Democrat Flop-Sweat

Well, I can’t

say that I’m overly surprised.

“No one is picking up the phone,” said a well-connected Democratic fundraiser, who raises money for Biden and the Democratic Party. This person and others were granted anonymity in order to speak openly about private conversations on a sensitive topic.

THIS is how campaigns die–they stop being able to raise money. My guess? Biden’s campaign is dead. But I guess we’ll see…

Democrat Flop-Sweat DUH!

Look, there is

just no way to spin it so it is good.

Democratic pollster John Zogby graded Biden’s week an “F,” and suggested that “Plan B,” having Harris replace Biden at the top of the Democratic ticket, was being prepared. “It is harder and harder to see how he can stay,” said Zogby.

Probably the most severe criticism came from the liberal British outlet, the Economist, which published an editorial under a picture of an old person’s walker with the seal of the U.S. president hung precariously on it.  Part of that editorial said, “Representing America abroad, Mr. Biden will project decrepitude to the delight of China and Russia and the dismay of America’s allies.” And so he will.

Everyone who saw the debate knows that Biden isn’t capable of handling the toughest job in the world. Hell, he’s not even capable of functioning for five minutes in a row.

Dementia Joe Democrat Flop-Sweat

Yes, Biden is

riddled with dementia and is not even capable of directing the U..S. government. And lame-o catchphrases from KJP change that not one little bit!

Joe Biden has been plagued by a series of viral videos of him having senior moments that have called his mental health into question. The White House has landed on the strategy of gaslighting Americans by calling these videos “cheap fakes.”

The videos that have gone viral have only reinforced what Americans already know: Joe Biden is too old and cognitively impaired to be president. So what exactly is the White House doing besides lamely claiming the videos are cheap fakes?

One thing that Karine Jean-Pierre was curiously reluctant to do was say unequivocally that Joe Biden is well.

Yeah, “curious,” isn’t it?

It’s quite telling that Jean-Pierre couldn’t simply say, “Yes, he’s fine,” and that she had to resort to the usual boilerplate White House talking points about Biden’s record, which, ironically, has been fact-checked many times.

Why not answer the question?

I think we all know the reason. The White House may not admit it, but they know that Joe Biden is losing it, and they attack anyone who dares to ask the question. 

Change Democrat Flop-Sweat

Is it time yet?

I honestly don’t know. Maybe. But there just ARE no other good options. And that means for Joe it’s “Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead!”

I mean you gotta wonder how long things like this can go on! Yet it is still happening.

I hope old Joe is very careful, because the only half-decent other option for the DNC is for him to die before the election, thus handing things to Kamala. And the DNC has no problems murdering people (See: Seth Rich). Joe has nothing to fear from Conservatives–the threat is from the Left!

Great option? No. It is a “Hail Mary.” But they can hope that the social norm of not speaking ill of the dead would manifest in sympathy toward Kamala.

Hey, criticize all you want, but what other option is there?

Pollster Nate Silver warned Monday that President Biden’s approval ratings are so low, it may be time for him to reconsider seeking re-election in November. 

“Biden just hit a new all-time low in approval (37.4%),” the data analyst and founder of FiveThirtyEight wrote on X, referencing his organization’s latest average of the president’s job approval numbers. 

“Dropping out would be a big risk,” Silver argued. “But there’s some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk.”

“Are we there yet? I don’t know,” the polling guru acknowledged. “But it’s more than fair to ask.”

NOTE: To be honest, I think that 37.4% approval overestimates Biden’s real approval by about 5%. Silver is notoriously hard Left, and I think he is massaging the data to make it look better for Biden than it actually is.

OK, but if Joe Biden drops out, then WHO? Kamala is a total loser. Gavin Newsom is a non-starter, so who? And it’s not like either Kamala or Gavin would just go softly into that good night!

But who else even has the name recognition? Michelle Obama does, but she has repeatedly said that she is not interested, and I about 90% believe her.

So who? I’m just not sure “get a newbie and depend on election fraud” is really a workable strategy! And that brings us full circle: Prop up Joe for a bit longer.

Bizarre Buffoons Democrat Flop-Sweat

Maybe he was

just birthing a stinky coal baby. Hey, it sure looks like that!

UPDATE: It’s going around that he did indeed poop his pants. And that’s why “Dr. Jill” hurried him away afterwards.

Oh, and Macron didn’t crap his pants, so he could stick around and greet veterans…

In any case, there was some really weird crap (heh!) going on with Joe Biden! Just compare how HE moves with how Macron moves. THAT should tell you something!

It’s not just the clompy “Don’t Fall Down” clown shoes, either!

Honestly, does ANYONE think that Biden even could make a speech like this?

OF COURSE not. Biden has been an absolutely HUGE step down! He is the Filene’s Basement President*. Even at his best he could not have done this. Because the stinky turd (heh) that he really is shines though–we would know that he’s just playing dress-up.

Those high heels would just never fit…

*The oldest off-price retailer in the United States, Filene’s Basement focused on high-end goods and was known for its distinctive, low-technology automatic markdown system.

Democrat Flop-Sweat

Well, of course

they are panicking. And Biden is truly gorked and his handlers are faced with a situation that makes them look totally inept.

Democrat Flop-Sweat The Loony Left

You know,

sometimes I just can’t decide who to root for.

Democrat Flop-Sweat

Yes, the mask is

now off. There really is no question anymore. The good thing is that this in many ways forces people to declare who they actually are. And Democrats depend upon deception–it’s how they get elected!

Most importantly, too, Vance argues that this incident with De Niro at the Biden campaign event outside the Manhattan courthouse demonstrates once and for all what Trump and his supporters have long been saying: Biden is behind these political prosecutions of Trump, and weaponized the government either through his own administration or through his allies including Democrat, George Soros-funded prosecutors like Alvin Bragg in Manhattan or Fani Willis in Atlanta.

Democrat Flop-Sweat

You realize that

this reeks of Democrat desperation!

They had everything riding on the perversion of justice getting Trump out of their way, after all. Trump has been spinning all of the negativity into gold, however. His raucous good time in the Bronx to wrap up last week was probably the mother of all triggers to make them realize that he’ll still be popular with regular voters even if he’s in an orange jumpsuit. 

… That’s right; they held a campaign event at the courthouse. Even more bizarre, as Victoria notes, is that the stunt was kicked off with the insistence that they weren’t there because of ORANGE MAN BAD being in the courtroom. There’s video in Victoria’s post, and it redefines awkward. It was just more daddy issues acting out from people who suffer from chronic Trump Derangement Syndrome. 

… This isn’t a campaign in crisis; it’s a campaign in the midst of a nervous breakdown. 

Democrat Flop-Sweat Strategy

Yeah, it’s a HUGE

problem for Democrats. She dang well better have good and loyal security!

There is currently a lot of polling data out there showing Biden losing black voters. They aren’t switching to the GOP in large numbers (though some are), but it seems incredibly likely that many of them could stay home. Among black voters, black female voters are one of the most reliably Democrat voting groups. If the party were to skip over the first black female vice president to look for another candidate for president, that would have disastrous consequences.

Honestly, how do you solve a problem like Kamala?