Current Events Justice

This is gonna be

totally LIT. Just FIRE to watch!

Justice MSM Palace Guard

The millstone of

Justice is often very slow. But it grinds exceedingly fine

Federal prosecutors on Hunter Biden’s illegal gun purchase case will now be using a wealth of information taken from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop in the First Son’s upcoming trial – and over the objections of Hunter’s attorneys, Special Prosecutor David Weiss told Judge Maryellen Norieka that the laptop is authentic and he can prove it. Hunter Biden’s past may be — finally — about to catch up with him. [emphasis added]

… If the prosecutors can establish the veracity of the information on the laptop, the information presented is pretty damning. Using the defendant’s own words against him would be a strong case against the First Son and his alleged illegal purchase; not only that, but any information on the laptop, if similarly verified, will be valuable in a host of other investigations, such as the Biden family’s business dealings in China and Ukraine.

It looks like this will really blow up. And if it does, I don’t see how the mewling sycophant MSM covers it up any longer. And this, along with Ashley’s diary, is why the DNC is so desperate to get rid of Joe Biden. He is just totally toxic.

But they really have no other choices that are not electorally even worse. So Senile Joe it is. You can just feel the excitement, eh?…


Jack Smith is

in some serious crap!

If Smith goes down in flames, you might as well call the election for Trump right now.

U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon may have just indefinitely postponed Donald Trump’s espionage and obstruction trial but that doesn’t mean her federal courtroom in Fort Pierce, Florida will lie dormant over the next few months.

… Cannon, however, did schedule a number of proceedings that could be considered a way to put the Department of Justice on trial. In a stunning turn of events, Cannon, appointed by Donald Trump in 2020, is poised to make Smith a defendant of sorts.

… In other words, the government officials prosecuting Trump with mishandling top-secret files–mishandled top-secret files.




Basically, game, set, and match!

Wow! That is HUGE. The turning of the Trump tide? The NY case is a total fiasco, and now this one is gone. I don’t know that there is anything now that can keep Trump from winning.

John Roberts said, “There seems to be no argument, Jonathan, that this was only to make Trump look like a bad guy. ”

Wow! That is HUGE. The turning of the Trump tide? The NY case is a total fiasco, and now this one is gone. I don’t know that there is anything now that can keep Trump from winning. I very much suspect that that is game, set, and match!

Current Events Justice

Well, I doubt it

will happen. But Heaven knows, I would love it!


This Trump kangaroo

court judge has been put on notice. It’s probably behind a paywall, and I apologize for linking it, but it is important.

Only last week, Weinstein’s 2020 conviction on rape charges was overturned by a New York appeals court because the prosecution had piled on unaffiliated “evidence,” resulting in an unfair trial. It was a reversible error. And, the vote may have been 4-3, but oh, boy, did they reverse it. 

Basically, Trump’s judge did the very same thing that Weinstein’s was just overturned for doing. So while this show trial pretty much has a pre-determined verdict, it is clear that it simply won’t stand review.

Judge Juan Merchan has allowed extraneous information and prior bad acts into the testimony to “Get Trump” on something before the election. Merchant previously ruled that the notorious “Access Hollywood” video could not come into the trial — and why would it since it’s not germane to this case? — but he allowed the transcript and a photo from the video to be introduced to the jury. 

… As Matt reported, Jarrett said the first two weeks of the Trump trial had echoes of what the judge did in the Weinstein case. “Nothing in the courtroom last week dealt with the actual charges. None of the witnesses actually testified about any relevant crime recognized by law,” he said on “Fox and Friends.” 

DUH! Justice

What happens when

you let your frothy anti-Trump freak flag fly…

I gotta admit, it’s nice to see justice prevail once in a while!


The millstones

of justice move slowly. But they grind exceedingly fine….


If true, it

couldn’t have happened to a more deserving bunch of butchers.

The Bloomberg television network revealed overnight into Saturday that in the attack attributed to Israel at the Iranian consulate in Syria, the entire command hierarchy responsible for the activities of the Revolutionary Guards in Syria and Lebanon was killed. According to the report, “the senior officers were pivotal for Hezbollah’s activities in the region.”

Current Events Justice

Yeah, bad news

for Baldwin.

“This is bad news for Alec Baldwin and shows the court is taking this fatal shooting seriously and that it’s not just for show, as his defenders claim,” Los Angeles personal injury attorney Miguel Custodio, co-founder of Custodio and Dubey LLP, told Fox News Digital. “A plea deal would be the best strategy for him right now, considering [Monday’s] sentencing and the information the prosecution has about the chaos on the set and Baldwin’s failure to do anything about it. But I don’t see that happening.”

… “And remember, Alec Baldwin will be in the same court, with the same judge, in the same community, with prosecutors presenting many of the same facts. And he’s facing the same sentence: 18 months imprisonment.”