Election Fraud

Yes, we are

all very concerned. Because it is crystal clear that if Democrats can cheat, they will cheat.

I guess the only silver lining is that Leftism stinks so bad that Lefty national candidates would never even sniff victory without fraud–their policies make most regular people rear like a shying stallion.

The proof that Leftism is amazingly unpopular is in the Democrat necessity for voter fraud. In that way it is self-limiting, though I doubt we will like how those limits will be enforced…

Current Events Election Fraud

I am very glad

to see this.

Cheater Democrats hardest hit…

Fortunately, this past Friday, Judge Dominic Lanza of the United States District Court for the District of Arizona denied this request. Judge Lanza, a Harvard Law school graduate, is one of 234 Judges appointed by President Trump. These judges serve to confirm the importance of having a President in office to appoint judges who are not national embarrassments such as we have seen in confirmation hearings regarding Biden nominees.

Election Fraud

THIS is why

you bank your vote! Because depending on where you are, your vote may not get counted at all if you insist on voting in person!

As electronic vote total errors plagued Puerto Rico’s primary elections earlier this month, Arizona GOP congressional candidate Abe Hamadeh drew sharp comparisons to his 2022 attorney general race, where votes were also incorrectly tabulated by machines.

And this:

The winners of the elections were correctly identified and no one is contesting the results, but the machines reported lower vote counts in some cases than the paper tallies did, and some machines reported zero votes for some candidates or reversed certain totals.

Uhm, just how do you know that the winners were correctly identified? Huh? This is bull-crap! They have no idea whether the winners were correctly identified or not unless they have paper ballots to fall back on. Which is exactly my point!

My recommendation is that if your polling place depends on electronic voting, vote absentee! (NOT a scanner–that is usually just fine, but electronic voting machines)

Captain Obvious Election Fraud

I’ve had Lefties

earnestly tell that there IS no voter fraud. Then they added the weasel word “significant” to it–“There is no SIGNIFICANT voter fraud.

Now they are just silent as the tomb about it and just hope that you forget what they said in the past…

Election Fraud

Gee, what a


Here, there is most often no paper trail. And don’t kid yourselves, THAT is for a reason!

I’m just sick of Democrat voter fraud! And it WILL happen here in November, so buckle up… I’m not saying that it will work for Democrats, but they will for sure try. THIS is why you vote early and “bank your vote.” Because it is the only way to avoid being disenfranchised by the fraudulent Left!

And this is in reliably Lefty PR. Just think, if there were secure and fair voting, would Democrats even win Lefty states like CA and NY? Yeah, probably, but it would certainly not be so monolithic. They would regularly win, but maybe occasionally not…

Election Fraud

But you tell me

that significant voter fraud never happens, right? People just commit felonies for the heck of it, even though they know it never works!

Don’t be a freakin’ MORON! I mean, you’re smarter than that, right?

Election Fraud

I understand

how divisive politics can be. After all, BOTH my father and my father-in-law voted for Joe Biden in 2020.

But they never would have done that had they still been alive!

Election Fraud

Hey, don’t be

a bigot! Just because you are not alive doesn’t mean that you should be deprived of your vote!

Important part of that tweet: “Michigan General 2020 election.”

Only a willfully blind fool fails to understand that there wasmajir, significant voter fraud, here.

Election Fraud

Yeah, THAT is

good news!

Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose has ordered an expanded effort to purge the state’s voter rolls of ineligible voters after an investigation by his office found 137 voter registrations assigned to individuals who aren’t allowed to vote in U.S. elections.

Election Fraud

But remember

there IS is no <looks at notes> significant voter fraud!