but are good for blocking viruses, right? Right?

Remember, ash and smoke and particles are HUNDREDS of times larger than viruses…

Bad Faith Barbaric! Evil

It really is mind-blowing

just how nefarious the Democrat leadership was. Jill Biden certainly knew what Joe’s state was, and she was more than happy to work to move the Biden Presidency along.

YOU have been grievously betrayed! Edith Wilson times 100…

Bad Faith Barbaric! Bat-crap crazy!

Well, it turns out

that having testicles IS an advantage when boxing against women! Who knew?

Barbaric! Despotism

Be honest.

It is a brutal ad. And it is brutal because it is 100% fact. No “spin” at all. If Kamala doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will!

“With the the swipe of my pen…” Be afraid. Be very afraid. I don’t think I have ever seen this kind of reveling in power and raw dominion by a politician.


Kamala to NC victims:

No soup for you!”

Yeah, it’s pretty disgusting, all right…

“You’re on your own, Jack!” Now where’s my ice cream?

While there’s not enough money for hurricane victims in America, Vice President Kamala Harris announced that after Israel took out Hezbollah Islamic terrorist leaders, “The people of Lebanon are facing an increasingly dire humanitarian situation. I am concerned about the security and well-being of civilians suffering in Lebanon and will continue working to help meet the needs of all civilians there.”

“To that end, the United States will provide nearly $157 million in additional assistance to the people of Lebanon… his additional support brings total U.S. assistance to Lebanon over the last year to over $385 million.”

And remember, they have actively prevented private citizens from helping. Wow. Can you believe that? Keeping Americans miserable is their top priority!

Bad Faith Barbaric!

Uhm, this is

how bullets start flying! NOT that I advise that, but people need to be a bit careful. Read it all.

Barbaric! Deeply disturbing

I really hope

it IS backfiring on her! It is just utterly revolting!

Barbaric! Bizarre Evil

Yeah, you freakin’

morons, that’s what happens when you spend all you money on illegal aliens! Now American citizens suffer

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has spent more than $600 million of available funds to serve noncitizen migrants in fiscal year 2024, and now, according to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the agency doesn’t have enough funding left over to make it through the rest of the hurricane season.

We are led by evil people. Their cause is NOT just…

Barbaric! Current Events

Oh man, did

I laugh!

Don’t let the bastards win!