
What is important

to you and why? Maybe you need to be a little introspective, here…


Folks, change

is good. Very good. I just want to go on record as saying that I am against the sexual mutilation of children.



It’s time to get serious, here!

The U.S. military will order more than a thousand additional active duty troops to assist with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Border Patrol operations there, CNN reported Wednesday.

Evil Morality

I’s a real issue:

I just don’t know what Hamas will do without Democrats in power.

A sad fact about the current state of the American political environment is that it’s almost certain that most Democrats agree with the Hamas tool’s opinion of Trump. 

… Joe Biden and the Democrats have left bad messes all over the world in the last four years. It’s a good thing that Trump seems to have an inexhaustible supply of energy; he’s going to need it for the clean-up project that’s facing him.

And as an aside, it should be a blaring red flag to any Democrat that YOU wanted the same thing as Hamas. It demonstrates in full relief what side YOU have chosen! Just think about the morality of this situation for a second…

Morality Polls Science

Ok, it is scary

for me, but here’s an optimistic article for you. You know, I can’t help but worry that voter fraud might well win the day.

So don’t get cocky!

I mean, Kamala is truly demonically disgusting. Hearing her crow about how she can destroy innocent people’s lives “with a stroke of my pen” was just chilling!

When I saw that clip, my first thought was, “Holy crap, what kind of monster IS this? And how could a moral person vote for THAT?

But back to the ranch…

People seem to be turning in the right (Right) and moral direction. Almost all the polls suffer from kind of a “lemming effect.” It is VERY difficult to contact people in this age of cell phones and caller ID.

So ALL there actually is is statistical “bootstrapping,” and THAT is indeed prone to investigator bias. You actually can’t lift yourself off the ground by pushing up on your own bootstraps!

In other words, scientific validity is highly suspect! The assumptions and even methods are usually hidden behind a defensive industry jargon. And yet, those methods and assumptions virtually 100% determine the outcome of the poll! As one commenter put it:

One rather gets the impression that even political junkies are one more election cycle away from giving up entirely on polls in general. They can’t build a sample, they can’t find the population, it’s all becoming increasingly imaginary. [emphasis in original]

But in the current situation, polling outfits want to make it seem close enough that people won’t say, “Oh c’mon!” if fraud carries Kamala’s worthless carcass over the finish line.

My worry is that Democrat voter fraud will overcome the voice of the people. I dearly hope not…

Morality Wisdom

Normal people

are really not impressed with Kamala.

So is there a Satanist ME terrorist rally? Because if there is, Kamala would be a perfect fit!

Folks, watch your own morality, here! Don’t sell your morality for a mess of Kamala potage!

Morality Wisdom

There is a BIG

difference between candidates. Choose wisely…


You know,

it’s pretty dang sad. It’s sad that election integrity is now an exclusively Republican value! You KNOW now that anyone who presses for free and fair American elections is a Republican.

The RNC has been ramping up election integrity wins as we get closer to the November elections, now just five weeks away. Early voting has already started in key swing states and ballots have also been mailed. On Monday, the RNC announced victories from last Friday in Michigan and North Carolina.

Democrats hardest hit…

What happened to morality on the Left? Where did it go? Lefties, you need to take a hard look at yourself.

Election Fraud Morality

Look, it

tells you something.

It tells you in no uncertain terms that Democrats want election fraud, and will fight against any effort to clean things up.

Just think about THAT. And then think about what YOU support. Democrats support voter fraud. It is undeniable. So, what about YOU? Where do YOU stand. And can you morally justify your stance?

DUH! Morality

So why are Democrats

so unhappy when Israel attacks terrorists in self-defense? It just seems SO illogical and morally backward! Just what team are they on?

SHOCKER TO DEMOCRATS: When someone attacks you, you can defend yourself…