Deeply disturbing Dishonesty Hypocrisy

You gotta admit,

Remy is pretty stinkin’ awesome!

It’s hard to imagine anything more deeply disgusting than this! Democrats deserve to lose for the next generation!

Democrats, aren’t you ashamed? You should be!

Again, I don’t think this is all about Hunter. It is to a large extent about keeping Joe’s crimes under wraps!


Yeah, ya think?



They LIED?

Boy, is that a shocker!

Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knew they were lying, but the Democratic Party audiences preferred to dine on the empty calories of continued agreement rather than hear the truth. Some believed it, and others simply and desperately wanted to. Reality is not dependent upon your belief in it, nor is it influenced by your dislike of it; it just is.

Dishonesty Humor Moron

Sure, Nance.

Whatever you say… Now put your head down.

You’ve entertained us quite enough, dearie.

It’s just such utter nonsense! Even the Washington Post couldn’t go along with such obvious crap. Nor can anyone with even a lick of sense! I mean, how dumb would you have to be to believe that? It boggles the mind.

The Democrat message was plenty clear. Everyone knew what a vote for Kamala Harris meant: open borders, higher taxes, rising crime, unvetted migration, the cultural glorification of perversion and insanity, and the vilification and persecution of patriots. By a decisive margin that should actually have been much greater, given what was at stake, Americans rejected that.

… The Post concluded by awarding Pelosi “Four Pinocchios.” It was ignominious treatment for the former speaker of the house, made all the more insulting by the fact that it came from the Washington Post. But you know what they say: democracy dies in darkness and all that.


Fake, fake, fake!


Anyone with

two brain cells to rub together for warmth asks themselves this question.

Kamala Harris was pressed this week to explain why, as vice president, she hasn’t carried out any of the plans she’s been discussing on the campaign trail given that she’s currently in the White House. 

Here’s the real answer: She’s lying. She could have done these things, but didn’t. And she never will. DUH!

Dishonesty Media Flying Monkeys MSM Palace Guard

Word to the wise:

NEVER do a broadcast interview without YOU recording it yourself!

Because CBS, ABC, and NBC LIE! Dollars to doughnuts, they will edit it to make you look like a total ignoramus!

Luckily, Johnson’s staff had a camera running on their end so they could prove what CBS News chose to cut out. 

It wasn’t luck, it was wisdom.


Here’s the edited version:

BRENNAN: So that’s a different accounting than this two percent that you say was distributed. 

JOHNSON: Yeah, so they’ve obligated some funds, but they’ve only distributed two percent.

Here’s what was cut out:

BRENNAN: So that’s a different accounting than this two percent that you say was distributed. 

JOHNSON: Yeah, so they’ve obligated some funds, but they’ve only distributed two percent, and when I was there on the ground, and you should go, bring the cameras and talk to those people there, and they’ll tell you, don’t take politicians’ words for this or the administration’s word, talk to people there on the ground. They have not been provided the resources almost two weeks out from the storm that they desperately needed. 

When I was there, 13 days post the storm hitting that state, people were still being rescued. They’re stuck in the higher elevations and the mountains because the roads are down and all the rest. They need every available resource and all hands on deck, the rescue and recovery efforts still going on, and then we address the rest of it.

Why do you refuse to admit that the MSM lies to you? I don’t get it. It’s really quite clear. You have to bring your own camera because they lie. DUH!

And again, here is another example out of the very same interview:

Here’s the edited version: 

JOHNSON: Everybody should want the law to be followed.

BRENNAN: You know that it is against the law for non-citizens to vote in federal elections. That’s established law. 

JOHNSON: Of course, it is, but here’s the problem. There’s a number of states that are not requiring proof of citizenship when illegals or non-citizens register to vote. We know that’s happening.

Here’s what was cut out:

JOHNSON: Of course, it is, but here’s the problem. There’s a number of states that are not requiring proof of citizenship when illegals or non-citizens register to vote. We know that’s happening. We know that’s happening. Look, Glenn Youngkin in Virginia, I was going to say, he issued an executive order to clean up their voting rolls heading into their elections less than 30 days out, a couple of days ago. The Obama, I mean the Biden administration DOJ, the Biden-Harris administration sued the governor in the Commonwealth of Virginia to try to prevent them from cleaning up their voter rolls. See, that kind of thing creates a lot of doubts in the minds of the American people. Why would they do that? We want, everybody should want the law to be followed.

It’s pretty dang obvious what is going on, here.

Again, it’s clear what CBS News was doing here. The fact that the Biden-Harris DOJ is suing Virginia for cleaning up its voting rolls to ensure non-citizens aren’t voting is not defensible. Further, stating that makes Brennan look bad because she was quick to use the Democrat talking point that non-citizen voting is already illegal.

Despicable Dishonesty

It’s worse, folks.

Kamala’s plagiarism scandal is suddenly much worse!

Well, it turns out she also appropriated Martin Luther King Jr.’s words in the same book.

She’s a fake all the way down! There’s no “there” there. ONLY a lust for power. May God grant that she never gets it!

Dishonesty Evil Clown

Why Democrats

keep nominating evil morons? Al Gore, John Kerry, Barack Obama (evil but not a moron), Joe Biden, Kamala Harris. ALL except Obama were evil morons, and he is/was just evil. Why?

I’m fairly certain that there are smart Democrats out there somewhere, the party just doesn’t seem to be big on letting them rise to positions of power. I dove into this in an episode of “Beyond the Briefing” just last week. It’s true that every political party has its bozos, but the Democrats seem to fast-track theirs to the top. 

… OK, it’s embarrassing if a high school student is caught cribbing from Wikipedia. It’s sad if a college student does it. Kamala Harris was San Francisco’s district attorney when she got her embellishment jag on. That’s somewhere on the other side of pathetic. Kamala Harris is a never-ending series of “hold my beer” moments following revelations that lead us to believe that she can’t possibly be an even bigger trainwreck.

Deeply disturbing Dishonesty Fraud

Uh, yeah.

There’s a REAL problem, here. No wonder Joe Biden picked her–she’s a kindred spirit!

However, according to Stefan Weber, a famed Austrian “plagiarism hunter” who has taken down politicians in the German-speaking world, Harris’s book contains more than a dozen “vicious plagiarism fragments.” Some of the passages he highlighted appear to contain minor transgressions—reproducing small sections of text; insufficient paraphrasing—but others seem to reflect more serious infractions, similar in severity to those found in Harvard president Claudine Gay’s doctoral thesis. (Harris did not respond to a request for comment.)

… In a section about a New York court program, Harris stole long passages directly from Wikipedia—long considered an unreliable source. She not only assumes the online encyclopedia’s accuracy, but copies its language nearly verbatim, without citing the source.

… Taken in total, there is certainly a breach of standards here. Harris and her co-author duplicated long passages nearly verbatim without proper citation and without quotation marks, which is the textbook definition of plagiarism. They not only lifted material from sources without proper attribution, but in at least one case, relied on a low-quality source, which potentially undermined the accuracy of their conclusion.

This outright theft, and HUGELY offensive to any of us who have written professionally. It is the grande dame of all offenses!