really hard to face the truth. Especially if you lean Left!
Hey fool, it wasn’t “climate change!”
really hard to face the truth. Especially if you lean Left!
Hey fool, it wasn’t “climate change!”
a total idiot! This was NOT about “Global Warming.” This was 100% about the incompetence of the Democrat leaders!
On top of that, it turns out that Newsom cut over $100 million from wildfire prevention funding in this fiscal year’s budget.
“Global Warming,” my butt!
dang amazing. Of course, I’m not stupid enough to believe it. I wasn’t born yesterday, you know…
As the Blogfather says, that could be a great pay-per-view. Heck, I’d pay for that!
The Climate Church dullards are an international embarrassment whose only real skill is the ability to move goal posts in order to help them sell their latest load of ideological horse dung. It is a movement devoid of any intellectual rigor because they constantly just make up the rules as they go. Whenever it is pointed out that they were wrong about something, they get blank stares and immediately go into “The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” mode. They basically live in a memory hole.
Global Warming!
Democrats need to pull their heads out of their butts and start following the science!
obvious truth, pal!
point all the virtue-signaling in the world won’t help the bottom line.
a fool. The weather and climate have ALWAYS been changing! And they always will be…
No less an authority than Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg says so, claiming Sunday that climate change is one of the driving forces behind a rise in severe flight turbulence.
is a HUGE menace! I mean, we’re all gonna die!