Lefty Political Philosophy Lefty Violence

The Democrat

eliminationist rhetoric brings out the violent nuts. Which is just what Democrats intended… They say, “Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?” Then they pretend that they are all innocent. They are NOT. They have blood on their hands.

Yeah, and it’s who they ARE! THIS is the snarling monster behind the façade if fairies and unicorns!

Incompetence Lefty Political Philosophy

You know why

Kamala’s handlers are SO frantic to keep her out of the public eye?

This is why.

A presidential nominee is not going to get an easier question than that. It’s basically the equivalent of asking, “Tell me how amazing you are.” All Harris had to do was lay out a couple of specific steps she would take to lower prices. Instead, she spent a minute-and-a-half filibustering, talking about pure irrelevancy. No person who can’t afford groceries cares that she “grew up middle class” or that the people in her neighborhood mowed their lawns.

Basically, Kamala is an empty-headed Marxist cypher. Interviews just don’t come easier than this! And yet, it is still FAR beyond her very limited capabilities…

The more Kamala talks, the better. Straight up.

Lefty Political Philosophy Lefty Squalor

Honestly, who could

blame them for being mad? THIS is what crappy, stupid, and knee-jerk Lefty partisan governance looks like!

Culture Lefty Political Philosophy

It’s actually not

a big surprise to me, and I think that perhaps the best explanation is the Lefty women tend to have an external locus of control while Conservative women tend to have an internal one.

And Leftists tend to feel angry and victimized most of the time. NOT a recipe for happiness… People who feel more in control and less of a helpless victim tend to be more conservative.

It’s something young people looking to marry should keep in mind…

Lefty Political Philosophy

Joe Lieberman

was treated very differently back then than Josh Shapiro is now.

But the tone, news angles, and stories they did with Senator Lieberman were strikingly different than how they covered Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro’s chances in 2024—and for good reason: Today’s Democratic Party is home to unapologetic, outspoken antisemites [emphasis added]

… If you seek Israel’s destruction, believe Jews have too much influence in American foreign policy, and view the Palestinians as the moral heirs to Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., then you’re not welcome in the GOP—but you’ll have a front row seat in the Democratic Party. 

If you are of Jewish descent, there just is no way you should vote Democrat. They are NOT your friends and they hate you and want you to die.

Even compared to the relatively recent Al Gore candidacy, Democrats have radically changed and are now openly anti-semitic. This is NOT your father’s Democrat party!

Anti-Semitism Lefty Political Philosophy

My recommendation

Is that American Jews wake up and realize that Democrats are NOT your friends. At all.

Mainstream Conservatives are not Jew-haters. But mainstream Democrats ARE!

Jews, choose wisely, here!

And honestly I can’t imagine any moral person not being disgusted and absolutely horrified at these images! Where is YOUR morality?

Leftugees Lefty Political Philosophy

Yeah, just another


But the article is utterly wrong on one thing: The conservative Idaho Tribune broke the news…

Yeah, THAT’s wrong! The Idaho Tribune is FAR from conservative. It has LONG been a hard Lefty outlet. My grandfather was a state congressman in Idaho years ago (I was in grade school) and I remember the disdain he had for the Trib because they were raging Leftists even then!

So sure, Inslee is fleeing to Idaho. Because everyone is conservative about what they know best! But the Trib has always been far Left when compared to the population.

DUH! Lefty Political Philosophy

Look, we ALL

know. Leftism is a dog that don’t hunt! It’s VDH, and naturally, it’s great. Well worth reading.

The administration’s pandering at election time is a de facto admission that its agendas did not work, permanently alienated the people they hurt, and are now being forgotten or reversed—albeit temporarily—to retain power at all costs.

Few on the left praise the disastrous COVID lockdown, the canonization of Dr. Fauci, the mask and social-distancing craze, and the gospel that endless boosters were necessary to protect Americans. Even the left, although again quietly, assumes that the lockdowns did more damage than the virus, that Dr. Fauci repeatedly lied when he swore he did not subsidize gain-of-function viral research at the Chinese top-security virology lab at Wuhan, and that the virus came not from the lab but from a wandering pangolin or errant bat.

… All of the left’s once-grandiose ideas of packing the Supreme Court, ending the filibuster, admitting two new states to win four more liberal senators, and destroying the Electoral College have little public support and will go nowhere. Corporations like Disney, Target, and Anheuser-Busch have all begun backtracking on their money-losing, market-share-eroding woke/DEI agendas.

Read it all.

I think the recent elections in Europe have undeniably shown that Leftism is a lame old nag who is very unlikely to even stay alive, let alone make it over the finish line.

Bottom line: It’s over, Lefties. No rational person is a Leftist anymore. There are now only spittle-lipped partisan goons, rigid ideologues, and ignorant “sweet summer children” in that party.

You didn’t leave the Democrats, they left YOU!

Lefty Political Philosophy

You know,

this is what happens with crappy Leftist government. Folks, there is no such thing as “just politics.” Hey fool, there’s simply nothing more important than politics!

Conservative governance gives you the luxury of superciliously disparaging “just politics.”

On Monday, Rubio’s confirmed that it had closed 48 of its California restaurants on Friday — more than a third of its already slimmed-down chain of 134 restaurants.

Rubio’s, in a statement Monday issued by media strategist Sitrick & Co., attributed the closings to the rising cost of doing business in California.

Economics Lefty Political Philosophy

And the plain truth

is, THIS is exactly why the Left HATES Milei so. He has utterly proven them wrong. They can tolerate any sort of aberrant sexual behavior–but not being proven economically wrong and ignorant.

It’s also why they are desperate to not have Trump win and fix the economy. It’s a dagger to their heart. They would far rather rule in Hell than serve in Heaven!

See, the shine on the apple of Leftist economics fades a bit as one hits the real world.