Bad Faith Dishonesty

Please, don’t

ask for consistency!


Why the double


I guess we ALL know the real answer to that question. They are being coddled by the Left, plain and simple.


And honestly,

where are the decent Democrats? I’m sure there are some around. Why on earth would they want to be associated with this kind of malicious nuttiness?

There are good people on the Left. I know a lot of them. Heck, I’m related to some of them. We all get along spectacularly. I remain mystified as to why people like that can’t migrate upwards in the Democratic Party or into the media. For the betterment of the nation, I wish some of them would. 

… Of course, many of the good Democrats did speak up in a very specific way last November — they voted for Donald Trump. There could be a lot more of that if the Democrats insist on constantly parading their commie freak show in front of the cameras.


Boy, that sure

is too bad!

According to Adweek, “Looking at its year-to-year performance, MSNBC was down -16% in total viewers and -9% in the demo during primetime. During the total day, it was down -25% in total viewers and -21% in the demo relative to 2024.” Granted, it is up from last month, but I wouldn’t bet on that holding after last night’s self-implosion.

… Last night, these gals sank their teeth into a 13-year-old boy, Devarjaye “DJ” Daniel. He made the mistake of being honored by President Trump after recovering from a brain tumor and multiple surgeries. You know, the young man who always wanted to be a police officer. The young man who made grown men cry and women weep when he was enrolled as an honorary Secret Service Agent and then gave the agent enrolling him a big hug.

These ghouls are just disgusting. And they represent the very soul of the Democrat party!

Bat-crap crazy!

People are

pretty dang happy with Trump’s speech. They are also pleased as punch about what he has done so far. But Democrats stubbornly refuse to get on board. And in doing so they are risking annihilation. Regular people are just not with them at all.

Good news keeps coming for President Donald Trump’s speech before a joint session of Congress on Tuesday. Not only did Democrats make themselves look bad with their antics, but Trump made himself look good. 

Democrats have been acting like petulant middle-schoolers. And most of us are appalled and disgusted. Democrats are on the wrong side of things, here. And they had better get themselves right.

Change Evil

See, I don’t

think so. The Democrat way is to stubbornly refuse to acknowledge that they have hit “rock bottom” and to stubbornly insist that things remain the way they have been. I really don’t think they are to the point of change, yet.

Yes, there are some grumblings, but they are not severe at present. There is no universal Democrat feeling of needing to change. Therefore, no real change will occur. They need to get to the “change or die” phase, where they are faced with annihilation. That is when they may actually make a real change.

Until then, it is just the whining of the damned. They are merely angry that they cannot continue to steal with impunity. I mean, AOC is now worth upward of $30 million. REALLY? Holy crap! That’s not fishy or nothing! They are just mad about there being a new sheriff in town that prevents their scam from continuing.

That is not change.


Trump is doing

things a bit differently now, and MANY don’t like it and let their inner super-villain freak flag fly:

I don’t want to go all “The Picture of Dorian Gray,” here, but these folks look pretty scabby, consumed by avarice and Trump-hatred. It’s hard to hide such things forever. It is certainly done at times, but usually it eventually catches up to them and the decayed and putrid interior is reflected in the exterior.

But I can understand that they are confused and angry that their gravy train has been drastically slowed…

Captain Obvious

And sometimes

I wonder why…

I guess they are just not curious. I mean, what else could it be?

Truth Wisdom

Once again,

the level of “vile” here is just off the charts!

And let’s be honest. There is truly nothing Trump could have said or done the other night that would have gained the praise or support of the Democrats. Nothing. The revolutionary thing now is that Trump is not even going to try to ingratiate himself with the Democrats. Unlike RINOs like John McCain and Mitt Romney, he understands and accepts that there is nothing he can do to change how he is treated by the Democrats. So he might as well stand for what is right.

And I guess that is what is most deserving. It’s not about policy at all, it is merely about hatred. And I don’t like that, and don’t think our politics should be based on that.

But, as a wise woman once said (I’m paraphrasing LOTR here), “It takes but one side to wage a war. And those who will not bear swords can still die upon them.”


Well, good.

He certainly deserves it. And Congress has got to get a handle on it before in metastasizes and we start seeing duals among Congressmen again! It is really getting out of control. And you might as well start with Al “Unfrozen Caveman” Green. What a chump!

He was just unbelievably obnoxious. And he finally had to be kicked out of the venue because he was such a horse’s butt. Yeah, he’s not the “cool” Al Green. He is the evil unfrozen GEICO cavemen clod Al Green…

I’m just a caveman. I fell on some ice and was later thawed by some of your scientists. Your world frightens and confuses me!

All the Democrats had to do was to not act like a crazy and uncivilized lunatic. It was so easy even a caveman like Al “Nut-Job” Green could have done it! But no, it was simply a bridge too far for the psychotically-ranting Democrats…

And it’s amazing how much damage these spittle-lipped morons have done to themselves, here. I mean, let’s be honest. They couldn’t drop their hatred long enough to cheer for a kid with terminal brain cancer. Wow!

Who on earth would want to be associated with them now? They are freaking kooks, and they have shown it–actually proudly displayed it. Sorry, I wouldn’t want that “stink” to rub off on me!

They have become a walking, talking meme. But Democrats simply cannot abide the brutal ridicule that we are seeing now. And yet, that is exactly what they so richly deserve! And the whole world saw that in spades the other night…