Choosing Lefty Violence

Just remember

your choices in November. The differences are stark.

Don’t be a fool! Leftism is ALL about violence. Always has been. So choose wisely, grasshopper…

Change Choosing

Yes, Black people

are tired of being abused by the Democrats. MANY have decided it’s time to try something different.

After all, what do they have to lose?


Yes, the MSM

flying monkeys are indeed starting to be a bit less openly excited about Joe Biden. It has really taken a while, but it is just starting to happen. Let’s track it and see where it goes…

Is the mainstream media waking up to the fact that Joe Biden is more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal? This week, the Washington Post published a column from Kathleen Parker which declares, “Biden’s steady decline the past few years — his stumbles, his search for words, his occasional blank stare — has been impossible to ignore.” She notes that this decline “isn’t a reflection of character; it’s part of the natural order of life, and it isn’t ageist to take note.”

… CNN, for its part, attempts to distort the issue by pretending this is really about age by pointing out that Donald Trump is just three years younger than Joe Biden. But, we all know that this isn’t really about age at all. Three years may separate Trump and Biden, but Biden is the one who gets lost on stage, freezes during public appearances, makes embarrassing gaffes abroad and at home, and has spent 40% of his presidency on vacation.

Anti-Semitism Change Choosing

Jewish people,

haven’t you had enough? Why on earth would you side with those who hate you and are determined to kill you?

Tradition is one thing, but don’t go quietly, like a lamb to the slaughter!

How much more are Jews in New York City expected to take?

… It’s gotten so bad that even Comptroller Brad Lander and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, both normally good friends to Jew-haters, feigned alarm at the open antisemitism they helped to foster.

At long last, haven’t you just had enough?

Choosing Dementia Joe Lefty Political Strategy

See, I honestly

don’t know what Democrats are going to do. I mean, it’s getting to where it’s just not possible to hide Biden’s mental decline anymore. It started with really bad policies, went to crapping on the Pope’s chair, to his recent pants-crapping episode at the D-Day commemoration.

He’s slip-sliding away. And we all see it.

I strongly doubt that Biden will ever debate Trump, regardless of whatever ridiculous “rules” he demands. He just can’t. And there’s no obvious replacement for the election. Heck, it seems that there is no possible replacement–one that has a snowball’s chance in Hell of winning!

They recount, in detail, several meetings over the past year where Biden has been forgetful, confused, and out of it. The president, Linskey and Hughes report, “appears slower now, someone who has both good moments and bad ones.”

Boy, if THAT is not a sterling recommendation, nothing is! <sarc>

Now, with his personal condition becoming more noticeable and the Trump trial failing to move the polls massively in his direction, Biden has one more opportunity to reset the race. The debate scheduled for June 27 has become more important than I had thought. A triumphant performance might revive Biden’s candidacy. But a flop could end his presidency.

[SPOILER]: Biden will never debate Trump.

Here is the Democrat strategy: Get Biden re-elected and then have him resign, handing things over to Kamala. So understand well, a vote for Joe Biden is really a vote for Kamala Harris.

Choosing Fighting Back

“OK, we’re done

playing the mark.” Well, that’s not an actual quote, but it IS the meaning.

“As a Senate Republican conference, we are unwilling to aid and abet this White House in its project to tear this country apart,” argued the senators. “To that end, we will not 1) allow any increase to non-security related funding for this administration, or any appropriations bill which funds partisan lawfare; 2) vote to confirm this administration’s political and judicial appointees; and 3) allow expedited consideration and passage of Democrat legislation or authorities that are not directly related to the safety of the American people.”

I guess we all have to decide who we are and what we stand for. I very much hope that we all choose morality. But we know from thousands of years of experience that that will NOT be the case…

Choosing Current Events

And it’s

only May, yet…

Choosing Current Events Polls

Aaaand Biden

aides poop their pants and go desperately looking for Tums

Because IF true on election day, that is a catastrophic number for Biden and his insane clown posse of malevolent minions!

And that is CNN mind you. You know, Biden cheerleader CNN. If that holds, even a little bit, Biden is freakin’ DONE! I mean, it took MASSIVE voter fraud for Biden to “win” when Trump’s Black vote was only 40% of what it is measuring now!

Maybe that number will fall back to earth. Maybe it’s not real. Both things are possible. Democrats better hope!

Choosing Current Events

When two groups

can no longer tolerate each other, they separate. We’ve seen it many times in history.

And this is exactly the separation that Federalism was meant to prevent! CA does it one way, and ID does it another–and people can vote with their feet.

And we are seeing it in the US now. These guys call it “The Great Sort,” but it’s FAR from a new thing.

We have written about the Great Sort many times, but frankly you can’t emphasize it enough. Americans are deserting blue states and cities in favor of red zones. Liberalism has proved to be a failure by the most reliable measure: fewer and fewer people want to live under liberal regimes.

… So the Great Sort is dramatically reshaping life in America. Liberals face a serious problem: their ability to achieve their goal of making our lives worse is limited by the fact that we can move. 


Yeah, maybe…

I have hopes, but certainly no expectations.

But I would laugh my butt off if the state actually went “red,” even in only a few ways.

The result: a profound Republican turnout boom and rightward shift, a mini red wave that has some Democrats nervous for November and pointing the finger at the state’s newest (unofficial) senator-elect.