pretty dang obvious to even the dullest among us.
President Biden is obviously suffering from some form of age-related dementia. Everyone can see it. Thus everyone could see it during the debate with President Trump this past Thursday evening.
… Biden’s handlers have orchestrated a cover-up to the best of their ability. The Journal editorial poses a rhetorical question: “[D]id they really think they could hide his decline from the public for an entire election campaign?” It’s a leading question that assumes a negative answer, but the answer is “yes.” They still do.
I am in patient care. A couple years ago a Lefty guy I used to interact with (he has since run away) would challenge me when I said Biden was demented, saying, “It’s unethical for you to diagnose him when you haven’t even seen him!”
I’m sure he got that canard from some fetid Lefty fever swamp… But it just shows the depth of his ignorance. It is just undeniable from very public information that Joe is old and decrepit–and that there has been major and relatively rapid cognitive decline.
You don’t have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing…