
The millstones

of justice move slowly. But they grind exceedingly fine….


If true, it

couldn’t have happened to a more deserving bunch of butchers.

The Bloomberg television network revealed overnight into Saturday that in the attack attributed to Israel at the Iranian consulate in Syria, the entire command hierarchy responsible for the activities of the Revolutionary Guards in Syria and Lebanon was killed. According to the report, “the senior officers were pivotal for Hezbollah’s activities in the region.”

Current Events Justice

Yeah, bad news

for Baldwin.

“This is bad news for Alec Baldwin and shows the court is taking this fatal shooting seriously and that it’s not just for show, as his defenders claim,” Los Angeles personal injury attorney Miguel Custodio, co-founder of Custodio and Dubey LLP, told Fox News Digital. “A plea deal would be the best strategy for him right now, considering [Monday’s] sentencing and the information the prosecution has about the chaos on the set and Baldwin’s failure to do anything about it. But I don’t see that happening.”

… “And remember, Alec Baldwin will be in the same court, with the same judge, in the same community, with prosecutors presenting many of the same facts. And he’s facing the same sentence: 18 months imprisonment.”


Now isn’t

that interesting? So whose phones?

Captain Obvious Justice

How about


A judge on Monday rejected first son Hunter Biden’s request to dismiss tax charges brought against him by special counsel David Weiss.


Is there really

any question that Joe Biden is guilty as Hell?

Well, maybe–maybe not, So let him explain himself.

Look, this letter is a mere formality. He won’t testify, and it would be unwise for him to do so. Still, I wish he would clarify things…


You know, this is

pretty dang good news.

Now let’s see if the Court of Appeals will take the case…


Well, you know,

regular Americans typically don’t root for the bullies; They didn’t watch A Christmas Story and hope that Scut Farkus and his toady underling would beat up Ralphie.

And we are seeing now the start of the collapse of the charges against Ralphie Donald Trump.

Few are on the side of the bullies. That is, few who are NOT wacko Lefty shills are on the side of the bullies!

Evil Justice

I would certainly

like this to happen. If these companies lost legal immunity at 8am tomorrow, by 8am + 1 second the shots would end.

Current Events Justice

It was an AMAZING

beat-down by SCOTUS. And the decision was issued per curiam, which means that it was issued as a court decision by the court itself, not one that was written by just one judge–therefore it represents the thinking of the court as a body. The court spoke with one voice, and in the strongest voice possible.

No wonder Lefties are slumped into a heap, crying for their mama!

And it was a devastating smackdown of the CO supreme court. Those judges are probably sitting in a corner somewhere, staring at the walls, sucking their thumbs and muttering to themselves. Pathetic!

The complete, thorough, and utter beatdown of the Colorado Supreme Court by the Supreme Court of the United States … was quite the blow to the Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers in the American judiciary. I