Criminal Negligence Despicable Disgusting!

So, the building

where the shooter was is only about 130-150 yards away from where Trump was speaking. Think one end-of-the-end-zone to the other.

Holy crap that’s an easy shot! I can’t believe he missed it!

But how on earth did the Secret Service not secure that building? THAT is at least criminal negligence! And apparently, at least one person reported the gunman to the Secret Service before the shooting! What?!

I’m not yet on board with those who say it was part of the assassination attempt, but you know, that is NOT a crazy theory!

I mean, the incompetence (or deliberate negligence) is nothing short of stunning! And Kim Cheatle (head of Secret Service) should be fired immediately! At least fired, if not prosecuted.

But Lefties have made assassination attempts on Donald Trump, Rand Paul, and Steve Scalise recently. ALL are disgusting Lefty violence. Before that it was Ronald Reagan. See the pattern, here?

And the Left has LONG engaged in “assassination porn.” I remember it being prominent as far back as Bush II. Conservatives, OTOH, are not into assassination porn. But Lefties sure are!

Disgusting! Election Integrity Immorality

You know, it’s

pretty dang simple: You either want fair and secure voting or you don’t. But don’t lie about your position! Just quit it–we see through your lies…

Democrats and their mindless myrmidons seem to have no conscience at all on this matter.

So yeah Democrats, go ahead and try to do this. But don’t prance and preen about how moral you are!

Bad Faith Cult of the Lefty Disgusting!

I thought I

was too jaded. But no. I am shocked and appalled by the flagrant dishonesty of Sotomayor, Kagan, and Jackson. It is unreal. It brings contempt to the office! Shame on them!

The Democrats’ dissent is so dishonest, and so obviously a political rather than a judicial document, that it must sadden anyone who believes in the rule of law, and who has any respect for the Supreme Court as an institution. It was obviously intended to provide fodder to rile up Democratic voters so as to help Joe Biden (or whoever) win the 2024 election. Justices Sotomayor, Kagan and Jackson should be ashamed of themselves, but it seems that on the Left, shame is an obsolete concept.

But I guess they truly HAVE no shame!

What they wrote is no legal brief, no rebuttal. It is just a vomiting back of Lefty campaign talking points. Wow, how embarrassing!

But again, it is obvious that they are incapable of being embarrassed.



He will. I’ve said many times that Hunter will not spend a single day in jail! Not a single day.

And besides, this is all a ruse to cover the “get Trump” wheeze. You know, “No one is above the law” and all that. It is a strategic move! Nothing more. The ONLY danger to Hunter is if his dad died suddenly and unexpectedly.  Hunter won’t go to jail, mark my words…

Banana Republic of Brandon Democrat Freakers Disgusting!


It’s a brutal ad. Quite accurate, which makes it all the more brutal…

Utterly demolishing!

Despotism Disgusting!

RFK, Jr. wants

to jail anyone who disagrees re: climate. Hey, that’s not despotic at all! Right?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., one of climate change’s loudest activists, said there should be a law that lets authorities punish skeptics and deniers – those who engage in “selling out the public trust,” he said, in an interview with Climate Depot during New York City’s recent People’s Climate March.

“I wish there were a law you could punish them with,” he said, in the videotaped interview. “I don’t think there is a law that you can punish these politicians under … [and skeptical politicians are] selling out the public trust.”

… Do I think they [the Koch brothers] should be in jail — I think they should be injuring three hots and a cot at the Hague with all the other war criminals. Do I think the Koch brothers should be tried for reckless endangerment? Absolutely, that is a criminal offense and they ought to be serving time for it.”

If he doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will…


Yes, yes

it was.  We’re all just sick of this crap. It is very obviously just another lame ploy by Lefty wackos to get Trump! So I don’t really care anymore what the jury in this kangaroo court says. And neither do MOST people!

Disgusting! Dishonesty

What a liar!

Inflation was NOT 9% when Biden came into office. It was 1.4%!

Biden is not an idiot. Well, not JUST an idiot. He is a bald-faced liar, as well!

Disgusting! Immorality

It’s ALL

a frame-up! I think most decent people are just disgusted at what the “deep-state” Lefties have done! How can anyone with a shred of moral fortitude side with them? Honestly, how?

Conspiracy Disgusting! Injustice

Yeah, there ain’t

NOTHIN weird or scummy about this case! No-sir-ee Bob!

REPORT: Soros-Linked Dems Pay Over $500K to Judge Merchan’s Daughter’s Firm.

… “It’s obvious to everyone that there is coordination between the Democrat’s lawfare campaign against Trump, and the Soros family,” Loomer commented.

Oh, it’s obvious, all right! Dang obvious. Even stupid people get it!