
You know, it’s

pretty dang disappointing. I thought I was too jaded to be disillusioned. But no. This hurts me PERSONALLY!

Yes, and the Punkers of yesteryear we thought were rebels–that’s what Punk was built on. But it is all now VERY distressing. They have shown that it all became just a money scam for them.

Billy Idol now sells his plastic-surgery sneer to the highest super bowl commercial bidder, and he has become a sick caricature of the “Kiss Me Deadly” rebel he once was. Pa-thetic!

The Clash cowers in a quivering heap instead of playing “Rock The Casbah.” It’s just so counter-culture and controversial, and they won’t risk offending or being cancelled. The fearless, snarling lions of my youth have become the yappy, cringing lap-dogs of today. It is miles from where they once were. 

And the Punkers of my youth would have mocked them to death for this cowardly capitulation crap! Alas, they have become the old, hidebound establishment losers that they used to mercilessly ridicule…


The culture

is shifting!


As we’ve seen

in history, when fads collapse they collapse all at once in a heap of rubble.

And we are perhaps seeing that with Leftism right now. It is teetering. It has been as popular as disco, leisure suits, and huge, garish collars–and it may face the same fate…

Culture Wisdom


Most people consider themselves to be Republicans, now.


Goodbye, Star Wars.


Look, “The Death

of Expertise” is now a cultural norm in some quarters. What started as a small pile of rocks sliding down a hill is now a moderate avalanche. And it’s not done growing.

For certain professions, an undergraduate degree is absolutely necessary for the post-grad training needed. But a “Studies” Bachelor is much worse than useless–of no value and bought at a HUGE price. A debt that will never sleep, but keep adding interest minute by minute by minute, along with the “opportunity cost” of having spent 4+ years barely employed (maybe) and in college rather than out earning money!

The results not only demonstrate a significant decline in national confidence since the 2023 Gallup poll, but that this decline was especially severe among young people ages 18 to 34, Democrats, and women, with those demographics showing the largest drops, FIRE researcher Nathan Honeycutt wrote in a news release.

What’s more, the drop in confidence from FIRE’s February to May polls shows the unrest and pro-Palestinian protests that have engulfed campuses in recent months has hurt higher education’s reputation further.

This poll showed over 70% who either had only “some” or no confidence at all in Universities. 70%! THAT, my friend, is an avalanche!

Change Culture

Yes, that is

the worry. I’m not sure that is the demographic reality. Not usually, anyway.


Here we see

evidence of a breakdown in our society and the norms we have always had:



lost any “punch” it might have once had. Now it’s like, “Eh, no one even gives a rip… Get some new material, you loser!” I mean, if you haven’t been called a racist, it’s probably because you are a milquetoast sheep!


Tale as old as time…

It’s a story I have heard several times.

Jake Retzlaff, the presumed starting QB at BYU next year, recently talked about how warm and inviting a Christian college has been to his Jewish faith.

Lefties to Jewish people:

Retzlaff said there was a TON of support for his Jewishness there at BYU. Unlike, say, at Columbia in NYC…