Immorality Voter Fraud

Yeah, well

of course!

House Democrats are planning to fight the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, set to be voted on the week of July 15, which would require state election officials to request proof of American citizenship before handing voter registration forms to applicants.

Please understand–Democrats want voter fraud. It’s how they hold onto power! These folks are NOT your friends!

Treasonous moral dirtbags!

Voter Fraud


Wait! I thought that this never happened!

Four Democrats in Connecticut are facing election fraud charges after they allegedly abused the absentee ballot system in order to affect the democratic primary.

Pointing out these lies just never gets old.

Yeah, people commit voter fraud felonies for no reason at all! They know it never actually affects an election, but they do it anyway…

Riiiiiight <shakes head>

Voter Fraud

Voter fraud

is a HUGE issue. ONLY actual or wannabe cheaters say otherwise…

No matter the political aisle, Americans overwhelmingly believe that voter ID is a massive issue.

“Almost 80% of Americans left or right agree that you have to be able to prove that you are who you say you are in order to vote, because it’s really freaking important in this country,” Gonzales says.

Immorality Voter Fraud

Yes, and for

this reason Democrats are totally hosed in November in terms of Georgia.

Don’t you find it more than a bit curious that secure elections spell doom for Democrats? Democrats WANT voter fraud! What does that tell you about the popularity of their ideas?

And so what do you think it all means? And which side are you on?

Voter Fraud

But there’s no

<checks notes> significant voter fraud, right, Lefties?

Senile Joe Voter Fraud

Hmmm… He’s a

senile old dotard. I mean, it’s pretty dang obvious, isn’t it?

DUH! Voter Fraud


it’s not secure! THAT is why Lefties love it so! We ALWAYS knew that. In other breaking news, water is wet!

Las Vegas resident and registered Republican Daphne Lee said she and her family checked the secretary of state’s website on Sunday to see their voter history after she heard from a few people that their voting history was incorrect. The site showed that she and her family’s mail-in ballots were counted for the primary, even though none of them participated in the election. She tried to opt out of future mail-in ballots and was met with a message saying she was not currently registered to vote, and her voting history no longer existed. 

Oh. A “glitch.” How conveeeenient!

Yeah, something doesn’t quite smell right here. I’m not an expert, but if this was just related to a code issue, how is it possible for people who didn’t vote by mail and never even requested a ballot to show up as having been counted?

Voter Fraud

You don’t have

to be a dang genius to figure out how to stop voter fraud. You just have to actually want to stop voter fraud.

Democrats simply don’t want to stop voter fraud. t is really that simple!

Voter Fraud

Uhm, but no

voter fraud, right? Lefties have assured me of that!

Chumps Voter Fraud

But Lefties

keep telling me that voter fraud doesn’t exist! Wait [checks notes], significant voter fraud doesn’t exist! My bad…