Lefty Political Philosophy Loser

I think that

this makes Democrats have a stinky diaper! This is all just not a good look for them. And regular people have just had more than enough of this.

“Every Arizona swing voter in our latest Engagious/Sago focus groups said they approve of President Trump’s actions since taking office — and most also support Elon Musk’s efforts to slash government,” Axios reports. “Public opinion can constrain presidents when Congress does not. But these 11 voters — all of whom backed Joe Biden in 2020 but switched to Trump last November — said they’re good with Trump aggressively testing disruptive, expansionist expressions of presidential power that are piling up in court challenges.”

And “swing” voters in AZ? Yeah, they are all pretty much on the Trump train. My message to Democrats:

Lefty Political Philosophy

What DOGE is doing

us astronomically popular! People are just sick of the corruption! Just think of how much lower YOUR Federal taxes would have been SO much lower!

And they’re not stopping. Yet, as we look at the culture, things are changing.

And that popularity puts Democrats in a HUGE bind! Business as usual is becoming more and more untenable. Democrats are going to have to stand as a defender of corruption and graft. And that certainly is not a good look for them.

The other option for Democrats is that they become far more conservative. But I don’t think that will happen, because they hold their lefty ideas with religious (nay, delusional) intensity. I think they are psychologically unable to admit they were wrong and therefore change.

So I expect them to double down. They have NOT yet hit “rock bottom.”

Freedom Lefty Political Philosophy

Yes, I LIKE it

when Democrat heads explode. It means something good is happening. I mean, it’s a pretty reliable indicator that if Democrats like it, it is bad for the United States and the common man. Quite reliable.

That really got the Dems going. Gaza is their primary pet victim story these days. Democrats need the people in Gaza to be eternally miserable. People who aren’t miserable are of no use to the Dems, that’s why they’re always painting a gloom-and-doom picture of the world. Happiness is anathema to all of their political goals. 

Always remember, Democrats don’t want you happy. They are, by nature and political philosophy, vampires that feed off the misery (and money) of regular people. Let’s not be fooled, here. YOU being happy is a mortal threat to their agenda.

Moral agency, choice, and freedom are anathema to Leftists. Oh sure, they gussy it up a bit with rainbows and unicorns, but OF COURSE force is the bedrock of all Leftism–it just garbs itself in “fair” to hide its ugly, gaping maw.

Because the ugly, gaping maw of Hell is just not a very attractive political stance. It doesn’t attract many votes. So Democrats hide it.

Lefty Political Philosophy

Democrats are

suddenly realizing that they have “no coherent message.”

Gee, you don’t say!

The New York Times reported Sunday that, at private meetings and public events, Democrats “appear leaderless, rudderless, and divided.”

Yes, and THAT is why Democrats are where they are now. Their only message for the last 20 or so years has been white-hot hatred and fear of the other guy. Democrats, all you had was a hammer, and so everything looked like a nail to you.

But fear-mongering is far from a robust policy platform, and Democrats have eschewed ALL forms of logical persuasion in their preference for ginned-up hysteria and calling an opponent, “literally Hitler”or “raaaaacissst.”

But that money is no longer any good. Most of us just laugh at being called “Hitler”or “racist.” The spell seems to be nearly broken. NO ONE (but RINOs) gives a crap about such name-calling anymore.

So Democrats either get a coherent set of beliefs, or they go the way of the Whigs. Democrats, if you have assertions based on logic and facts to make, then let’s hear them. But the days of you just pathetically calling anyone who dares to disagree with you, “Literally Hitler” are over. Put on your big boy pants and debate issues.

I know it’s hard for many of you. Logical argument has become the vestigial tail of Democrats! But THIS is your only way forward. Any other road leads to Whig-ville.

A Quinnipiac poll released the week after Trump’s inauguration found that 57 percent of voters viewed the Democrat party negatively.

Lefty Political Philosophy

Yeah, that’s pretty

dang accurate. No freakin’ WONDER people are leaving the Democrats in droves! These folks are dang loonies, and few would voluntarily associate themselves with them–it’s getting more and more, uh, selective, in the immortal words of Spinal Tap.

