Election Fraud

Holy crap!

Why does this thing that never happens keep happening?

Lefties say that <checks notes> significant voter fraud never happens.

But, of course, that is a bald-faced lie and always was. I mean, YOU tell ME why someone would commit a felony and risk jail for something that makes no difference to the outcome. HUH?

Remember, first Lefties said there WAS no voter fraud. Then, because of the plain facts, they had to take the fallback position that sure, there might be voter fraud, but there is no significant voter fraud.

Finally, they took the position that sure, there might be occasional significant voter fraud, but it never has changed the outcome of an election! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

NOW their response is, “Just shut up, you bigot/racist/misogynist! And then they leave in a huff. It’s just so predictable!

Captain Obvious Election Fraud Justice

Knock it off,

Democrat weasels! Just stop it! What is WRONG with you?

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court is ordering Boards of Elections throughout the state to follow its previous rulings and not count “mail-in and absentee ballots that fail to comply” with the state election code.

Election Fraud

Yes, well are

you surprised? There are truly few things in this world less surprising.

On X, Schlapp wrote, “CPAC received reports of illicit ballot harvesting at the dropbox location outside Milwaukee City Hall. A witness reported an individual depositing a significant number of absentee ballots into the dropbox before fleeing the scene. Ballot Harvesting is illegal under Wisconsin Law.” Schlapp added that CPAC “is committed to protecting our elections and urges WEC and local law enforcement to investigate these allegations.”

Folks, you virtually always have a camera and video camera in your pocket. DOCUMENT what you see!

Election Fraud

Good! I

hope they win.

Don’t you find it interesting that Democrats are always on the side of less election security? You know, that should tell you something…

So are YOU on the side of election fraud?

DUH! Election Fraud

Here is a little

summary of the Rogan/Trump interview.

And it lasted three hours! Kamala could not have done 30 minutes. She probably could have filibustered for 10, though.

Democrats suffered a devastating blow when Rogan concluded that the “only thing that makes sense” for why Dem politicians would oppose voter ID is because “they want to cheat.” A shocking new Gallup poll recently showed that 84% of Americans support requiring photo ID to vote. [emphasis in original]

Yeah, well DUH! There simply IS no other reason. It is disgusting immorality!

Election Fraud

Yes, and Democrats

cheat in order to stay relevant. Therefore, Democrats hardest hit…

Disgusting! Election Fraud

It really is

a big deal. Democrats hardest hit.

And the FACT that this election integrity measure predominantly hurts Democrats and only happened over their frantic objections pulls away the curtain on them.

Here is the universal truth: ANY measure that reduces election fraud is opposed by Democrats. They have shown their true colors.

They are NOT who they say they are…

Election Fraud

Well, they


I hope so. We’ll see if Trump survives those “magic, magic Kamala ballots” that will very certainly come in, just like the “magic, magic Biden ballots” did. 

Go. Volunteer to help. Make sure that your phone is charged and you know how to shoot video!

Election Fraud

Yeah not at all

surprised. Not one bit.

Democratic operatives in St. Louis have been caught encouraging noncitizens to register to vote in the 2024 election and support Kamala Harris.

Remember the eternally true rule: Democrats cheat. They are fundamentally dishonest in terms of elections. It is who they ARE, and that leopard is not changing his spots!

The only question is NOT whether Democrats will cheat or not. We already know the answer to that question. No, the question is whether YOU will step up and prevent the fraud as much as possible! Remember, you have a video camera in your pocket and you can immediately send video to others.

Do so.

Election Fraud Immorality

The dishonesty

is truly breathtaking!

It has devolved to the point now that if a person says he or she is for election integrity, you know they are a Republican! The utter immorality of the fraudsters is nothing short of stunning!

Regular people who have leaned Democrat–check your morality!