Political philosophy Straddle

This November

you have a choice. You can choose Gestapo-like despotism, the raging squalor and FORCE of Leftism.

Or you can choose a rising economic tide and a strong tendency toward freedom. The choice is now getting to be quite clear.

The contrast between the two approaches simply could not be in higher relief. The two approaches are NOT roughly equal–it makes a big difference how you vote. And any historical empiricist knows that there is a HUGE difference between the two approaches.

Me? I choose moral agency and as much freedom as possible. YOU need to decide what YOU value. But the divide between the two governing philosophies has rapidly become a yawning chasm. And you can no longer do a RINO (or outright Leftist) “straddle” of the gap. You are going to have to jump to one side or the other.

Choose wisely, grasshopper…


Speaking of

morality, what do YOU stand for?

I think that at some point we ALL have to plant the flag of our beliefs and stop the wishy-washy moral gumby-ism. The time is fast approaching, and may already be here, when you can no longer, with any moral or intellectual conceptual solidity, do the moral straddle of 30 years ago.

Political philosophy Straddle

Open RINOs like Christie

and Romney and Graham are simply a rapidly dying breed. And most people are just sick of these smarmy charlatans–they are pretty much hidebound flunkies for the cause of evil. They are not usually deliberately evil, but they are easy pickin’s for fundamentally evil causes wearing a pleasing mask–they show unbounded naïveté and are therefore prime “marks.” They are un-evolved throwbacks to a political Jurassic era. They really have no moral anchor–so they easily fall for anything. And VERY few people even like them. On either side.

Conservatives rightly see them as fools and traitors, and Leftists correctly see them as sometimes useful and easily manipulated (though unreliable) allies. They are prototypical “straddlers.” They are NOT fully Left or Right, but in the “mushy middle” and have no strong moorings to anything. So they are unstable and therefore untrustworthy.

And like the dinosaurs, they can’t (and won’t) adapt–and they surround themselves with yes-men, and are never intellectually challenged on their positions.

So the day of their power and influence is rapidly coming to a close–they have become intellectually “flabby” because they ONLY preach to the choir and to spasmodically nodding yes-men.

And it’s just not in their nature to change–they will never leave the DC swampy primordial ooze and walk upright. Their political philosophy is therefore now an electoral dead-end. Yes, voters have changed, but not these dinosaurs!

Current Events Straddle

I’m not the

only one noticing this.

But yes, over and over in history, when a group of people get divided enough, they can no longer live together and they separate. And it is just this phenomenon that Federalism was meant to remedy. But I’m sounding like a broken record…

But there already is a separation taking place. People are fleeing places like California, Oregon, Chicago, and New York and are moving to “free” states such as Florida and Texas.

The trickle has become a big ditch, and the strategy of a RINO-esque straddle is just no longer logically or morally defensible. And soon (if not already) the gap will be too big to straddle at all.

… none of this is going to work out for the Democrats the way they think it will. Their rabid partisan hatred has made them myopic. They can’t see that their blood lust for Trump is going to haunt them long after he is out of the picture.

But it WILL alienate normal people, and thus increase the divide even more.

And it’s NOT a “National Divorce.” It’s far more organic than such a formal division. It is a “normal” drifting apart, and the first stages were not at all so vulgar and obvious, nor so so obvious as a “National Divorce.” It is only further down the line that the chasm becomes to large to ignore.

But at first it is a rather natural, “Gee, I never see that person anymore…” Yes, that person is no longer in their orbit.

Political philosophy Straddle

I’ve been telling

you this for a while, now.

We know that historically, when two sides get a certain distance apart in terms of morality, they split. The two groups CAN just no longer stay united. So the split is both natural and inevitable.

Now Federalism was designed from the get-go to help mitigate this known problem. And Conservatives have long looked to Federalism. Leftists, on the other hand, are FAR less disposed to “live and let live.” See, Lefty political philosophy precludes that approach. No, for real Lefties it is all about control, force, and dominion.

It’s NOT a long-term viable mix.

In my often-cited example, when there was just a trickle to straddle at first, it could be easily done. And in the 1970s it was a viable response.

But the water has gone from a trickle to a small ditch. Then to a big ditch. Then to a canal. And now it is a raging whitewater river. The time is here when you can no longer straddle–you can’t stay in the “mushy middle” because that is quickly becoming not a place at all! There ARE no more “blue dogs,” see? Name a SINGLE “moderate” Democrat currently in office. You can’t.

You can be hot or cold, but not lukewarm.


Yes, just look

at what he has done. In chess this is known as a “straddle.” If you preserve A, you lose B, and vice-versa.

Go ahead, Lefties. Make a choice! It’s real-life Kobayashi Maru. But in this case there IS no option of re-programming a simulation!