Fighting Back

Black people,

Democrats are NOT your friends!

“The Democrat Party likes to treat black people like we’re a pitiful charity. That’s because they are the party of slave owners. They’re the party of the Confederacy. They’re the party of the KKK,” the conservative activist said. “Everything they’ve ever done has been via violence to stifle black progress in this country. Now they’re playing psyop saying, ‘We’re just doing this to help you. You need me,’ We’re telling them, ‘We don’t need you. Leave us alone. Every time you people show up things get worse.’”

P Rae kicks butt!

Election Integrity Fighting Back

If you think that

voter fraud is not a real problem and a threat to representative democracy itself, you are evilly or naively wrong. It very much is.

Still, there are things that can be used to fight back. And it’s time for citizens and elected official alike to rouse themselves from their nonchalant stupor and start working! NOW is the time for ALL good people to come to the aid of their country…

Fighting Back

I think we are

all tired of the weak-kneed Romney RINO milquetoasts who are FAR more concerned about being a gracious loser than being a winner. And a loser Romney is! He had Obama seriously on the ropes after the first debate, but no, he was too much of a RINO wuss to press the advantage. He wanted to “lose pretty” and not muss up his awesome hair, not actually win…

The thing I really like about Trump is, in the immortal words of Abraham Lincoln, “I can’t spare this man; He fights.”

No, indeed, we can’t do without Trump–he fights.

Fighting Back

Huh. THIS oughta

be interesting. I suspect that nothing will happen, though the process was ridiculous. Still, maybe it will make other judges a whole lot more careful! I wish him success.

Fighting Back

Man, I sure

hope so!

Fighting Back

You know,

it’s time to get a little backbone, here. This ain’t beanball! Thank you, Senator Vance…

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) and Senate Republicans on Thursday announced a hold policy on numerous President Joe Biden nominees in response to the 46th president’s “radical lawfare” against former President Donald Trump and other political opponents.

My understanding (I will look more deeply into it) is that ANY Senator can put a “hold” on ANY nomination, and then there has to be a vote of the whole Senate (two-thirds?) in order to overturn that “hold.”

And it could be one Senator. And then if it is overturned, another Senator could place a hold..

UPDATE. Looks like 2/3 majority to overturn.

Fighting Back

Nope! Didn’t

Earn It (DEI).

Whoever came up with ‘Didn’t Earn It’ as the description of DEI might have saved the world. Normally, the clever alternative names people use to mock the other side’s policy are nothing but grin-worthy. This one could collapse the whole racist system. It’s that strong.

Current Events Fighting Back

Wow! This is

a big deal.

The Trump campaign has raised more than $200 million since President Donald Trump was found guilty by a Manhattan jury in DA Alvin Bragg’s falsified business records case on Thursday, according to Trump’s son, Eric Trump.

I suspect that the sleeping giant has been awakened…

Choosing Fighting Back

“OK, we’re done

playing the mark.” Well, that’s not an actual quote, but it IS the meaning.

“As a Senate Republican conference, we are unwilling to aid and abet this White House in its project to tear this country apart,” argued the senators. “To that end, we will not 1) allow any increase to non-security related funding for this administration, or any appropriations bill which funds partisan lawfare; 2) vote to confirm this administration’s political and judicial appointees; and 3) allow expedited consideration and passage of Democrat legislation or authorities that are not directly related to the safety of the American people.”

I guess we all have to decide who we are and what we stand for. I very much hope that we all choose morality. But we know from thousands of years of experience that that will NOT be the case…

Anger Fighting Back

Really, this is

very accurate:

And there are a lot of people who feel that way!