Fighting Back

Stalling is just not

an awesome tactic in terms of effectiveness. Because it is essentially a rear-guard action–geared to minimize casualties while retreating rather than to take ground and move forward. It is defensive, not offensive.

Let them keep flailing; it’s going nowhere for them. They are all so blinded by Trump Derangement Syndrome that they don’t know that they’re awash in futility. What they’re completely unaware of is that these little Facebook high-five emoji moments that they’re having while interfering with the Trump agenda aren’t playing well in real America. 

And you know, there are ways to fight back. And Joe Biden has led the way…

But the stalling will eventually fail. And there may well be Hell to pay for Democrats for using such a tactic!

DUH! Fighting Back

Senator Kennedy

just is a national treasure! He tends to say things that we ALL think. It seems that we as a people are starting to shake off the shackles of Lefty despotism. The jack-booted heel of Lefty force has been somewhat lifted off our necks, and people are starting to clap back.

“This has been going on for a week,” Kennedy explained. “People have been screaming like they’re part of a prison riot. ‘Oh, my God, look at what Musk is doing. He’s looking at the spending.’ And I’ve listened to people talk about the process and debate whether it’s constitutional and discuss how many lawyers can dance on the head of a pen. But you know what? I haven’t heard one single person who’s upset with President Trump or Mr. Musk, talk about what he’s found.”

… Sen. Kennedy is absolutely right—Americans are fed up with their tax dollars being squandered on radical causes and foreign handouts. The American people are finally getting to see the extent of USAID’s reckless spending, and Democrats know that they won’t like what they see. From funding groups linked to terrorism to wasting millions on woke pet projects, USAID has operated with virtually no accountability for far too long.  

Folks, get a clue, here! Don’t be mad about what Trump is revealing, be mad about what the deep state has been doing with YOUR money!

You’re shooting the messenger rather than addressing the message itself. This is just the frantic flopping of a fish caught on dry land.

Fighting Back Justice

If you are a

Lefty swamp creature, the worst is indeed to come.

Historians may someday describe the first seven days of Feb. 2025 as the week that Donald Trump, Elon Musk and a host of panic-stricken Democrats exposed beyond any further doubt the ultimate ugly, unavoidable and irredeemable corruption of Big Government.

For those of us who are both normal and non-robbers, this is great! And I think this speaks rather directly to your own morality. This should tell you something about who you are and where you actually stand.

This was the unthinkable for The Bureaucracy and the Deep State. The deepest inner workings of cashflow streams, managerial end-runs, dummy corporations, contract amendments, deceptive administrative guidance and a host of other techniques used to conceal the operations of the federal Leviathan were suddenly exposed, or clearly in jeopardy of being washed in the disinfectant of sunlight.

There is no nebulous “middle” involved here. It is rather a “litmus test” for you. Be wise. You don’t want to be “weighed in the balances and found wanting.”

Democrat Flop-Sweat Fighting Back

Well, yeah.

Pretty much…

Bad Faith Fighting Back

“Biden” planted as

many “land mines” as he could before he left to try and trip up Trump. And Trump has had to blast them out of the way with Executive Orders of his own. For me, rule by EO is not the ideal, but Trump had very little choice in this case.

Things needed to happen. And Trump eschewing EOs given what “Biden” had done would be foolish, indeed. You simply don’t unilaterally disarm!

The obstacles and landmines Biden planted in his successor’s policy path will be easily cleared by President Trump, as he amply demonstrated just hours after the inauguration with a tsunami of executive orders overriding all of Biden’s, on which the ink had barely dried. Clearly, Biden’s deteriorating state of mind could not have crafted the intricate obstructions pouring out of the oval office in the final days of his presidency.

But I will say that I am over-the-moon pleased with what Trump has done so far! Even so, I’m not tired of winning, yer!

Fighting Back Political philosophy Political Strategy

Strategically, it’s

time to press the advantage.

“Get ’em skeered and keep the skeer on ’em,” was Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest’s timeless advice about combat. President Donald Trump is a Yankee and Elon Musk is an awkward super-genius immigrant but I swear those two have been reading up on their Confederate history.

… It isn’t all fun and games, sadly. The Left doxxed at least one of the young computer geniuses Musk brought with him to OPM to untangle the spilled spaghetti mess of slush-fund spending at USAID and other agencies [ed. actually, it was more like six]. There were two assassination attempts on Trump last year, so there’s no doubt in my mind the Left won’t happily trigger some other nut into taking a shot or two at one of Musk’s whiz kids.

There is simply no question that the Lefty “evil empire” will not go softly into that good night. To coin a phrase, they will rage, rage against the drying up of the gravy train. And they WILL harm anyone who they think is a threat to them (i.e. doxxing, assassinations, etc.).

So get ’em skeered and keep the skeer on ’em.

Evil Clown Fighting Back

It really is


Look, fighting back makes a difference. Biden either never understood that or he acted maliciously. Or both. Probably both.

It’s time to take our country back!

Fighting Back

It would

be stinkin’ funny! (and I mean stinkin’)

Hit ’em where it hurts! Look, they gotta have butt-wipe… Of course, American companies want to sell it, too. But you can’t tell me that if the price of bum fodder went up by, say, 25% that Canadians would just stop wiping! Oh, they might grumble a bit. But I doubt that consumption would radically change.

Fighting Back

Yes, yes,

THIS is the way! May it be merely the beginning of such things!

Fighting Back Illegal Immigration

Go Kristi!

It’s time for a return to normality!

According to the NY Times, a DHS official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, argued that “the last-minute extension by the Biden administration appeared to be a way to tie the hands of Trump officials.”

It’s time to fight back.