Lefty Political Philosophy

ANYONE with a

decent historical knowledge of that era knows very well that Hitler and his NATIONAL SOCIALIST (NAZI) party were (drumroll please…) socialists.

It’s not even historically debatable. Did NAZIs and communists fight? Yes they did sometimes. But there were other times when they were two happy peas in a pod. Sure, there were differences between national socialism and international socialism (USSR), but those were relatively minor differences.

That is correct. Hitler always described himself as a man of the Left. He and his cohorts took over the German Workers’ Party, which was uniformly and correctly regarded as left-wing. They renamed it the National Socialist Party. Still left-wing, even more so. The Nazi regime vastly expanded the power of government–to put it mildly–raised taxes, essentially took over private industry from the top down, and, throughout World War II, assured Germans that they would have “real socialism” once the war was over.

There is simply no way to straight-up read the history and NOT understand very well that Hitler and his posse were Socialists!

Of course the Nazis battled the Communists in the streets in the 1930s; that was like the Crips and the Bloods fighting over turf. 

Getting people to believe that NAZIs were somehow on the Right is the greatest PR coup in more than 200 years!

These are far-left ideologies, and the claim that they have anything to do with the right, with conservatism, is nothing but a propaganda coup on the part of Western leftists, who have successfully dodged responsibility for those who carried their ideologies to their logical conclusions.

Lefty Political Philosophy

Please understand

what the reality now is:

The Left, however, is not primarily motivated by hate, IMHO. I think that what this shows is more apathy toward the working and middle class than anything.

It’s not necessarily that they hate you. They simply don’t care about you one way or the other. You might be useful to them as a way to gain and maintain power, but that’s pretty much it.

Lefty Political Philosophy

Yes, yes

it is…

Lefty Political Philosophy

Yeah, because

Leftism is based on violence! That is what it is at its philosophical core! Don’t be fooled by the “head-fake” happy talk. So it’s FAR from a surprise that Lefty violence is showing its ugly head. It’s just Leftism being its true self!

Most elected Democrats won’t directly condone violence. But few on the left are willing to isolate those, like BLM and pro-Hamas protesters, that view it as an acceptable way to accomplish their goals.

Yes, Democrat officials won’t be the ones throwing rocks. But they certainly “hold the cloaks” of those who do. All the while presenting with a smug self-righteousness that rivals the hypocrisy of anything we have seen in history.

In America, Leftism wore a mask of unicorns and rainbows for decades. And they did that to gain adherents. But we are now seeing the mask slip and the inevitable revealing of Leftism’s TRUE identity–there are perhaps enough “Legacy Leftists*” to carry the day.

Today’s hard (and medium-hard) Leftisms are “Whited sepulchers,” who do indeed look good on the outside but who inside are full of dead men’s bones and all manner of impurities!

*People who say, “I was born a Democrat and I will die a Democrat.” It’s not a matter of reason for them, it is a matter of identity.

Lefty Political Philosophy Wisdom

Look, Hispanics

are not morons, and Democrats had bet the farm that they were. And given the modern democrats, Hispanics are not even a good fit.

I think this shows an amazing level of tone-deafness from the leaders on the Left.

Democratic strategist Jefrey Pollock was aghast when speaking with Hispanic voters from South Texas. Sitting in on focus groups, these voters would sound like cranky white guys from red states on immigration. The old assumptions Democrats held about certain voter groups got obliterated this election cycle: Hispanic voters shifted more toward the GOP and Trump, and women voters weren’t energized at all by Kamala Harris, abortion, or the prospect of electing a female president. It’s a massive red flag that perhaps the electorate isn’t woke because most of us aren’t idiots.  

… The truth is that liberals cannot be shocked over these results. He’s been heavily criticized among progressive circles, but data scientist David Shor, a self-described lefty, has warned Democrats for years to steer clear of woke shenanigans and doubling-down on bad immigration ideas, like mass amnesty and pathways to citizenship, which even among Hispanic voters was never popular. He wanted Democrats to entrench themselves in areas where they had significant policy advantages over Republicans, namely health care. That didn’t happen, and now we have white left-wingers hoping Hispanics get deported because Trump won. 

I think that Lefties are often blinded by the white-hot religious intensity of their beliefs.